Saturday, August 20, 2022

Go to sleep....... little creep......

We talk and talk and talk about our occupations - which, at least during the week, take up 1/3rd of our lives.  We talk and talk and talk about our relationships, lack thereof, kids, grandkids, hobbies, yada, that occur in the 1/3 of the time we ain't at work.

Not sure I've ever heard a conversation around a table about sleep - but, we do that, sleep, roughly 1/3rd of our lives.

Ever eat a pine tree?  I'm sure giraffes probably have, and maybe that's a reason they only need 1.9 hours of sleep a day.  Brown bats, on the other hand, cave into sleep for 19.1 hours per day.

Huh?  Us?  Oh, newborns 14-17 hours per day, all at once, right mom/dad?  Pre-schoolers 10-13 hours.. teenagers 8 to 10... adults 7 to 9... and us, geezers, 7 to 8.  I read statistics that equated lotsa sleep for old folks to major health problems, but, it's too damn late in life to get bent outta shape about that.

Speaking of shape.  How do you sleep?  Most people sleep in the 'foetus position' which I ain't never heard of but, it's on one's side, curled up.  There's studies of everything nowadays, but, studies show these folks are tough, but with sensitive souls, and generally shy.

Me?  I am 'the log'. On one's side.  Supposedly relaxed and social.  'Starfish', those spread-eagled on their back are reported to be good listeners, make friends easily but, don't like to be the center of attention.

Freefallers.  Are you a freefaller, ie, sleep on your front?   If so, odds are you are brash and gregarious, confident, BUT, respond badly to criticism.  Would it be legal for someone in HR to ask "Ahm, how do you sleep at night?  Back? Side?  Tummy?  Toss that resume' in the trash, she/he sleeps on his/her front.

'Soldiers' (on back) generally have high standards.  A 'Yearner' is similar to a log (on side, but with hands raised up).. these folks are suspicious and cynical.  Another resume' to trash.  

What?  What else did your 45 minute Google study learnya about sleep?  I'm glad you asked.  1 in 4 married adults sleep in different beds. I would assume a locked door means makes it easier than having to say "not tonight honey."

 2/3rds of a cat's life is spent snoozing.

People have done weird things during sleep.  Yeah?  Yeah.  Like?  Like drive a car. Dismantle a grandfather clock. Cheat on a diet. Fix a meal. Texted (usually nonsensical).   Been known to sit up in bed and conduct an orchestra.  Hurl ones self out the window.  Murder.  Yep. In the year 2,000 alone there were 68 of 'em.

And, have sex.  Yes, true. It's even got a name, sexsomnia.  Was it good for you Susie??  Susie? SUSIE!!!!!!!! WAKE UP FOR GOODNESS SAKES!

Deaf folks are known to use sign language in their sleep.  Talking folks can get chatty in their sleep (2 outta 3 people do.)  Untrusting mates over the years have listened and listened for them to spill the goods, but what's said is normally nonsensical, not real.

The record for sleep is 11 days.  So, on Halloween, you could call your boss and say, "Oh hi Stan...I'm gonna take a bit of a sleep.. I'll be back to work on November the 12th, take care."

We 'fall' and then twitch during sleep.   We can awaken to temporary paralysis (normally caused by sleep deprivation.)  Deep sleep for most is maybe like a Friday night for me after 3 beers - moral and rational decision making does not occur.

Naps.  March 14 is "National Napping Day."  I call BS. January, February...yada.. November, December are inclusive of Nap Day.  More men nap than women.  They didn't give any reasoning behind this.. ya think more brain cells that need rest, or less?  The Japanese tell us consuming caffeine before a nap is the best way to increase alertness.  "Ahm boss, gonna grab a coffee, back in 45 minutes or so."

A 20 to 30 minute nap can increase our alertness.

A 40 minute nap can improve performance by 34%. (They didn't mention sexsomnia on this.)

A 60-minute nap can boost our alertness for up to 10 hours.

A 60 to 90 minute nap helps our learning process.

Well, hit the bed Fred, or something like that.  I'm gonna copy and paste those nap stats on the fridge.

Ben and Jerry's, Uber, Zappos and Google allow napping during the work day.  Uber?

Band camp. One day at work, phone rang. Boss.  "Are you asleep?" NO, why?  Someone just came and told me you were asleep in your cubicle?  I'm like, 'what the hey, why didn't they just tap me on the shoulder insteada running to my boss?' I think it was Margaret from Leave It To Beaver.  Forgive me Father, I told a white lie.  "I'm sorry, I was watching my infant grandkid, who is sick.. I got like maybe two hours of sleep last night."

It's scientifically proven, if you read a boring old blog like checkenginelight, you'll go to sleep somewhere halfway though...

I lived with a sleepwalker. Honest, she was trying to get out the window one night.  She was astounding, she could sleep in upright sitting position on the couch from sometime during the Jimmy Kimmel show to 3am when I awakened and got her to come to bed.

We've all probably done goofy stuff in our sleep.  I do take my phone to bed with me -  and I play Sudoku until the peeps close.  Oft times I'll inadvertantly change settings on my phone, awaken to a new screeen saver, do not disturb is on, and, I've called my eyedoctor at 3:07am (true).

Please enjoy your day, and hopefully we can all retire at night counting our blessings (as well as dogs, cats, kids in the bed with us) and fall fast asleep.

I'm going to go to my standard 'log' position for 30 minutes or so before I go to work.

Good day, 

Love, Victurd

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