Saturday, August 5, 2023

Hello - Goodbye

You say yes

I say no
You say stop
And I say go, go, go
2016, said date and I attend the movie Dirty Grandpa. It was sleazy, filthy language, the liberalization of a do gooder, chock-fulla shock value. Rotten Tomatoes threw an entire bushel at it. But, quoting the Hombres, Let It All Hang Out.  We loved it, filled up a month of needed laughs that hot August night.  Who cares, what happens at AMC stays at AMC. For shame for shame, nope.
Oh, no
You say goodbye
And I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello
Why, I dunno, but two nights later, parents of said date went to see same movie. Got up and walked out before the fourth curse word was even uttered.  Andy, Aunt Bea, the Greatest generation vs Homer, Marge Simpson, Southpark, the damn hippies. I don't know why you said hello, we said goodbye.
I say high
You say low
You say: "Why?"
And I say: "I don't know"
Life is funny.  And it's not. Me and Ernie sat side by side, same teachers, same classes, different desks, same material, lectures. I sat on the right, he on the left. We grew up, HE on the right, ME on the left. Go figure. You say goodbye, I say hell no, hell no hell no, I don't know why you say goodbye I say hell no oh oh. Hay la, hey hello-aHay la, hey hello-a
Oh, no
You say goodbye
And I say hello (Hello, goodbye, hello, goodbye)
Hello, hello (hello, goodbye)
I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello (Hello, goodbye, hello, goodbye)
Hello, hello (Hello, goodbye)
I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello
"OUT!"  OH HELL NO, HE WAS SAFE! Wanna take it to the parking lot? Sure, I'm 50, I've had a few beers, if I don't go to work next week me and my baby won't be able to afford to pay the mortgage, feed the rugrats, but come on you mofo, let's. You say hello, I get a black eye (and broken nose, and orbital socket, cain't see outta my right eye, oh sh*t.) Hay la, hey hello-a, Hay la, hey hello-a
Why, why, why, why, why
Do you say goodbye, goodbye?
Elections, erections, infections, citations, libations, migrations, summations, dictations, mediations, redactions, gestations, commotions, dissertations, oompa oompa chicky chicky oompa.... no, dat' ain't it, Hay la, hey hello-a, Hay la, hey hello-a, yeah, that's it, why do you say po-TAY-toe when I say po-TAH-toe.
Oh, no
You say goodbye, and I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello
So, you gotta toilet bowl, exactly one foot Northa the Equator. You flush, water goes down clockwise. Ernie, the other buddy, is on the South sidea the Equator, exactly one foot from it, flushes, it goes down counterclockwise. You say Hello, and I say eybdooG.
You say yes (I say yes)
I say no (But, I may mean no)
You say stop (I can stay)
And I say go, go, go (Till it's time to go)
Teeter, totter. Yankees, Mets. Sharks and the Jets. Daryl and his other brother Daryl. Boris and Natashi,  Rocky and Bullwinkle. The greatest orator of all, the antithesis with a lispethis. You thay Goodbye and i thay Hello. Hay la, hey hello-a, Hay la, hey hello-a
Oh, no
You say goodbye and I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye I say Hello, oh, oh, oh, oh
You say John, I say Paul. You are wrong, that is all. To hell with you gringo, next guy say Ringo. Hay la, hey hello-a
Hay la, hey hello-a
Hay la, hey hello-a
Hay la, hey hello-a
Hay la, hey hello-a
Hay la, hey hello-a
Hay la!
Hay la, hey hello-a
Hay la, hey hello-a
Hay la, hey hello-a
Hay la, hey hello-a

Enter, exit. WHY do people going into WallyWorld walk via the exit, and vice versa? Oh then we gots this Bud Light controversy.  TASTE GREAT! LESS FILLING. (Beavis says, That's Miller Lite you dumbass). Bathroom signs.  DON'T GO THERE! But I gotta, BAD! Uh oh, too late! Biz bag. STOP the bag talk. You say goodbye and I say hello, Hay la, hey hello-a, Hay la, hey hello-a

Life is an up down world, or maybe left right, heck, I dunno.  I can see clearly now the rain is gone.  Grab your umbrella, Busby calls for rain.  I say it's Belichick. Nope, Brady. Screw you both, it's Andy and Patrick. Bout damn time to get to that ULTIMATE game for the 5th time in Chief's history!  "If it's the ultimate (game), how come they're playing it again next year?

I give up.  Am just about to start. Nap ahead, Yawn time is Hawn time.  Think I'll go for a jog. Wanna fool around?  OK, let's do the hokey pokey.  You put your left foot in.  NO DAMNIT, you start with the right.

Hay la, hey hello-a, Hay la, hey hello-a



Love, Victurd

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A little ditty 'bout Jackie and Shadow..

Victor, that ain't it..  it's Jack and Diane..  Well... (That's a deep subject).. Well, Jackie and Shadow are actually bald eagl...