Friday, January 24, 2025

Wait a minute....

And when ya do, they say it seems like three minutes.  Twelfth car in line at Mickey D's ain't no fun.

Waiting in a waiting room for the Doc... germs. She looks worse than me. He, not so much either.  I wonder who has bronchitis, psoriasis, herpes simplex.

Me waiting for Doc, wondering, will I stay or will I go (I'm kinda fond of life here.)  My BP is ALWAYS way higher from waiting,  then, I make the trek back alongside the nurse, "slip your shoes off, let's weigh you", damnit do i haveta, even GREATER BP. I beg them to retest my BP in ten minutes, they usually give in, and yep, lower. Waiting can be poopy.

Cubicle eyes on the computer clock, c'mon 5 o'clock and how come Dolly only had to do 9 to 5? Basta's here make me start at 8. Older farts eyes on the combined calendar/DOB race to Medicare, take this job and shove it.

Hang on, hang around, loiter, line up, stay, bide one's time,  
Hurry up and wait. Cool one's heels, tarry, anticipate.

Alert, anxious, apprehensive, breathless, eager, expecting, hopeful, in suspense, on edge, and on tenterhooks. I have no idea whatinthehell tenterhooks means, no patience to Google it (ever blog on an Android?), I'll wait for Moffitt to educate me, or, L&L.

May I share a personal favorite story about waiting?  Victor, why ask, we know you're gonna anyways, and, odds are good we've already heard it once or three times.

Ahem, ok. My mom. Our creaky old house had a stairwell, ah, a landing area on the stairs from 1st floor to 2nd.  Dad was a traveling salesman, gone early Monday morning, to return at some point, time, Thursday.

Thursdays, Mom would sit on the landing, sometimes literally for hours, looking out the back window at the alleyway where his old station wagon would eventually appear.

Whenever, wherever I'm forced to wait, I try to remember mom, that landing, how beautiful it was to see, feel, her/their love.  Makes waiting not quite so ucky. 

We spend approximately six months of our life waiting in lines for things. 43 of those days are spent on hold for customer service.  Most of us are practiced at top of our lungs REPRESENTATIVE!!!

I don't really have advice on what to do while one waits.  I play Sudoku, do the pee pee dance in line at the men's room, envision, in that waiting room 'that one' being my girlfriend...well, providing she gets cleared up of,  bronchitis, psoriasis,  or, well...(all men are pigs), and if, in that waiting room someone continually stares, I pretend to pick my nose, then pretend to swallow said booger. Snot fun to be stared at.

Chiefs vs Bill's. Plenty of KC hate while we wait. We can almost hear the "I told you so's" the first time a ref tosses his flag. Or, "I KNEW she'd be on camera, im sick of it!" Swiftly, we don't care.  Plenty of us have waited and waited and waited for this. We've waited countless years thru "been down so long it looks like up to me." Can you say Elway, Manning, Brady as, compared to Bono, Blackledge, grrrrrrGrbac.

Don't wait for fun, have it. Don't wait too long to wing the L word.  Make the call, the text, the hug, the laugh, the compliment.  Tons of positive can happen in wait.

Unless the wait is toooo long in the men's room. That's why I always carry a book, or a jacket, so I can cover up. If I forget, I moonwalk out.

On deck today, a nap, the cinnamon roll in the fridge, filling my car up. That's exciting Victor? Uh huh, joined Sam's. Hardly ever a line, THIRTY CENTS LESS than QT.

Life is a QT, don't hate the wait(s), embrace it. And if you carry a book you can always read it.

Screw The Kinks and their "so tired, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for you."

Ya never know. Ya know?

Love, Victurd

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