Saturday, September 3, 2022

Sam the Sham had it all wrong.......

Uno, dos, one two tres quatro..... 

Matty told Hatty... . about friends she ain't saw.....,  for too many years,  so please come and gather, have a beer on the Square, ain't agin' the Law

Wooly bully..  Wooly bully.. yeah drive (or fly, or bus, or train), Wooly bully, Wolly bully, Wolly bully..

Hatty told Matty..  Let's don't take no chance... Let's not be L-7... (STOP!!!!! WAIT JUST A GOL DURN MINUTE!)

On Saturday, September 10..... 4pm to 10pm...  Classes from whenever in the heck the old Liberty High School was built, through the Class of 1985 will gather - ON the L-7, for camaraderie, old times, old flames, just about everything there will be old.

For... let's see...  10pm  - 4pm = 6 hours,  yeah that's right ain't it Mrs. Schmacher?  For 6 hours, we get to be kids again..

See that lady?  I chased her around the playground at Franklin day after day in 2nd grade at recess.. . never caught her.. .wished i woulda...

And that guy, man he could play shortstop like no one you ever saw......

Remember when that gal there was a lifeguard at JFK?  We'd all try to flirt with her and get her wet doing cannonballs but back then our butts weren't big enough to splash that high.. hah, bet we could now!

Him, that one there.. he was the class clown.. I'm gonna go talk to him.. I bet he did 'stand up' for a living.. ya think?

I've seen SO MANY friends that grew up in the same neighborhood.. oh the fun we had.. kick the can.. collecting lightning bugs.. climbing the mulberry tree and eating as many as we could until we got sick...  sledding..  geez, I'd forgotten that, we all went to Jewell to sled down the big Jewell Hall hill.  Hell, i probably couldn't make it to the top now.. ah, but I have the mems.. I'm there for a moment today...

That dude..  He had the baddest '57 Chevy you ever saw.. He was so cool.. i was envious, but so were all the guys in our class...

That one, wasn't she Homecoming Queen?... and the one behind her..  remember how pretty her voice was in the choir?   Yep, and the dude she's standing next to - he set so many records for us in Swimming, school AND Clayview...

Remember the night that guy from the class of '69 drove around the Kuu Kuu 69 TIMES NON STOP, and our buddy (from the Class of 70) who was riding shotgun, so after they stopped, he got out and walked around the 70th and final lap?  Yeah... that was fun...

I can remember where virtually everyone lived...  and I remember quite a few phone numbers from back in the day...

He helped carry out groceries at Schoellers... She worked the window at Dog N Suds...That guy lined the ballfields at the City Park....

Hey look, there's all the guys and gals gathered that were Seniors our Freshman year.. Remember how intimidated, scared we were?

See that chick there?  One time at Holly Lake, she flew so far out on the rope swing, I don't think anyone ever broke her record.  Yeah and darn the luck, kids nowadays take their clothes off and do that... had we done that, word woulda went so fast from Old Manor to New Manor to Maple Street, to Ridgeway.. eh, you know.,,,,,

Hey, I gave that one my class ring long ago..  Wonder if she still has it?  I bet I could take the yarn off it and it still might fit!  (About the only thing that would still fit from back in the day.)...

That guy.. he was a basketball guru.. Nice guy too..  The one right beside him.. he played the lead in quite a few plays growing up.. I've always admired him for the ability to do that...   Yep, and about six people over, there's the gal that played lead roles, she too was awesome.

Hey, me and him went to Osceola together... Yeah?  Well I see quite a few that went with us on that trip in Young Life, Minnesota wasn't it?..  Yeah I think so...

All these memories and we ain't even made it halfway around the L-7 (Square) yet.. Yeah, Wooly bully, I'm gonna have to sit and rest apiece before we go any further.  Yeah, things, times, our bodies, energy, much, has changed since that time we got sent to Boyce Smith's office..  Yeah.. you remember that time we rode our bikes from Wiltshire up to William Jewell?  Uh huh, and howabout that time we walked from Canterbury up to Nashua Road?  Lord help me make it the resta way around the L-7!

Oh to be young.  Hey, we can.  Saturday, September 10.

Let's all be L-7...  Seeya there... Wooly bully....... 

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