Wednesday, August 24, 2022

A quickie.......

You have the most disgusting mind I've ever seen!

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not, 'that'.......

Oxford tells us, a quickie is defined as:

1. A rapidly consumed alcoholic beverage. (That wasn't what I thought of as #1, but oh well.)

2. A brief act or instance of having sex. (That..  that's 'that' I was thinking of.. I suppose it'd be like riding a bicycle, been awhile (TMI sorry) but, riding a bicycle skeers me so I dunno.

3. Done or made quickly.  Example, 'a quickie divorce', or, in this case, a quickie blog.

Today's quickie is about kids, youth.  So many wonderful pictures of snotnoses headed back to school... damn cute..  dadgum smart.. brave.. ambitious.. each with the goal of personal betterment.

We of the age of "keep your damn baseball outta my yard" form opines, misconceptions, stereotypes, pigeonhole.. etc.      "Lazy..  disengaged.. not good communicators..  apathetic toward future.. don't take advantage of opportunities afforded them. Not respectful."

In every deck of cards there are a couple of jokers.  In any subset of Americana (I ain't professing to be no expert, just gathered wrinkles from observation) there are flunkies.  Those that fit the bill. "aha, see what I mean?"

Happy to report, I think most of us witness just the opposite day after day after day.

Not all children are afforded two, well meaning parents, guiding and redirecting them with love, not fear.  Some, sans a parent or two, break the eggshell mostly on their own becoming a good person. Nice.  Real nice.

The vast majority of youth, my opinion, are respectful, fun, practice the age old Golden Rule, and it's almost as if mom or dad are standing there behind them, awaiting to see if the need is there to say "that's inappropriate."

Inotherwords, I think society is in fantastic shape for tomorrow, even if they hit the damn baseball in my backyard.

We old farts are perked by things like, getting our undies on without falling, breaking a hip....taking five minutes upon awakening to figure out whatinthehell day, month, year it is. Coffee. Texting without error in spite of the size 8 type. Being 'regular', well hey, perhaps a crappy take, but it is important. Dogs, cats, nice weather, grocery shopping when everyone else is hard at it at the factory.. . simple kinda things.

And youth.  Youth, in our case, pretty much refers to anyone born around or after JFK was in office.

There ain't much better than having an interaction, when one is a geezer, with someone younger... they're respectful.. they listen with interest.. and, color me an old fogey, they use the words 'sir' and ma'am (not essential, but a fixodent to our heart.)

As we turn the corner of life and the 'rules' change from "raise your hand before speaking aloud", "line up at the door", "use your inside voice" yada..... to...  stay active (if you don't move you die).. take them supplements.. eat a healthy diet..  wash your hands (one that was held over into old age).. get plenty of rest..  but a/the biggie: THINK YOUNG.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.

No.. that ain't it.

I screw up, you screw up, we all screw up.


Youth, who live, breathe, walk, talk with pride, AS IF their parents were standing behind them in observation - yum!.......

Well....... if/when we think young - maybe that's not a bad plan for us old farts too.

We all, if we gotta closet, have skeletons in there.  We be human.


For the most part, tradition has even carried into our old age, and we too live, breathe, walk, talk with pride AS IF our parents were standing behind us in observation.

I love youth.

I love rock and roll, put another dime (5 dollar bill) in the juke box baby.

Now, go have a quickie and don't break a hip taking your drawers off.

Love, Victurd

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