Saturday, August 6, 2022


Time is kinda fun.  I know I'm weird and I'll try not to waste your time.

I'm 69. I'd never heard of time referred to as Civil time until this highly diverse study of mine.  Ha. Civil time is us, our clocks, and I guess how time is based.

Of course we have the time zones... ontoppa that, daylight savings - for some, anyways, some not.  We have "you're on the clock" attorney time... brief, "hi, howareya, here, take this" Physician time... The time, where we let our blood boil because the lady (or man) infronta us at the "10 items or under" line at the grocery has a damn near full cart, thus, we spend a new kinda time counting the dadgum items as he/she offloads.  There's inhale/exhale time, and, when you count those dadgum items, one might offer a brief exhale of disgust at em. That don't take much time.

There's "I had a great time", "you never have time for me", "it wasn't the right time",  "I was right on time," "Remember that time?"time.. 

It's said there's psychological time.  This is, according to one site I peeked at, when events seem to last a different amount of chronological time than they actually do.  Like, when you have to pee, you're in the 16th car space at WalMart, you gotta go bad, you don't care if people see you run, you do, you're forced to take the door furthest away from the john, you finally make it... 1 minute, 13 seconds seemed like it took and hour and a half. It is said, for every minute one waits on anything, it feels more like three.

Or, the dreaded psychological time of intimacy.  "That's it?"

It's a bad time.. It's the right time.  No time for sergeants.  Time's up.  Time will tell.  And, at the playground, pacifying the 7 year old snotnose 62 times when he/she asks "Time me mom (or dad, or grandma, or grandpa.)"  I'll make time. Then there's Agra, India time, which I don't understand.  I am typing this in the wee hours time (3:30am), BUT, it's 2:00pm there.  Something about the equator I think, but I don't want to take the time to look.

I found a HOST of different sites that tell us what we do with our time.

If course, sleeping.  Average of ALL people is roughly 9 hours.  I know, me neither.  There is much, much in regard to this sleeping bit.  There's the twin mattress, full, queen, king (it's bigger than the queen because for centuries men were full of shit in their thinking they are better than women). And, the California King (It's bigger than the King, because all the Californians are full......... oh, nevermind.)

All that matters . Matters too if you got a partner.  He/she snores, wears a sleeping mask, he/she talks in their sleep, walks in their sleep, or, you share bed with partner, 4 dogs and 5 cats.  Matters too if the dog is like a miniature schnauzer versus a Great Dane. When's the last time you slept? How active were you today?  Anything big on your mind that might keep you from sleeping?

And, Goldilocks, too soft, too hard, wrong number, waterbed, need a matress topper, too cold, too hot, turn the damn TV off and go to bed, stuff matters.

After sleep (you wake up). No, I meant, timewise, after sleep, what's the next biggest component we spend time on,

Work. Or, as Maynard G. Crebs noted "WORK!".. Close your ears. The average is 3.1 hours per day.  I know I know, me too.  But, consider this takes in all people.  Many don't work until 18, 20 or so (not counting the Swentzel's 35 year old who lives in the basement and is a revered video game guru).. .It averages out thanks to the fast food manager, the person you work with that can't sit still, always always moves, works overtime.  And, those retired.  There is a God.

Travel. Travel time.  BS, whatchoo talkin' about Willis, I ain't been West of Claycomo since 2019. Average travel time is 47 minutes per day, unless of course, you travel via I-435 over the Missouri River that's been under construction since Bush was in office, and then it's 1 hour, 24 minutes.

Food prep, 40 minutes.  Did they like just get here?  I takes me a Stouffer's Meat Lover's Lasagna, press 6 on the microwave (that's MINUTES, you article person who says it takes 40).  I am sure there are those that do spend that time, and bless you.  It ain't me babe.

Grooming.  Article says 36 minutes.  I saw something on Facebook the other day where most men are, quick soap pass of armpits, down there and done.  That ain't 36 minutes, but the Calgon take me away ladies balance it out to where, uh huh, 36 seems right.

Housework, 36 minutes.  Uh huh, it's twue it's reawwy twue, I set a timer for 36 minutes, grab the duster, have the windex, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, some scrubbing bubble cleaner and GO.. 36 minutes straight.  I do this generally twice a year whatever that computes to.  I mean, howinthehell.. all those hours for sleep, work, travel, grooming (and we ain't even done looking at time), howinthehell does anyone have time to clean for 36 minutes?  Eh, I guess some must.

Socializing, 32 minutes....unless it's softball game night, then it's 3 and 1/2 hours (the game takes 1, talking about it, drinking beer takes 2 and 1/2).

Caring for household members, 26 minutes.  Need we get into this?  It's probably about right, unless it's elder care or, your kid is spoiled rotten, or, you don't have a life besides your kid's life.  Victor!  Well, it can be true.

Consumer goods purchases 16 minutes. What usedta be 6 weeks with the Sears Catalog, or, 3 hours driving to/fro the mall walking to/fro store... we now have Amazon saved as a favorite. All ya gotta do it pick it out, then answer yes to "Same bill to?" and "Same ship to?"  I was at WallyWorld one day, buying a new scale because the numbers on the old one were too damn small, couldn't read... anyways, I checked the price of the cheapest (yes, that's how I roll) and then looked at Amazon on my phone, yep, $5 cheaper on Amazon.  Wasted gas, and........ I almost peed my pants having to run from that 16th car space.

Lawn and garden, 16 minutes.  Of course depends on where ya live, what climate, whether you're one a those that has a kiniption fit if you see one little bitty weed in your ultra green yard, or, you mow the grass everytime the City mails you a warning of citation if you don't mow soon.

Telephone calls, mail and email. 13 minutes. I'm not a phone person.  You?

Volunteering and civic activities.  5 minutes.  "Honey, I emptied the dishwasher..oh, AND I put the lid back down."  Yep, bout 5 minutes.

Professional and personal care.  5 minutes.  I supposed mani's, pedi's, hair, etc.  On average, prolly right.

Household management.  8 minutes.  The picture showed a lady on her knees putting away clothes while she was on the phone.  Kudos for the multitasking.  I assume this means laundry, dishes, yada.

Exercise.  22 minutes.  Howabout you?  I don't go to the gym every day.  I'm old, work wears me out.  I ride in a golf cart, still, I'm worn out.  When I do go, 15 minutes each in jacuzzi, sauna, then I walk in the pool, yes, I said that right, I walk in the pool for 30 minutes.

Eating and drinking.  1 hour, 4 minutes.  I miss the days of family dinners, truly I do and I hope you still have them. I multitask, food, tv, checking phone.  Also, fat, fast food drive through, eat while I drive. Way less than an hour a day.

Watching TV.  3 hours, 3 minutes.  I would assume there's diversity among us.  I'm sure many flip the TV on when they get home and flip it off just before bedtime.  Many like quiet and have it on long enough to catch news/weather. Probably a good figure.

They didn't list reading, but they did have an "everything else" category that was 11 minutes.

They also missed intimacy.  Yelling at the neighbor kids to get outta your yard.  Vegging out by the fire pit.  Easy chair naps.  Much.

Thank you for the time.  

If you've got the TIME, we've got the beer, Miller Beer.  Miller tastes too good to hurry through.  But when it's TIME to relax, Miller stands clear, beer after beer.

Time is on my side.

Time of the season.

Does anybody really know what time it is.

Now I've, had, the time of my life.

Time out.  Over time. Extra time. World record time. Time Square. Tea time.  Tee time. Howdy Doody Time. Bubba Shrimp time. Carpenter foreman say "It's hammer time."

Time to leave, bye.

Love, Victurd

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