Thursday, February 1, 2024

The construction of life... with, the three little pigs

Trust me, I know my brain is strange, sorry, kinda.

Dunno why, but was thinking about windows.  

OK, mebbe I do.  Yesterday I 'stole' a post (did tell the poster I was gonna).. showed a lady locked outta her house.. window 6' up open... sister boosted her up to poke her head in, slide thru/down.  Her feet got stuck, she was upside down.. gravity kicked in, her top then fell..   her boobies were exposed for the neighborhood to see... they (the sisters) got tickled.. she couldn't move.  You mighta had to been there, I laughed anyways...  Then, Zuck or Meta, or someone didn't like it, gone now, but at least I ain't in jail.

Not long ago, I got a plethora of posts on Facebook from Window companies.  I rent. I started blockin' em, they came with even more fervor, frequency.  Buddy told me "huh uh, stop... you'll never get ridda them".  So, stopped.  Eventually, they did too.

A blog about windows seemed happy, yet sad.  Windows are opportunity, but, they also come with a timeline. Some, for whatever ailment, disability, only see out from the inside.  Then, we have friends who are either blind - or, eyesight waning.

Went to sit on balcony, stare at Sea.  (7 shrimp boat lights.. it's still dark here).. thought about hurricanes.. .7th floor... do they board 'em up here?  Didn't research hurricanes... but.........

Boarded reminded me of my beloved Granny.  She didn't coin the phrase, but I loved her "Two sides to every board."  I've thought of that often over the years.  It kinda grounds one. Sure, there are instances where it's impossible to see from someone's stinky shoes - but at least, that statement/advice allows you to contemplate, mebbe get a better grasp for how they feel.

If I remember the nursery rhyme well enough, it seems they started with straw... (that's kinda like many up in an instant business's here in Mehico... 6x6 poles, palm tree thatch (like straw), presto, a 'building.'.  Well, the Big Bad Wolf blew that sucker right over.

Brick. Brick reminds me, sorry, boring you with personal story again, sorry, kinda. When I/we worked for Eastern Airlines, and we all told our Union dude, "80% of something is better than a hunnerd percent of nothing", but.. he didn't believe us, so, Frank Borman played Big Bad Wolf, huffed the whole damn thing over. Anyways, my buddy Rick, his dad helped quite a few of us, hiring us to help him in his brick business until we could find employ elsewhere.  I/we are grateful to this day for Rick, his father.

Here in Mehico, the other day someone put a post on Facebook of someone building a brick wall... and it was entitled "Mexico, after seeing the mess in the US."  And, if ya go back to that board, it certainly can be true at times.

Then, I tought about huff and puff. I probably listen TOO MUCH.  Thought a fool, open mouth, speak out, remove all doubt.   BUT THEN, turning that board over... don'tya know folks who talk... rarely (if ever) listen?  How do they learn?

I love my buddy Tip. NO, NO, NO, not like that.  While we have been together 7 days a week since NYE, it's ain't 24/7, nuh uh, he's got his BR, I, mine.  Thus, more like 16 hours a day, 7 days a week.  He said a week or so ago, "You know, we've been getting a long pretty good."  Then, of course I gave his hound pooch any, everything she wanted foodwise, he objected (perty loudly!) so i stopped.  And we've disagreed on other stupid stuff.  Ketchup on hot dog, yum.. His sidea the board "NO."  So, yesterday he say "Ya know Vic, we've done well... when we did get into it, I told you what you were doing wrong and you properly didn't speak up so it's all good."  (It never too late to call a friend a jerk!) Teasing aside, it's been a blast.

Speakin' a talking.  We had an extra person at dinner last night.  Retired lady.  She was interesting, learning of her life.  Somehow we'd talked about life lessons (like granny's board).. and anudder buddy said his dad says "Two things nobody cares about, your health and your grandkids."..  I spouted out, "Yes, my dad's advice was 'Finish everything you start...  except sex."  Retired lady speaky up and say......... something about band camp.   "I kissed Elvis once... I really really did.  However, he didn't want to 'you know'." So, of course, it kinda made us wonder that view from her sidea the board, but, me thinks we knew!

Sticks, boards, windows, straw, bricks... talky too much..  huff and puff.. not talk enough.

Either side of the board you look at, life ain't bad.

Tune in tomorrow... who knows...  little Red Riding Hood?

Love, Victurd

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