Thursday, October 17, 2024


(Editor's note.. I went back, as always, and reread before I hit 'send'/publish...and it really makes no sense... sorry... kinda... but too, ain't that life? And, I can just see, sense, Mr. L&L Motors, grabbin' his readers, scootiing up to the edga the chair to type)


That's scary ain't it?

I want youI want you so badI want youI want you so badIt's driving me mad, it's driving me mad
I need coffee, a nap, a few mo' dolla's, air, sun, peace, non confrontation, an aspirin, a job, to clean house, TP (damnit, waddle waddle to the Piggly Wiggly, I forgot it), a vacation, the beach, a haircut, new tires, a hug, music, Baseball Ray, to pluck the hair sticking outta the rounded parta my ears (I needta get ridda that damn new LED light in the bathroom).

I want youI want you so bad, babeI want youI want you so badIt's driving me mad, it's driving me mad

I scream, you scream, we all scream for (ie, need) humor, fun, housing, food, healthcare, clothing, safety, clean water.

I want youI want you so badI want youI want you so badIt's driving me mad, it's driving me

Google (who needs 'em) suggested 'physical, emotional, mental, relational, soul, higher self and spiritual needs. 

She's so
HeavyHeavy, heavy, heavy
She's so
HeavyShe's so heavy (heavy, heavy, heavy)
Why, why did John keep saying "She's so... heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy... she's so, heavy, she's so heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy."?  Did he have an affinity for a tad larger?  I certainly remember, my own formative years, my boss (when I was like 16).. told me "Get ya' one (a woman I suppose) ya' ain't gotta shake the sheets to find."  Wow Victor, did you just write that?  I was only telling a true story.  I don't think ya needed to... Oh well.  John was simply talking about his fervency for Yoko.
OK, thanks Lucy, that 'xplains it .
I want youI want you so badI want youI want you so badIt's driving me mad, it's driving me mad
If you haven't detected by now, I don't really know, or have, a point to all this mess.
I find, as I (we?) age..  so do our needs.  Of course, we can't do like we usedta, most stuff..  So, what usedta be "I'm gonna go to the gym, lift weights for awhile, then jog a couple three miles.. .then, go shop for a new pair'a shoes.. grab a quick bite, go dancing with friends."
Is..... now
"Honey?..... have you seen (my readers, my teeth, the remote, the bag'a Fritos?) I'm gonna veg out in the recliner, mebbe close my eyelids for awhile, watch a couple shows.. .then, shop for a new pair'a shoes on Amazon.. nuke a chicken pot pie, then, watch Dancing with the Stars.... by then, I'll needta go to bed."
She's so
HeavyShe's so heavy (heavy, heavy, heavy)
BITE ME!  There's only 642 calories in that pot pie...  and speakin'a pots, Mr. Pot (BEER) Belly. that bag'a Frito's that 'dissappeared'.. you just scarfed down 1,480 calories.  NEED I SAY MORE?
Victor, you're weird.  Thanks, I needed that. Music (I want you) to the ears, which reminds me of LED, and ears also remind me of corn, thus, Fritos.
Some might say "Victurd, too much time on hands.. you NEED a job."
I got one.
Part time.
Bottom line.... (Good gosh Gertie, I thought we'd never arrive here).. seems our needs change as we age.
What usedta be "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction (like, YEAH BABY, mark, set, let's GOOOOOO!)
Is now:
Be for real.  Did you just get here?  I ain't goin no dayum where.  I'm tired and retired, got it?  Get it.
It is my hope, I, Victurd, served well in my role of putting you to sleep this morning.  Sleep is a basic need.
Ignoring ringing phones, incoming texts
Old friends (NO, not ignoring them, NEEDING them!)
Sure, these are mine.....  

Enjoy the day... and, doing (or not doing) your needs.
I want youI want you so badI want youI want you so badIt's driving me mad, it's driving me mad

I enjoy you being here, truly,

Love, heavy Victurd

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

He ain't heavy.......

The road is longWith many a winding turnThat leads us to who knows where, who knows whereBut I'm strongStrong enough to carry himHe ain't heavy, he's my brother
In 1917, in Omaha, Nebraska - Father Edward Flanagan, a Catholic priest, founded Boys Town... a home for where troubled or homeless boys could come for assistance.  It's said, in 1941, Father was looking at a magazine, came across a picture of a boy who was carrying a younger boy on this back, and the caption on the picture was "He ain't heavy Mr., he's my brother.".....
… So on we goHis welfare is of my concernNo burden is he to bearWe'll get there
'Story' #2 precedes the above, and relates there was a child Father saw in 1921... he wore heavy leg braces... the boys would take turns carrying the child on their backs... In 1938, the movie Boys Town came out, starring Spencer Tracy as Father Flanagan, and Mickey Rooney as one of the boys..- and in a sequel a few years later, when asked, "why, how come you do that?"" they answered with the phrase "He ain't heavy, he's my brother" several times.
The song was written in 1969 by Bobbie Scott and Bob Russell as Russell was dying from lymphoma.   It was originally recorded by Kelly Gordon the same year.... then, it was offered to Joe Cocker (decided not to record it)... and of course, the Hollies - who made it a huge hit. Some feller named Reg was a session musician and sat in on the piano for the recording - making a total of £12... he later went by the stage name Elton John.
… For I know
He would not encumber meHe ain't heavy, he's my brother 
If you were to travel to Omaha to Boys Town, you'd find several commissioned statues of a boy carrying a boy.
… If I'm laden at allI'm laden with sadnessThat everyone's heartIsn't filled with the gladnessOf love for one another
For me, the basic message is compassion. Humans are amazing.  One could substitute many of the following for ".... he ain't heavy... he's my _______" husband, wife, child, parent, grandparent, brother, sister, neighbor, good friend, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle.  Examples, beautifully, abound across the land... this State, that County, the next town, neighborhood over, our block...... perhaps even, our home.
… It's a long, long roadFrom which there is no returnWhile we're on the way to thereWhy not share?
… And the loadDoesn't weigh me down at allHe ain't heavy, he's my brother
Life, in and of itself, is like juggling three hacky sacks... difficult.  We frequently drop one, lose one, get one dirty... message, it's dayum difficult.  THEN, ya toss in a medicine ball in addition to the juggling balls of everyday life - and, I just don't see how folks do it, but they do.
… He's my brotherHe ain't heavy, he's my brotherHe ain't heavy, he's my brother

We all.......... ALL.... have moods, aches, pains, indigestion, bad hip, leg, back, difficulty hearing, seeing, money woes, "I don't wanna (days)", car problems, job worries, some friends, loved ones that, perhaps in the past, have let us down.

Nonetheless... the amazing creatures in our land juggle those three balls... accept (without complaint) the medicine ball thrown in....... and go about the day silently, remarkably.

Cheers to all who wear the t-shirt of 'he ain't heavy, he's my brother'... as well as to those who are the brother, the one in need.

Love, Victurd

Saturday, October 12, 2024


Change, that's what.

That's life.  Scram Frank, this is my blog.

Change:  your oil..... furnace filters.... clocks, soon, Sunday, November 3rd, Spring Forward, Fall back...... no forgetty the batteries on your smoke detectors. (Clock in your car, no touchy, it will finally be correct again.)

24 days to pay dayum close attention to all the "My name is Slim Shady.".. no.. that ain't it... well... kinda sorta..   "My name is (enter political hopeful whose mudslinging ad just ended) and I approve this message."  24 days to watch, listen, mebbe change your mind.  HA

Tadpoles. Stock market.  'I JUST bought you new shoes four months ago!" said by most every parent of a snotnose a growin.  "I JUST bought you new shoes 2 days ago!"  Ferdinand Marcos.

Nursery. Crib. "Big Boy (or Girl) bed." Shared, mebbe.  Dorm.  Apartment. Duplex. Small house.  Lucky ones, 4BR house. Old ones, gimme a ranch please, two BR's is fine just in case whatshisname comes back again. Senior housing, Assisted care. OK OK VICTOR, we knew the rest, tyvm."

"True life is lived when tiny changes occur."  Leo Tolstoy

OK, you can come in the sandbox with me, but keep ur grubby hands off my shovel.  Oh OK, we'll take turns.

Jack and Diane diddy. They're 13, classmates. Each, dropped off on Friday night at the AMC bigscreen, he, with enough dough for two medium popcorns , 2 sodas, she, funds for two tickets.  Somewhere between previews, start of movie..  the denouement (end of movie.. I know, I ain't neva' heard of it before, I was gonna use climax, but that sounded kinda perverted so I Googled 'whadda ya call the enda the movie?".)  Anyways, Jack smooched Diane.  Coulda been the other way around. OMG. Mr.Tolstoy, nail on head.  Life, as we know it, changed, ne'er the same.

Music damnit Victor, music.  OK OK.

ABCDEFG..... Head and Shoulders knees and toes knees and toes.  Ohhhhhhh, who lives in a pineapple under the sea.....  On a sunset hill of glory (or whatever your cruddy HS alma mater is//was)...   The times they are'a changin'.. right Bob?   Turn Turn Turn (to everything there is a season.)_ 

Change of heart.. chunk'a change..  Ask Sherwin-Williams..   A leopard can't change it's spots, but wow, a side of (enter name here) we ain't seen before.  Change channel..  Change jobs, addy's, cars, hairstyle, hair color, clothes, undies, sheets, the arrangement of furniture. DAMNIT Hazel, I just tripped over the ottoman.

Change up. Baseball Ray, but now it's football (at least here, our city, your team still going, kudos.).  Not futbol, that's anudder sport.

Change colleges:  I got a hangnail. Coach left.  NIL not enough.  This offense ain't for me. Dad said I should be playing more.  They've got cooler uni's.  Too close to home.  Too far from home. I wanna play D1. I wanna dominate, going to D2. 

Loose change, chump change, small change, make change, shortchanged, I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today. ($.29, millions sold at McDonalds, or so the sign said. Victor, get with the program, they stopped doing that when you were fitteen.)

'Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change."  Wayne W. Dyer

I really reallly like that one.  I also have really enjoyed aging.  Mostly. Blessed might be a better word.  I cringe every time I learn of someone that wasn't afforded as much time as I.  Not fair.

Aging changes you to not get your dander up about so much....  but too, on the other hand, we are (muchly) set in our ways, beliefs, dig heels in.  Aging allows us to think before we act.  Interview ourselves, so to speak, about how we feel, what we should say, if anything.

Aging brings smiles easier.  Little ones, yes, beloved snotnoses, are even more adoring, of course, especially them there ones with our blood line.

Aging gives us a broadened focus on time.  TikTok.  No, that ain't it. I mean, tick tock.

Evolution, revolution, gun control, sound of soulShooting rockets to the moon, kids growing up too soonPoliticians say more taxes will solve everything
And the band played on
So, round and around and around we goWhere the world's headed, nobody knows
Stop the music!  33, 45, 78, reel to reel, casette, 8 track, CD, bluetooth..  Spotify, YouTube, Shazam - what was that?
Life is all about change, I'm Sirius.
It's Pandora ('s box)... And, a Treasure chest, all in one.
And the band played on.
I could listen to that Temptation guy's bass voice all day long,  But too, gimme a little Tracy Chapman alto, Pavarotti tenor... much... even them gloom, despair and agony on me (change) guys.
There's a hole in my bucket dear Liza.. dear Lisa....
Then get your butt up and fix it dear Henry dear Henry.  It ain't gonna fix (change) itself.
HONEY?  Junior's gotta smelly diaper...   it's your turn.
Premie... newborn.. size 1.. size 2... pullups for swimming in there somewhere...  Size 6...  Size 7.  Looky mommy!  I peed in the toilet!
Change.  Life Depends on it.
Love, Victurd

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


That be, GoPro, bassackwards......

For simpletons like Victurd, I understand it's a small video camera which can be worn like on a headband, recording as you go.

MLB has started using them on Umpire's heads.. ha.. The other night, it caught ole Salvy Perez of the KC Royals hitting a home run off'a the NY Yankees pitcher.  Interesting perspective, that... and life.

We GoPro every day.

sdrawkcassaB.  You could, t'were it played bassackwards, watch the ball go from crummy Yankee bleacher fan hands, back to Salvy's bat, back to pitcher's hand.... if you wanted to.

Life, bassackwards, might be kinda interesting.

Like.  One could 'take a picture of ourself now', size __ waist:    VICTURD

Play the orPoG bassackwards, and look to see how ya looked a few years back.. VICTURD....

Keep rewinding.. VICTURD...   and, s'more...   VICTURD..   and a tad more.  VICTURD.   Ahhhhhh... THAT'S IT!  Screw Ozempic, going to the gym, eating like a flea.. I'll just run the dayum orPoG backwards!

Thinka the possibilities!

You could watch (On rewind) that video whar' ya walked down the aisle... the white wedding gown beautiful bride, one arm on the handsome dude in the tux...... you'd go back to the alter...  rewind past the "I do'".......  the rings would taken off, to be put back on the little snotnoses pillow... she/dad walk backwards...  he/groomsman do as well.  Then, ya run it back a little further....... WHOOP THERE IT IS!  He, once again single, at bachelor party, YEAH BABY!   She, yep, them flowers jumped back into her hand from whomever had caught 'em, she placed 'em back in the little snotnoses hand...  more rewind.. and PRESTO.. she too is single, back with besties at their destination bachelorette party on the beach!

Kid getting on your nerves?  Run that damn camera bassackwards, PUT EM BACK IN THERE!

Hate that Grey? orPoG it away!

Slip and fall, break bones an all?  Run it backwards... You get knocked down, you get up again, you never go to the ER...  Oh Danny boy, Danny boy, Danny boy...

Sports?  Run it bassackwards....... that ball will come right back through Billy Buckner's legs...  

THREE, count 'em, THREE missed field goals (35, 39, 42 yards) Mr. Lin Elliot in the 1995 divisional round of the playoffs....... NO PROBLEM!  Backwards from the miss, to the foot, to the holder, to the snapper... s'more... and s'more.. .to the B2 Bombers flying over, to the "Chiefs" National Anthem end... to... fans, filtering in...  to... back to tailgating, throwing down some Arthur Bryants ribs. (Back thru the entry gate, back home, all that outragious money for tickets, jumps back in your account.

Mebbe even........ UP GOES FRAZIER!

orPoG,  Got it?  Get it!  Run it backwards.  Up your GPA...  Feel uneasy, a little skeered as you bike today? Back that sucker up, the training wheels will jump right back on!

You could even play the White Album track Revolution bassackwards, hear the encrypted "Turn me on, dead man" - and jualah.... McCartney would jump back on stage!

Victor, you're nuts! 

No cause for alarm!  I could just orPoG back to life before I was cray cray!

I think I'm gonna grab the orPoG....... call up Doc Brown..... go back to the future to, oh, 1969 or so..... ask that one gal out before whatshisname did..... and life will be happy ever after.  HA.

Seriously, I'm gonna orPoG back to bed for  a nap.

Hey, you have great day.  If, at the enda the day.. you lay in bed.. reflect, discover that it ain't been a good day....

orPoG it back to Tuesday.  Start over.


Love, Victurd

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


All my troubles seemed so far away........

No, that ain't it.

Lemme start with today, then we'll backtrack.  I gotta crick in my neck.  If you remember correctly and you've been here before... you must lead a very boring life.

No, that ain't it...  Well, it is...... sorry, kinda.  Where was I?  Oh yeah, Liberty, MO.. crick in neck.  Words fascinate me.  Perhaps even more than people (sorry.. kinda) but mebbe not as much as hound dogs.

The hell is a CRICK I asked myself as I turned my whole dayum body just to see what time it was.  Google (remember? I'm C+, M+ average smarts) informs crick is named after a famous British scientist:
  • Francis H(arry) C(ompton) Crick (1916-2004) was an English scientist who helped determine the structure of DNA in 1953. Crick and James D. Watson used x-rays to analyze the patterns cast by DNA molecules and discovered that DNA is a double helix. They shared the 1962 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for this work.

There I was...... I was taken to a place...... that hall of the mountain kings....... Naked to the world.. in front of... every kind of girl.

Crap, sorry.. .that ain't it either. Thanks for your patience.  Lemme try again.  I have a crick in my neck.  Cricks kinda hurt.  They makeya stiff, immoble, and feel stupid. They makea turn your body, similar to how Homecoming Queen waves to doting spectators.. on a swivel.  THERE. There's today's word........swivel.

Perhaps my neck hurts because yesterday (THANK GOODNESS YOU FINALLY GOT THERE VICTOR)..  Yesterday...  there were two... two.... two mints in one....... Nope, wait.  There were two very important Kansas City-like Sporting Events on at the same time...  which, literally means mosta the US prolly Netfix and chilled, or, played Farmville (that still around?), Sukoku, Solitaire, or maybe the whole fam damily went out to a nice dinner somewheres.....

The Corner Bar. NO, not you Victor.  I digress. NO, not you Victor?  OK OK OK. I don't have two TV's...  I don't have the SPLIT SCREEN THINGY...  I loves me some Royals (vs. Yankees) and I've been a Chief's fan since long before I had peach fuzz.

Corner Bar.  12 TV's.  Perfect.  Did I mention I enjoy an occasional beer too?  Sorry.  Not really.  I'm 71. It's me it's me, it's Ernest T.

TENSE.  Early, the games were tense.   The Royals game started 37 minutes prior to the Chiefs on Monday Night Football.  Yankees, early 1-0 lead. Sips were taken, cigs were smoked between innings.

Then, kickoff.  I think that's what they still call it. (It more resembles a game of Red Rover Red Rover, send Saint's returner right over - the way they line up.)

We swiveled.  Fastball, low... 2 balls, no strikes.. The udder way...  2nd down, 9 to go, pass, incomplete. Swivel.  YOU IDIOT!  THAT WAS A STRIKE!  CAN'T YOU SEE THE BOX UMP?.  Swivel.  In one fell swivel, Kelce caught a pass, Taylor jumped up and down, Andy and Patrick were with Jake from State Farm.  Swivel.

My neck hurts.

Can't ya see, whoa...  can't ya see...... what that woman, Lord she been doin' to me?

Ooops, sorry.. another "nope that ain't it."  Can't you see, what that swivel has been doing to me.

I've watched sports for 70+ years but even I got a tad confused by all the swiveling, having to adjust, Baseball Ray/NFL.  Back, back, back, back, back....  Holding, #72.. he almost violated the pitch clock....  First down, but only by an inch or so.

At one point, as we looked left, then right, then back left..  I think there was a single, a completion, a nice (baseball) catch, an offsides... a double.. a sack.. yelling, hollering..  one of the younger OG's at the Corner finally hollers what a lot of us thought but were not brave enough to holler ourselves......."I CAN'T DO BOTH!"

Swivel. Swivel. Crick, crick.  Thanks, ya damn Brit!

THANKFULLY...... It ended well..  It tweren't.. "Start spreading the news... You always make it there, you make it anywhere... Come on, come through, New York, New York" Sorry Frank... Sorry Judge, Sota...  And it wasn't "Oh when the Saints go marchin' in, oh when the Saints go marching in.  WE WON BOTH!  Swivel on that Costas... Joe Buck!

We are Kansas City.  Small market. Chopped liver. (Do people actually enjoy liver?).  Middle of America.  They don't know "is it Missouri or Kansas?"  Don't they have dueling banjos there? Ain't the majority of 'em related?

I have a crick.  From swiveling. Frank'ly (New York, New York) Louie (Oh when the Saints), I don't mind the pain...  Now........

'I've had the time of my lifeNo, I never felt like this beforeYes, I swear, it's the truthAnd I owe it all to you'Cause I've had the time of my lifeAnd I owe it all to you

Thank you Garcia, Hampson, Salvy, Ragans, GooseEgg Erceg...  Patrick, JuJu, Xavier, Travis, Kareem, Chris, et al.

Now, I lay me down to sleep. No, that ain't it. Now, I wonder which will happen first...  Another solar eclipse - or, the Royal's in a playoff game whilst the Chiefies are on MNF at the same time?

I swiveled to peek at Google.  The next full, total, solar eclipse is set for August 23, 2044.


To everything, turn, turn, turn (swivel, crick)

No... that ain't it.

To everything, urn, urn, urn.

Paul Harvey (and Henry Gibson)...  Good day

Love, Victurd

Monday, October 7, 2024


"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning."  Albert Einstein

When I was a kid, I remember one of the popular 'to do' thingybobs was the old blue, folded coin collection 'books'.  Had holes the exact size of a penny, dime, nickel, quarter, yada... and you collected as many as you could year by year in attempt to fill the book up from whatever year it started, to whatever year it presently is/was, that.

Age, I find, changes perspective. We go from 'I wanna ride a bike like Joey does', to, 'I cannot wait to... drive..  vote... go to college.. move out... find a life partner... have kids... .. Become a.... lawyer, Doctor.. baseball player, teacher, coach, nurse, autoworker like my pa, this, that.

Usedta be, today had eyeballs on tomorrow.

Enter the hourglass.  Sands.

THANK YOU for allowing me to awaken today.  All my eyes and ears are on TODAY.  Promise.

Today, we remember yesterdays we collected in our blue book of life.  First day of school.  Bicycle, sans training wheels.  First, new ball-glove.   Hey, she's pretty. Did I just really say, think that?

FANtastic days. Your team, my team, World Series, Super Bowl.  Wunnerful todays in our book.

The day our first stickshift met its first hill.  A three on the column or four on the floor perspective into life.

Try as we might, some todays ain't forgetful.  I didn't get that job I really really wanted... or..  It was such a great company, we had so much fun, camaraderie - I cannot believe it went belly up, awash.  A today I will remember with very mixed emotions.

That first home away from home.  The wedding.  Awakening the next morning, the "oh yeah" realization, he/she is gonna be here too, forever.  For some of us, a today that one day jolted us into "or, maybe he/she is not." (gonna be here forever.)

Birthdays, Thanksgivings, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, cousins galore.  CHRISTMAS todays, the best.

The birth of a child, or, children.  Grandkids, same, even perhaps prouder, 'specialier' today.

National tragedy todays.  The JFK day.  Shocker.  MLK day, ditto. 9/11.  The way too many school mass shootings.  Personal tragedy todays, the loss of our family members. Dog, cat, rainbow bridge days.

At my last job, a buddy gave me a day to day calendar where ya 'tore off' yesterday, presto, there was today with a joke (along with a golf tip) included - another prophetic reminder of the preciousness of life.  The good, the bad, the sad days, mostly unpredictable, not 'scored' on those flip pages of life.

Me personally........ sorry, kinda, not really.  Sports have thankfully, played a wonderful role in my todays.

Today is a today.  No, it ain't the biggest, baddest ever - but, tis perty damn special. At 6:38pm tonight, the Kansas City Royals (winners of 56 games all of last year) take on the NY Yankees in game two of the ALDS.  Thirtyseven minutes later, the 4-0 Kansas City Chiefs play the New Orleans Saints on Monday Night Football.

Past todays.  That first ball-glove. Wiffle ball in the front yard.  Awaiting indoor, no swimming allowed, for that all important Little League game that night.  Mom, dad in lawnchairs.

I remember Grandpa, EVERY St. Louis Cardinal game, front porch in the swing, accompanied by Harry Carey on KMOX.  

High school basketball todays in those hideously too short blue Bluejay shorts.  Friday night lights, the Pep Club, cheerleaders, all that football equipment on.  Coaching. (Me, sorry, kinda.)  The high todays and the low todays, regardless, always a blessed today.

We've advanced from Black and White TV's, no broadcast of most games... to Color TV (if dad has the right tube from Breipohl Drug Store put in.)..  to NFL referees (STILL) lifting the cover off of a 6" screen to watch a replay....... to Bigscreen TV's, taller and wider than Wilt himself.

I can't wait. I know there's a possibility (or two) for deflation.  Age has changed that perspective as well.  Hell to the yeah I want both to win.  Nonetheless, today is blessed - no matter how it turns out.  It's an age thing. Paying attention to, being thankful for, today.

Please enjoy today.

I planta.

Love, Victurd

Sunday, October 6, 2024

What's it all about............ Ralphie

It's October. Halfway between "Crank the AC Earl, I'm freezing" and "Are you crazy? I ain't going nowhere in this freezing crap, YOU go to the store."

Balance and harmony so to speak.  Libra, as in the Scales.

Listen, dooo daaaaahh doooo, do you want to know a secret.. dooo daaaaahh doooo. Do you promise not to tell...dooo daaaaahh doooo..  Ahm, Victor?  Yes?  You are blogging.  And then, plastering it on Facebook.  I call that advertising.  Eh, mebbe.  I much prefer to call it 'xplaining.

I am the poster child for those scales of Libra. (Victor..... you're 71 for behoogity sakes,,, you ain't seen child since 200+ pounds ago).. Bite me.

Much...... much... UGLY.  I allow to, place in, think about, constantly worry and bellyache about - into one sidea that scale.  So, of course, life then gets SKEewed.  It propels into little shop of horrors, as in, FEED ME (good news) SEYMOUR!

Victor, some might call that depression.  Yeah yeah yeah, and then mebbe some might call it life.

So I seek music...... (Don't bring me down... no, no, no, no, no..  Ooh-ooh-hoo I'll tell you once more before I get off the floor.. Don't bring me down) and humor, "I say, I say boy, pay attention when I'm talking to ya boy.. that woman is as cold as a nudist on an iceberg."  Thanks ELO, Foghorn.. I needed that.  Better.

Then, I splatter all that junk here, and you........ you're stuck!

This will be short. (THANK GOODNESS VICTOR)... 

Thanks.  Thanks for riding shotgun. In the backseat. 

The scales of life....... they sway.  The wind blows 'em.  Words, hurtful - unnecessary words jump in one side of the scale...  s'more music... 'smore attempts at humor.  s'more friends here and listening.

I slip.  Sorry, truly.  Sometimes I allow (me, nobody else) the everyday crap to really weigh me down.  See that scale? One side damn near on the ground.  

Then I play a little Ray Charles...... mebbe some Motown..   Sly and the Family Stone...  Clapton...  Patsy Cline...  Mick, the old guy and the Stones...  and watch me some Tim Conway imitating a monkey sitting on an elephant trunk, and someone asks 'Momma' a question about dinner or something or other.... she replies "Is that little asshole done?".. Harvey Korman and the lot then all fall off the sofa...  the Ugly on the one sidea the scale is offset by the music, the humor....... and life is......... again, good, balanced.

I, we, walk among some incredible folks.  We all observe friends, loved ones - that really ain't had a fair deal... be it healthwise..  loss...  much.. those kinda things that make us always ask "Why do bad things happen to good people?"

And then those good people RE-BALANCE our scale with, "It is what it is." Ne'er a complaint.  Ne'er.  They must have their own internal juke box and laugh track.  Either way, bless 'em.

I think they're 'put there' in our lives on purpose.  Kinda like Maalox when your tummy is a churnin... of, ya pull over to the sidea the road for a breather 'cause your sunburn is itching, driving you cray cray, and WHOOP, there it is....... an aloe vera plant. Nice people. Nice things.  The balance to our scale.

Hell I'd pay $14.99 a month for Amazon Prime if I could jump online, order (free delivery) smiles, dog, cats, peanuts, popcorn, good friends, beer (why not), music, a truly original, fun, stand up act, an American made good lookin' T-shirt at a cost less than Temu.  That.  All that.

Remember that toy your toddler kid had?  It was a small, rectangular bench-like looking thing with SIX pegs in round holes.. came with a wooden hammer.. child would beat the heck outta those pegs (mebbe the ugly in life) and thank goodness he/we can turn that puppy over... start pounding (music, humor, smiles, niceness, GOOD PEOPLE) and, the pegs are back up........ the Libra scale is once again balanced.

Victor........ your crazy.

Whoever you are.  You misspelled "YOU'RE"... but.. I get it, and perhaps, "your crazy" does in fact work in this instance.

On we go.  Stare.  Emote.  Laugh. Smile. Niceness.  Watch closely for... fun.  Mebbe a fart during a buddy's backswing.. a dog that's super excited about a little thing that's huge to him..  a cat's indifference...    self deprication... and, the bathroom at WallyWorld hopefully being reasonably close to where you are when ya gotta.

I know. It's hard to believe I'm a Libran ain't it?

Love, because.....we need balance in life.. Victurd


(Editor's note.. I went back, as always, and reread before I hit 'send'/publish...and it really makes no sense... sorry... kinda...