Thursday, October 24, 2024

Big sceeen..... and..... little bitty picture in picture

The times, they done changed.

Take you back...
Do do do do
Take you back

Victor, not that song....... please?

Whatever Mick.....

My last 'date' was actually a couple years or so ago.  Beautiful young lady - we went to 'the bigscreen' to see Clifford, The Big Red Dog. Holy guacamole...  Bigscreens BIGGER... theater was sparse... the seats were heated... vibrated... and you could push a button and actually lay down.  My six year old granddaughter tried out three different seats - laying down, getting toasty on that Winter day... and giggling at the vibration.

Without intent, my son accidentally put my bigscreen outta commission a few days back, and I've simply been remiss on going to Wally to get an El Cheapo replacement.

It's actually kinda been nice. Armed with my El Cheapo Android, and the laptop or chromebook thingy.... I can watch TV any dang time, place, I wanna.  I know you knew that, I'm a simpleton, behind the changing times of electronics.

This morning as I blog, my phone is plugged in to boost from zilcho percent to usable - so, blogging 'here' (chromebook) and....... watching the local news - picture in picture, in a little box, mebbe 1 inch by 2 inches - over here------------> in the right hand corner.

It made me think of life.  I know, I know, much does.  We do do (there we go with that again... ) we do do that though - picture in picture with our eyeballs.  I just closed my eyes, saw my grand, a couple years younger, flip flopping from this seat, to that seat - and it was a very good thing, as I haven't seen her in waaaaaayy too long.

As we focus on the Bigscreen (life), little snippets pop-up.. ---------->  here,
of reminders.  We see, visit with a friend - in the real, live, bigscreen of life - but, in our mind, we can tune into that little bitty screen and peek at 'em back in the day when we sat side by side on the Little League bench.  In Freshman English class.  That time we went fishin' at Hooter's pond.

Picture in picture.

Picture in picture in the Bigscreen of life - is, simply awesome.  Up can pop 'videos' of those who no longer walk beside us on the face of the Earth.  The beauty, ya ain't gotta dig out a VHS, get it transferred to whatever it is you transfer it to... stick it in the tv machine thingy, then watch.  Picture in picture of the Bigscreen of life. Built in, we gots all them rods and cones, photo receptors that brilliantly display 'yesterday'.

Picture in picture, I reckon, is kinda like 'on demand' in the real world.  Not exactly Netflix and chill - but... yesterday and smile.

One beloved friend, who, over time has gone completely blind - STILL has that picture in picture recall of yesterday.

Ya don't need no remote to 'flip the channels' of the picture in picture.  You kinda I Dream Of Jeannie 'blink it' to whateverinthehell mem you wanna have.  Mebbe, first day on that geological job?  Offroad jeeping in the Colo mountains?  First time you stepped behind the podium for an Economics lecture?  A replay of Big'ns "The Shot"?  You got it, right there, in the Blockbuster of the brain.

The first horse you painted, yep... back when you won the hunnerd yard dash your Senior year, uh huh.  36 Moss Street, oh baby.  Mebbe when you sit and peek out the Bigscreen, ya think, "Did I really usedta be able to run, do a roundoff, THEN a backspring?"  Yep, all ya gotta do it peek......------------------>  over here... in the picture in picture of life.

Hey, remember when you were named a Little All American up there in Nebraska?  And you over there, ya paid a photographer boo koo dolla' for 1,763 wedding photos, don't need em.  All ya gotta do if peek out the Bigscreen of life, find that picture in picture and there you have it, the beauty of she, he, it all.

I don't mind not having my fitty-five inch TV in disrepair.  I may keep it this way for awhile.  I love my little 1 inch by 2 inch, picture in picture of life, then and now.  Just image the rolling of 'the credits'.  The characters.  The fun. 


Sorry, kinda, got carried away.

Even Clifford looks huge in the little box over here ------------------>

The Bigscreen of life - life, and little bitty boxes, loom large.

Party on Garth.

Love, Victurd

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