Sunday, August 13, 2023

Rock walls........

I've long been an admirer of rock walls.  Things of beauty, created a little bit at a time.

Yesterday, while riding around The Plaza in Kansas City, I learned a buddy of mine was equally enamored with same.  He pointed it out, I was pleased that he did and I so, so concurred.

Rock walls start out as nothing.  Perhaps drab greenery, weeds, nuttin' on the horizon but the horizon. Visualizing the splendor of creating a rock wall is a touch overwhelming, much like starting an IRA in one's youth, giving in to, "I'll never (make it), create it, finish it, this thing of beauty."

"I don't have the materials.  Tried it before, couldn't.  I can't even boil corn on the cob, two minutes in the microwave is the only way I've ever cooked it, a rock wall?  Are you kidding me?"

No.  No, I'm not.

"Remember when I burned that lasagna? I haven't a creative bone in my body."

Rock walls come in all shapes and sizes - the beauty of it.  With stone, there is imperfection, not every one is 'just the right size.'  That's what make rock walls, life, so special. We don't have to work 24/7 until "we're a success, the wall is done." No.  We work a bit here, take a break there, little by little, build it up."

It'll fall over.  Build it wider.  I haven't the materials. Find them, they're out there, we'll even help you if you so choose. Think of Steve Nash. Who?  He's presently knowmn as the best free throw shooter on the planet. (Yes, Steph Curry is pushing him for that title.)  Steve Nash 'starts with no rocks', ie, he takes his free throw stroke without the rock/ball, visualizing, getting the feel before he ever 'finds a rock for the wall." 90+ percent, year after year.  And of course, that took time, trial and error, s'more time, s'more error, then, jualah, a beautiful rock wall.

My tomatoes always die... my closet is a mess, even my shorts in the short drawer look out of order.

Rock walls are unique.  Special.  Imperfect. Beautiful. Personal. Good follows bad, success can follow failure. Mundane perhaps, but Rome wasn't built in a day.

Never, never give up. Go find the rocks. Can't find them all at once? That's ok, get started. Tripped before?  Who doesn't?

A few a day, maybe even one.  Little by little, rock walls are built.  Things of beauty.  Things of strength.  Unique. The longer ya go at it, the stronger the foundation, wall. Doesn't have to be like the one on the Plaza, the one you drove by for years and admired.  It can be your wall.  You got it inya.  Mark, set, your pace.. don't give up... start building.  We'll all admire it even if it falls short of your expectations

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