Monday, April 8, 2024

Block party......

Writer's block.  Victor?  Yeah?  Who said you were a writer?  Good point.

Wooden blocks. Among a child's first toy. Solid wood. I mean, why not give them a weapon that could maim and cause hideous bruising?

Blocks of differing shapes. A sorting cube, corresponding shaped holes within, allowing the lil ones to find the correct hole to place the block in.  It's as if we old fogeys are saying, "Good luck figuring things out there Junior, life's a bitch, get used to it." Sorry. Kinda.

He was a "Let's go Brandon", I blocked him.  He was a Trumpster, I blocked him.

"Every block of stone has a statue inside and it's up to the sculptor to discover it."  Michelangelo

You're a ginger, you really should use some sunblock in Mehico.

Boss, I'm gonna be late to that 8am meeting.  Nasty wreck blocking I-435 Southbound.

Pre Alexa/GPS.  "Althena, how do I get to Scooter's place?" "Go about 4 blocks up, turn left after Schmidt's barn... you'll see the horses in the field a couple blocks down on the right, just past the silo is the turn in to Scooter's."

Say something like that again to my girlfriend, I'll knock your block off.

Blocked up?  Call Roto Rooter, that's the name and away go troubles down the drain, Roto Rooter.

Ask Henry, he's been around the block a time or twelve, ain't his first rodeo.

Bandcamp, dinosaur days. HS football.  New kid moved in, HUGE, quiet, seemingly passive dude.  Put him at tight end.  Went out for a pass, guy guarding him intercepted.  We're in the film room on Monday.  New, big kid, once guy guarding him intercepted, ran stride for stride, right beside him, for what seemed like forty yards without an attempt to tackle him. Coach finally hollered "HELL (new, big dude) WHY DIDN'T YOU THROW A BLOCK FOR HIM TOO?"

City block. Stumbling block. Cylinder block. Butcher's block. Salt block. New Kids on the Block. Road block. Blockbuster.  Auction block. Dan Blocker. Cell block. 

Reddit... which is gaining in credibility on Wiki, Snopes, The Washington Post (HA!).. asks "What's something you should block out of your life without a second thought?"

Among the replies...... My MIL...  Social media and toxic people..  Haters... Immorality.. Her.. Meth..  Anal (hey, I don't write 'em, I simply record 'em)...  Rock lobster..  Sugar.. Junk food.. Carbs.. Phone calls.. 

Today....... the total solar eclipse will sweep across North America from Mehico.. thru 15 States.. and up thru Canada..  those inside the path of totality, the moon will completely cover the sun, darkening the sky.  Every US State will experience at least a partial eclipse today.

Total dark may happen for up to 7.5 minutes. Cows may mosey into the barn.  Flamingoes may huddle in fear.  The giant, slow-motion Galápagos tortoise may even get frisky and mate.  Otis may turn around, walk past Andy and Barn, lock himself back up. Motel 6 will turn the light on, then scratch their head later. Married men may even experience a twitch.

Temps can drop 5 to 20 degrees, bring a jacket.  Radio waves can get scrambled.  Awe and wonder happens in many...  and..  Weird feelings can set in too (as in, same ole same ole eh?)

No glasses? Try the Dollar (and a quarter) Store..  or, QuikTrip is having a special, get a cup of coffee (any size) for 49 cents when you purchase a pair of solar glasses for $17.99.

In ancient China, solar eclipses were regarded as heavenly signs that foretell the future of the emperor, thus, predicting of high importance to the state.  Over four millennia ago, legend has it that two astrologers, Hsi and Ho, were executed for failing to predict a solar eclipse.  (Goodbye, Ho, me gotta go, me oh, my oh, you too Hsi.)

On a personal note (Good Gosh Gerty Victor, NO!)  sorry, kinda.. the 2017 eclipse coincided with the last time I was kicked to the curb. Happy to report, I can see clearly now the rain is gone, I can see all obstacles in my way, Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.

It's gonna be a bright (bright)Bright (bright) sunshiny day (Except for that one part.)

Love, Victurd

PS, if you happen to be reading this on TUESDAY, the day AFTER the eclipse... and, you used your glasses from 2017 yesterday, uh oh. They only last like three years or so before they deteriorate.

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