Tuesday, July 5, 2022

If only we all felt like James did in that song.

 You've got a friend?  Well, that tweren't the one I was thinking of, but I like that.

Sweet Baby James? Rockabye sweet baby James?  Does sound comforting eh, but nope, tain't it either.  And it ain't James Taylor.

Crap, I was hoping for "Don't let me be lonely tonight."  Eh, comprended, there's plenty of feel good in the world though.

Etta?  Is it Etta?  AT LAST?  Oh, I like that song..  Yep, me too but.. .well.. I was referring to.........


Oh, I see.  And just why do you feel good?  Tons of reasons, but, for a sec - I'm up before the break of dawn - some would find that yucky, I happen to love it.  (And therein lies a point, there's different strokes for different folks.)  Victor, you're so smart.  Ahm, hello?  I ain't even sure if I ever made an Honor Roll in school.  I did make it (6 year plan) thru college, but, my GPA was a closer to a 2 than a 4.  In fact, REAL close to a 2.

Getting off subject here.  Yep.  I Googled.  NO, imagine that, you Victor?  Si, did.  I actually Googled things that make you relax, thus, I surmised that relaxation equal I FEEL GOOD.

Meat.  Huh?  Meat, get to the heart of the matter.  We're in a hurry here.  Can't slow down.  Must get to grocery store in 12 minutes.  If I stand in line there for more than three minutes, I'm a crabby ass.  If I have to park in the next County, even crabbier.  Meat, as in, if I watch a TV show, I don't need 72 commercials to get thru an hour show.  Inotherwords, what relaxes us, hop to it.

The first thing they listed was Meditation.  Oh crap.  I remember back in the day The Beatles sang on that really big show Ed Sullivan had... sold out stadiums across the land..  were more popular than.... Than?  Than the funnel cake guy at the State Fair. They changed the course of the land.  THEN.  Then that Maharishi dude showed up, they practiced that Transcendental Meditation and they kinda wierded out.  Help, they needed somebody.  Help, not just anybody. Then Yoko came along.. OK OK OK, i get your point.

To me, Victor, meditation is the closing of ones eyes, on the couch, easy chair, laying in bed, front porch, in your car (preferably not whilst driving) and think happy stuff. You can do it however you want, but a suggestion would be to start when you rolled out of the womb, remember back to fun, wonderful people along the way, all thru growing up, grown up, overgrown up, to now.  That should giveya plenty to meditate on - and to me it does. Yum.

Hark, or do tell - what else does Google say relaxes us?

Breathing deeply  Ok, I reckon.  I know anyways when I take my blood pressure if I sit a bit and breath deeply before taking it, I get better scores, so yeah, maybe it does make one relax, thus, make one FEEL GOOD.

Next they listed "Scan your body."  Is this a joke Victor?  No, and I agree with you, I wanted to upchuck when I read it... but.. I guess it makes sense.. the idea is to get to know every inch of  your body... they say you can learn what part(s) feel good, and what parts have pain, tension, aches - so you can concentrate on how to maybe manage it.  OK, onward.

Listen to music.  Shut the front door, NOW you're makin' sense.  Let's play I FEEL GOOD first....and then what suits your heart, mind, taste, mood, yada...hell, music even makes housecleaning palpable... that the right word?  I dunno, sounds good to me, I got your drift. Good suggestion Google.

Try Hydrotherapy.  Really? OK, they explained like a quick splash to the face with cold water.  OK, I get that.  Has made me FEEL GOOD in the past.  Next.

Get some sun. We be different, some might no likey, some may live where their ain't much sun, but, for most - getting sun = yum = relaxing = FEEL GOOD.

Laugh.  Hell to the yeah Google, good one. So just close my eyes and laugh? I guess that would work, or, you could go to Youtube and have boo-kuu sources.. baby's laughter.. old codger laughter.. funny things hounds do.. you name it, laughter is there.

Chew gum.  OK, I get that.  It does kinda relieve stress.

Massage your hands for five minutes. Hmmm, never tried it, will.

Stretch.  This one is oh so skipped over.  Just yesterday, golfing, buddy jumped outta cart, went right to tee, hit, OUCH.  Then remarked, "I guess it's pretty stupid to not stretch awhile first."  Yes, and we all (OK, 99%) skip stretching when there's remarkable good that can come from it.

Eat the right food. That sounds stressy, not relaxing.  I think they mean like dark chocolate, honey, green tea, stuff like that. OK.

Then, the remainder of the list:  Take a walk. Take some alone time.  Look outside. Sniff oranges (I'm just the messenger).  Pet a furry friend.

I bring this subject up because......... there's battle lines bein' drawn..  young people speakin' their mind (and old farts too)... paranoia strikes deep.. into your life it will creep.  At least that's what Buffalo Springfield says.   ie, sometimes the water is poopy.  Life is hard.  Many appear NOT to be happy, NOT to FEEL GOOD.

We gotta change that crap, one person at a time, and I think it would be ideal if we started with ourself.

WOW, I('m gonna) FEEL GOOD.

Forward by James, HA, GOOD GOD Y'ALL, Brown

By Henry Mahesh Yogi Gibson

Love, I FEEL GOOD, Victurd

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