Sunday, June 2, 2024

15 minutes....

Coffee down (mosta the pot anyways)... yes yes, sure, peed.  Sitting (loafing) at computer, head to golf course soon, weather permitting, day of work.

Figure I got 15 minutes for a blog.  That ain't much.


In fitteen minutes, one could meet the love of their life on a work break.

Win (or lose) the State Baseball, Basketball, Football championship in the last inning, quarter.

A 'You know":....... I think I remember that anyways..... (VICTOR.. isn't '15 minutes' stretching it? Bite me!)

A salary review with your boss that either has you walking out with a puffy chest, or, mebbe indeedly heading to Indeed.  (15 minutes to spellcheck a blog.. they underlined indeedly, saying it ain't a word. Should be.)

Fifteen minutes of labor.  The lucky ones.

An Uber.

The front yard mowed.  

Burgers on the grill...... maybe even less....

A brisk walk.

A text chain with buddies, where, after five or six texts, ya get kinda one eye on phone, other eye on what you were doing (baby aggrevation?).  Mebbe even regret being on the text chain. Then, ya slap yourself and realize how damn lucky you are that folks think enough of you to include you.  Silence is perhaps a sad alternative.

Going for bread, milk at the Piggly.

Shower, shave, brush chops... no matter how bad it looks (I speak from experience) smile at that mirror as we're blessed to have awoken for another day.

Listen to the long version of You Can't Always Get What You Want........ twice.

"If you calculate 15 minutes a day shaving, that's 5,000 minutes a year shaving."  Fidel Castro (
I always remembered him having a beard.)

Close your eyes.......... devote 15 minutes of quiet to remember those gone, missed, loved.  Keep 'em 'alivc'.

Play Wordle (took about 15 minutes).. Compared scores via text with youngest niece who also gets  up at Ugly-30am.  Tie, "Great minds" we say anyways... I bemoaned about the fact I needed to clean house.. She suggested the Fifteen Minute Clean.  Commercials come on roughly every 15 minutes.. Dilute the time cleaning so it's not overwhelming by jumping up to clean, but only during the commercials.  First commercial came on.  I turned the TV off.  Took a 15 minute nap.

Play Sudoku in bed whilst trying to go to sleep. I don't Ewes counting sheep.  I look at Sudoku numbers instead.  Works.  I'm certain I can snore within fitteen minutes.

Read a stupid blog.

Write a stupid blog.

"Women are like ovens... we need 5 to 15 minutes to heat up."  Sandra Bullock.  Victor, you damn misogynist!  AM NOT, ARE TOO, AM NOT, ARE TOO!

Fifteen minutes of fame.  (No such luck for me, BUT, George Brett and I DID  go to different schools together.)

In fitteen minutes you can pass gas, of course run into another room.. turn the coffee off... eat a donut (or two if you think you got time).. hug someone.  Kiss someone.  Text someone.  Pet your dog, cat, rabbit (why?), turtle (careful), salamander (eww)... grab the mail... 

Worry (I much prefer another donut, but, worry happens.)

Smile (it's dayum hard to smile for fitteen minutes, but, I love them folks who smile all dayum day long.

Smoke a cig.  Actually, two. I KNOW I KNOW.

Smoke pot. I (honestly) don't, but I don't care if you do.

"I hate to go to the movies or watch a TV show and know the ending within 15 minutes."  Amaury Nolasco

Spend 15 minutes on Wiki trying to find out just whointheheck Amaury Nolasco is.

GO OVER 15 MINUTES WRITING A BLOG.  CRAP I GOTTA HURRY.  ie, woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head.. and looking up, I noticed I was late (enter heavy breathing here).. found my coat and grabbed my hat, made the bus in seconds flat.  (I don't wear a hat. It's 75 degrees, no coat. No bus, my 2002 Buick Century. Don't laugh damnit, it runs, looks awesome.)

Cuss Victurd for 15 minutes of your life you'll neva' eva' get back.



Hugs, smiles, well wishes, fitteen minutes of 'em.

Love, Victurd

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