Friday, February 2, 2024

Thirsty? Just Whistle!

One'a them gals I usedta hold hands with... can't remember if it was lovely Rita meter maid, or maybe Bah Bah Bah, Bah Bah Barbara Ann...  anyways.... she usetda get mad at catcalls.... being ID'ed in stores, restauants, bars, yada.  Me, being the smart alec you know I am, would say "Honey, the time to worry, get mad is when you no longer hear those catcalls... they don't ask for your ID."

Conversely.....  October 13, 2002, I will never forget it.  I turned fitty.  My (dayum) AARP card came in the mail.  No... no... no... Not NO's, but hells NO's....... tore it up.  (Of course, the next year, I looked into it to see what all I could save on.)  A bit later.... (how much is a bit Victor?_).. .I ain't tellin'... a bit later, i walked into Mickey D's and asked for a black coffee...  happy lil' snotnose confirmed "One Senior Coffee, comin' up." Ouch.

Sorry to waste your time, but this blog ain't about all that.  It's about thirst.  And you.

What do you thirst for?  Is it material goodies?  Money?  Do you collect junk, and if so, why?  Just kidding, are you a collector and you look to grow the collection?

Do ya like good music (yeah yeah, that sweet soul music)?  IE, do you go to arenas to hear?  Small venues?  Knuckleheads?  (Are you a knucklehead?)  Or do you subscribe to Spotify, Pandora, IHeart?  I don't even know that real expensive one for your car because I'm a tightass, cover that up by saying "Gotta have my AM Sport's talk show."  I actually do thirst for that though.

Travel? That ur niche?  Thirst?

Retired?  Whaddaya do?   "Read books. One or two a week."  More power to'ya, that ain't me, Sonny... Cher.

Doya till the land, grow lots... and ifn's so..... eat most of it?  Or, would you be like me and by June it's all dead anyways... serious though.. (I was being serious)... Are you onea them givers?  Your thirst is to do, give, for others.  Bless you.  You seen the types.. They keep cardboard boxes in their car.. fill 'em with enough 'maters for a month of BLT's, then, drop 'em off at friend's houses. Bless you, a special sort.

Thirsty to do things with your mate?  Always?  Or, do you head out for the golf course... mebbe bunko... bridge.. for a little away, mebbe time with BFF's?  Or........... does your wet-your-whistle include a combination of both?  Play golf, cards together? Go to the gym same time?

Zebco 33 cast out on the lake?  And (or) doya fetch that Browning up the deer stand?    Or, do you prefer standin' with your dear on the dance floor.. .maybe a waltz, tango... cha cha cha?

Is your idea of a perfect evening "sushi for two, out"........... or... would you be content (prefer) to sit at home and "let's chase each other 'round the room tonight... and play the games we played on our wedding night."? (You're too old for that.............. just kidding... relax...  some simpletons even have a thirst for humor... imagine that!)

Gimme the recliner and the remote.... seeya in bed.

Speakin'o remote.  Are you a flipper?  Madly, from one channel to the next?  Ifns' he/she is in the room withya... your channel pickin' decision... yours?  Your mate's?  Or, Ward, June, do you decide jointly?

Do you thirst............ froth... to catchup on Facebook?  (Do you put ketchup on your hot dog? I still can't believe that Tip dude)...   Band camp... I was with buddies... eight or so around a table.. I volunteered "Hey, I read today, somewhere, can't remember... .people, on average, look at their phones 80 times a day."  Laughter,.. "THAT'S BS... NO WAY."   Then, I quietly watched the little rat bastards spend more time bending their elbows to look at their phone than they did bending it to have a beer.

ARE YOU ADDICTED TO FOOD LIKE ME?   oh... sorry... I mean, what foods do you thirst, long for?  Do you desire (thirst) good, perfect, great health and you watch what you eat?  Or, areya like me and it goes so fast from the plate to the mouth it's impossible to watch?

Them duds you're wearin...  Louie Vuitton?  Macys?  Kohls?  WallyWorld?  Dead guy's? (ie, Thrift store)

Radio control airplanes?  Old, nifty turntables and vinyl?  Make furniture?  Or wouldya rather thirst for decoupage it?  Make a quilt?

Do you sing at home?  If so, how do you know if you're good or bad, or does it even matter?  Are you a shower-singer only - or, do you get ansy lining up for Karaoke?  I sing in the car.  You're free to laugh.  Humor is onea my thirsts. (I can dig it he can dig it she can dig it, we can dig it... on a free ride.)

Do you thirst for touch?  Or, no, scram.

That you?

Do you change your oil religiously at 3,000 miles.... or... let it get 3 quarts low like me, fill, figure, "eh, it's new oil, I'm good."

Are you all about your kid(s)?  Grand kids?  Have you ever FaceTimed with 'em?

Do  you like change?  Look for new things to do, see...  like a drive in the Country?

Do you thirst for water?  Victor, what a dumb question, of course, we all do.    NO NO NO, I mean.... the river, lake, stream, waterfall, pond, Sea, Ocean kind?  And ifns' so, would you rather be in it.. on it.. or sitting next to it?  Does it matter which? (Lake, river, pond, ocean, yada)...

I've written too much.  I guess one would call that a thirst.  Sorry.. 

We're all different.  I think about maternity wards.. and the little rows and rows of 'buritto'ed' up lil' guys and gals.. bundles of joy.. all so similar... then, life happens and we all have different wants, needs, thirsts.  I think I mentioned humor was onea mine.  The other day I saw a cartoon pic where it showed a clown peeking into the maternity ward... all the babies lined in a row... similar... except for one with HUGE toes sticking out, clown feet if you will.

"Create your own visual style... let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others." Orson Welles

"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."  Douglas Adams

Yes... we're aging...  but, we can't give in, give up Yeti.   ha.  Keep it cold, create your own thirsty.

Love, Victurd

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