Saturday, February 3, 2024

It's Del Shannon's fault.........

I was somewhere in age between training wheels and driving a car.

45 record player.  You have onea them?  Acually it was setup to play LP (33) and you had to either get the spindle thingy and you could stack 'em up....or, whatever they called those little plastic circular things with holes that you'd snap in to fit/conform, make it work on the 33-player.

I wore out Del Shannon's "Runaway".......

"I'm a walkin' in the rain... tears are fallin' and I feel the pain... wishin' you were here by me.. to end this misery.. my little runaway.. .a run run run run runaway......

Didya ever run away from home?   Wanna but didn't?

ALL... ya hear me?  ALL of the below is stolen or plagiarized so don't gimme no credit.. I am just the gatherer.  I don't write for 'credit'... 'likes'... yada.. I write because I like to, and, I happen to think smiling is a REALLY REALLY good thing to do in life.  If I can (along with all the crap I steal) give you one smile, my job has been done.

"Mom.  I ran away not because you are mean or anything. I only wanted to meet the Spice Girls."  Sarah..

"Mom, dad... I got really, really mad so I ran away."  Meg  XOXO.  "PS, I might be back."

"Dear mom and dad.  I ran away.  I'll be back soon.  It's all mom's fault.  Love, Joey"

Harry Houdini first disappeared when he ran away at age 12.   His family had migrated from Hungary to Milwaukee....  he hopped a freight car.   There is very little known about the year he spent away from his family but it's believed he spent time in Kansas City.  He later caught up with them in New York, helped support them by working as a necktie cutter and photographer's assistant.

"Mother, dad.  Do not call the police or FBI.  I will be back Wednesday.  The reason I have done this is because you are mean."  Sam

"Mom...  I'm going to run away tomroe at 9:30 wean you and dad are sleeeping. Be sure to say  good by for ever. "  Emily.   PS, I will be packed tonight.

Ben Franklin worked as an apprentice in his half-brother James' print shop in Boston.  The brothers butted heads when James wouldn't publish Ben's writing.  Ben got tricky and started writing well-received letters under the world’s greatest pseudonym, “Mrs. Silence Dogood,” but when James found out he was furious. So Ben Franklin ran away and ended up in Philadelphia, where he founded the University of Pennsylvania and did some other stuff (discovered electricity, signed the Declaration of Independence, etc etc.)

"I am runing away becas you think I farted when I dident. PS, you are mean."

"By the time you read this I will be leaving. If you want to see me agen  I will be at the first mcdonlds that you see when you turn rite from our hous.  I love you."

Short blog today, sorry, kinda sorta.  I am running back home.  I really kinda sorta absolutely wanted to keep running but there's no way in hell I can pass up working my part-time job for $12 an hour.  I jest because I really DO LOVE my job.

It's just sometimes ya wanna get the hell outta Dodge...   To liken it to College Athletics... you know..   like, enter the Transfer Portal.  Yeah, that's what I'll do. Things ain't going my way so I'll go somewhere else and they prolly will, yeah?

A run run run run, runaway.

If you ever wanna run away... holler..  It's hella cheaper two to a condo/hotel room, yada.

Love, Victurd

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