Thursday, May 9, 2024

Pomp and circumstance, by the not ready for prime time players......

It ain't me babe, Cher (and me) said today.  

Them Dave Clark guys, five of em I believe, hollered "I'm in pieces, bits and pieces."

Victor, you're actually gluing your reputation as being weird here.  What gives?

People give, that's who.  People give advice, as in, the advice ain't from me, or Cher.  It's all below in bits and pieces, right Dave?

The owner of this blog (poor sap, he ain't made a penny since he started it in 2012) does hereby state "this is crap I've heard over the years... I may, or may not agree with said advice, sharing nonetheless."


I, Albert Ingram, come to you today to wish you well upon your graduation.  (My friends call me AI for short.) Congrats first, for being here.  School, then, caps and gowns, it's all a hassle just to flip that tassel. Below is a bit about life and what to expect.

Make work a labor of love.  Find a niche. Have work at fun. Grandma suggested "to double your money, fold it in half."  While I likes that (beats the hell outta red or black, odd or even on a roulette table, or splitting Aces in Blackjack.)  Think more along the lines of putting 10 to 20% away.  I kinda like the 50/30/20 rule:  fitty percent on needs, thirty percent on wants, twenty percent in savings.

Smile, a lot.  It'll irritate the heck outta most A-holes, and, your friends will take it as "he/she, must be getting laid a lot... or else, his/her Doc prescribed her good drugs."  To that thought, smile.

Pet a pet, they are loyal to a fault.  You'll never see their check engine light come on.  Nor will 'buffering' in bad weather show up.

When the urge comes to 'hurt back', don't. Simple as that.  You won't have to look at terger.  Victor, I mean, Albert, or AI, the hell is terger?  It's REGRET in the rear view mirror.  OK, thanks.  "'emocleW syas igayiM retsiM.

Wear your seatbelt, there are bumps in the road on matter what you drive.

Compliments are like echoes. Ya wing one and it comes back and shivers your innards (in a very good way). Ya hear one and it propels enough pep in your step for a good two months.

You come to the fork in the road, take it.

If you mate for an intended lifetime, will you run into prettier, handsomer, richer, younger, skinnier, fuller, "oh, just this once won't hurt"?  But of course.  But, don't be a butt. Go to ALL extremes to make your original intent your intent. They "Don't hear you when things are off kilter?" GENTLY, grab both collars so you can be assured they are listening.

Are you infallible?  Is any man or woman? There are two sides to every board. Listen, intently, if you find one's hands gently on your collar, or yours on their collar. Mr. and Mrs. Give And Take's relationship lasted a long, long time.

Put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up. (Don't spill the wine.)

You get knocked down, you get up again.

Not a fan of immigration?  Go bark up's tree for your family history.

Children bug you?  QUICK, while your folks are still here, ask them if you ever soiled a diaper, cried for longer than 15 minutes, threw a tantrum in the checkout aisle, ran around the house like a banshee (acting your age.)....

If you are lucky, you'll be 30. Tickled at 40.  Thrilled at 50. "I made it" ecstatically at 60.  BLESSED at anything 70 or over.  You COULD do all.  Plan ahead. Learn, plan, any, everything you can about that age well in advance.

Don't you EVER start writing a blog, pretend you're AI. You can fool alla the people somea the time, somea the people all the time... but sometimes, it'll make you think you're a fool.

Always take a few seconds before you reply.

OK, I did.

Enjoy life, that's what it's for.

Love, Victurd the fool, AI AI O

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