Wednesday, September 20, 2023

I see you..........

 I love lots.  Family. Fun. Smiles. Laughter. Niceness. Nature, sunshine, darkness, hot, cold, rain, snow. Animals (not a great fan of raccoons though, don't wish them harm, just another zip code.) Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet (Ford too). Golf is a love/hate.

Perhaps my favorite activity............

Your mind was in the gutter wasn't it?  For shame.

People watching.

Wiki relates "People-watching or crowd watching is the act of observing people and their interactions as a subconscious doing. It involves picking up idiosyncrasies to try to interpret or guess at another person's story, interactions, and relationships with the limited details they have."

So............ do ya think that means we're judging?  Yeah, I suppose so.  Is that OK to do? To each our own I reckon.

Whatta we notice first?  Age I would guess.  Approximate.

Next?  Clothing?  Do clothes talk?  Mebbe. Is someone necessarily uppity or narcissistic if they're dressed to perfection?  I dunno, your take?  Maybe simply confident in and of themselves.  Perhaps proud. Care what others think.

Victor, does that mean that you 'dog' someone who looks like they just hopped outta bed, skipped the mirror to run to Piggly Wiggly to get a can'a coffee?  Heavens to Murgatroyd no. I love me them kinda people.

Their walk.  Walk 'speaks'.  Can speak about affliction.  Sadly, it seems more and more prevalent, as in like maybe 1 in 10. Ouch. The struggle is real, and kudos to those who carry on, going, doing, no matta'. Walking upright, good posture, shoulders back, head high.. Secure? Strong? Pleased with themselves?

But.......... but what if that head's held a bit too high?  Full of themselves? Those of us that mebbe walk a bit hunched over. Low self image?  Could be as simple as lifted too many damn boxes back in the day... or mebbe, they're the type that cared (a lot) for others in their lives.  Cooked, cleaned, laundered, were there, for, others.

Order in the court 'cause (People watchin) here comes the Judge. Us, we. You and me (and rain on the roof, caught up in a summer shower) eyeballs a watchin', catagorizing, surmising, yada.

SMILE (or not).  I am probaby too adored to smile. I kinda love to observe folks I am around often, then after so many, time and again, to ascertain, there ain't nuttin' to knock the smile off'a their face, I like to announce to anyone close, "Be careful, I think he/she is on drugs, he's/she's always happy." I think that kinda judging is harmless, good for the soul, and perhaps an antidote to some of today's societal woes.

Couples.  Touch. No touch? He, ahead of her?  Piggo?  She, ahead of him?  Mean anything? Like, mebbe, he owns 49% of stock?  Or mebbe, just good ole kindness, respect of the opposite, female sex.
Married longtime?   Newlyweds?  Shackin'?  On a date? (Those are real fun to watch, my take anyways.) Was at Knuckleheads recently, sat next to a couple to listen to music.  Perty obvious to be an online date... he, doted.  She, coulda cared less, didn't look at him. (Before being labeled misogynist, it coulda been exactly the other way, ie, she doted, he didn't look at her.)  Anyways, without saying so, she eventually got up and left, boredom I reckon.  Not for me, she decided.  I felt for him, but too, mebbe the result tweren't a bad thing.

Extrovert? They checkout YOUR eyeballs.  Introvert?  They'll walk around two rows'a cars NOT to meet up their eyeballs with you. Fun, ciphering is fun.

Compare.  We compare ourselves to other, my take anyways. The got:  mo' money, less money', hella younger, mebbe older (what year'd you graduate ma'am?), love kids, no likey kids, friendly, grumpy, happy, sad, in a hurry, out for a stroll, a Nascar kinda person? Hunt/fish? Symphany? Book club? PTA leader? Are they kinda like us?  Far, far away from being like us?

Park.  I think where people park 'speaks'.  Me?  Color me lazy. Now, I got's me onea them handicap placards so I'm right up town Bob Uecker "I must be on the front row!" But, before my placard, lazy.  I would drive up, down the aisles, oblivious to $3.79 a gallon petrol to find the closest damn spot I could find.  Then, others.  They park far away, pass up many spots closer.  These are hard to figure, judge if you will.  My father usedta get his exercise parking a long ways from his Sale's call.  It twasn't hereditary.

I find it (you may not) interesting to see how people respond to dogs, people, race, ethnicity, age, youth, noise, weather, the ones their with, folks in passing, to the checkout person. 

I'm a simpleton.  I can fall in love in two minutes.  Waitress across the way yesterday.  Family with four kids came in.  Waitress got on her knees (kid level) to listen to them.  Smiled the whole damn time, was disgusting, I think she was on drugs! Nodded her head, smiled when the parents ordered.  Doted on the kids, their needs.  It was under two minutes that I fell in love with her.  Victor?  Yes?  She was drop dead gorgeous wasn't she?  Mebbe, beside the point. Me? Judge?

Bored?  Go people watch.  More month than money?  Go people watch. Cheap date? (DON'T JUDGE ME!) Go people watch.  Anywhere, everywhere.  Doctor's office, WallyWorld, the most expensive spa in town. The park.  The doggy park.  The ballpark.  Last night was a perfect night for it, Bark At The Park. A wedding. Church. 
I ain't got any words here worth much to summarize it all. Life IS people watching. People listening. Dogs reaction to people.  Cat reaction to people (ha). Baseball moms/dads/umpires.  MU/KU. CNN/FOX. Church/Bar. Airport/bus station.  Piggly Wiggly. 

"I've learned people are watching.  So don't do nothing stupid." Bruno Mars

Love, Victurd

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