Sunday, May 26, 2024

Oh no...........

Sing it Doris!

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, "What will I be?
Will I be pretty?
Will I be rich?"
Here's what she said to me

"Que será, será
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que será, será
What will be, will be"
Moms are the best.  They, with their "no matter what" love.  Dads ain't bad neither. Victor, that's a double negative. No it ain't. Ain't ain't a word.
Now, which one are you?  The greatest officially recorded number of children born to one mother is 69 to the wife of Feodor Vassilyev, a peasant from Shuya, Russia. In 27 confinements, she gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets. 
OK, so, they don't even list HER name? Oink.  Fake news?  They continued "Although this seems to be a statistically unlikely story, numerous contemporaneous sources exist which suggest that it is true. The case was reported to Moscow by the Monastery of Nikolsk on 27 February 1782, which had recorded every birth."
When I grew up and fell in love
I asked my sweetheart, "What lies ahead?
Will we have rainbows
Day after day?"
Here's what my sweetheart said
"Que será, será
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que será, será
What will be, will be"

Which way did he go George? Which way did he go?
This Guinness world record goes to Linda Wolfe who said “I do” a whopping 23 times. Her first marriage at just 16 was for love while her last in 1996 was for publicity as she married Glynn “Scotty” Wolfe, the world's most married man.
Say, this is Linda. I'm having another wedding shower.  Temu has them blenders on sale cheap, we need onea them if ya got any extra dough (pun mebbe intended).  Or, mebbe, two weeks in a VRBO on Puerto Vallarta huh? Not a have to, hehe.

Now I have children of my own
They ask their mother, "What will I be?
Will I be handsome?
Will I be rich?"
I tell them tenderly
"Que será, será
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que será, será
What will be, will be"
Que será, será

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The Old Lady that Swallowed the Fly.......

I know an old lady She swallowed a fly But I don't know why She swallow the fly I guess she'll die Victor...... why do you put us th...