Friday, August 26, 2022


Plagiarism....   "The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own."

Davy, Davy Crockett..  Born on a mountain top in Tennessee... Kilt him a b'ar when he was only three..  Davy, Davy Crockett - King of the Wild Frontier.

I'm confused.  Fess Parker was Davy Crockett.  But too, he was Daniel Boone.

Daniel Boone was a man, yes a big man.. he was brave he was fearless and as tough as a mighty oak tree..

But too... So was Davy.. I mean Fess... I mean Daniel.. Damnit Jim...

I 'Fess' up.  I stole the below.  One might call it plagiarism, but I ain't passin' it off as mine. Turn me in, take me to jail, I won't collect $200, but I also won't haveta pay $4.99 a pound for ground beef at the Piggly Wiggly.

I was confused as all get out on what/if/should I write about.  Then I thought, "Ball of Confusion" and I done did that some time ago. I thought about writing about cliques, but nah, that would remind me of Jonathan Heasley.

Victor.  Whointhehell is Jonathan Heasley.  I'm so glad you asked.  He's a pitcher that had a really gutty performance for the KC Royal's the other night.  Poor feller.  He upchucked TWICE in one inning.  Manager stayed with him.  Did it again the next inning, manager pulled him.  Cliques make me upchuck, so nah, not about that.

I Googled confusion.  Found much.  One of 'em talked about Great Britain/The United Kingdom..   Alligators/Crocodiles..   Jam/Jelly...   Mule/Donkey...  (What happened to ass?).. Stuffing/Dressing..  I love me some Thanksgiving, but I don't eat stuffing (or dressing) and I was falling asleep reading this article, so nah.......

Found one I really liked.  I AM STEALING THIS...  IT AIN'T ME BABE. Then, that confused me. I thought Sonny and Cher sang that, I guess they did, but with Bob Dylan.  

But too...  So did the Turtles.. Johnny Cash... Nancy Sinatra.. I'm confused.  Wouldn't that make them plagiarists?

Some favorites I am admitting to stealing that I liked, you may not, but that's life and that's why it's confusing:

If you are shorter than someone, it's it possible to talk down to them?

Do prison buses have emergency exits?

Why do we cook bacon but bake cookies?

If God sneezes... . what do you say?

Why isn't there mouse flavored cat food?

If Cinderella's shoe fit so perfectly, why did it fall off?

Why do noses run but feet smell?

(See?  This beats the hell outta Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, cliques, yada)

Why do they say you have a cold when your temperature goes up?

If you drop your soap on the floor, does the floor become clean or does the soap become dirty?

You must be really really bored if you are still here.

Which armrest is yours at a movie theater?
If cyclops were to close his eye, is it winking or blinking?

I don't understand IT crap at all.  Why did that sentence only space once insteada two like the rest?

Why is the objective of golf to play the least amount of golf? (SEE! I gets my damn money's worth!)

What do they call french kissing in France?

A baby's butt pops out of his mom at 11:59pm and the head comes out at 12:01am, what day is he born on and who decides?

Do Dentists go to other Dentists or do they treat their own dental care problems? Proctologists? <- that was mine, I ain't fessin'  I stole that.

I'm sorry, kinda.  There is much to be confused about in life.  On a serious note, "Why do bad things happen to good people?"

Humor (to me) was in order today.  There's enough messy real life stuff to be confused about, worry about.

Laugh, love, hug, kiss, include others, smile, wink, pray, fist bump, shake hands, high five, combat ugly stuff, and have a great day.

Confucius say man who sit on tack, get point.

Love, Victurd 

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