Wednesday, October 26, 2022


Well, it's October 26, 2022.  It's the 299th day of the year, but don't remember that, no pop quiz, today.

It's Wednesday, which, I always wunnered why we only pronounce one D, and after looking it up, I still wunner. "Turns out, it has German linguistic origins. Derived from Old English word Wodnesdaeg, which honors the German god Wodan."  Which, leaves me scratching my head, 'cause I went to a free translation site and learned Wednesday in German is Mittwoch.

Old dog, new tricks.  A bit ago I signed up for some dictionary thingy that gives you one word a day, most, I'd never heard of. Today's word is 'peculiar', which, makes the above make sense.

It's Hump Day which was created so everyone could laugh, point their fingers at shriveled up retired folks that ain't 'attached' and sing "Poor poor pitiful YOU."

Today is a TV show that originated the year many of us in the Class of 1970 were born (1952).  It is the 6th longest running TV show eva...... Glad you asked, #1 Meet the Press, #2 CBS Evening News, #3 Music & the Spoken Word (never watched it) #4 Hallmark Hall of Fame, #5 The Victory Hour (never watched it.)


Today is: National Mincemeat Day. National Mule Day. National Pumpkin Day. National Tennessee Day. So, if you live in Nashville, wear orange, be an ass and annihilate anyone that crosses your path. (Don't forget to conserve enough energy for Hump Day.)

On this day, today, 197 years ago, the Erie Canal opened. Coincidentally, on the same day the Q Tip was invented.  jk.

Today, a hunnerd and forty-one years ago, The Shootout at the OK Corral.

Today, 17 years ago, the Chicago White Sox swept the Houston Astros for their first World Series in 88 years. Musta cheated.  Coincidentally, one year later, Jose Altuve showed up at a Houston Astro tryout camp in Maracay, Venezuela, was sent home because "he was too short and there was suspicion he lied about his age." He went home, got his birth certificate, came back, convinced them to give him a shot, soon after they signed him for $15,000. (Altuve and Salvador Perez grew up in the same town, competed together many times as kiddos. Peculiar.

Today, you will consume around 2,250 calories, walk 3,500 steps, laugh 17 times, cry (women, a 1 in 6 chance, men, a 1 in 23 chance).. and fart 17 times.

Today, we will welcome 385,000 babies to the World.  (Pop quiz tomorrow asking you their names.)

Chin up, so they say. "Every day is a good day. There is something to learn, care and celebrate. Any day above ground is a good day. Before you complain about anything, be thankful for your life and the things that are still going well." (Unless, that is, you are a shriveled up old fart that ain't attached. Humps in the road no matter what you drive, unless, you're in that poor, poor pitiful me group.)

Today is catching. (Who's on first, What's on 2nd, Tomorrow is pitching, I Don't Know is on 3rd.)

There will be 12,400 "I do's" said today, ie, 6,200 weddings.. Sadly, every 36 seconds in the US a couple says "I usedta" and divorces.

Breaking down today.. (Victor, you already talked about crying.)  Hush, I'm from Nashville, I will annihilate you.. breaking down today...  9.41 hours will be spent on sleeping and personal care.. 1.39 hours eating and drinking.. .63 hours purchasing goods and services..  3.93 on leisure and sports

Today you will look at your phone 344 times.  I know, I thought it was high too.  Google said it though, gotta be true.

"What day is it?" asked Pooh... "it's today," squeaked Piglet. "My favorite day," said Pooh.

Happy Hump Day....... have a Camel non-filter afta.........

Love, Victurd

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