Thursday, November 17, 2022


There's the fictitious story of the guy that was speeding... the fictitious cop pulls him over for running a stop sign.  Explains to the guy 'why' ("You didn't stop back there at the 4-way").. "Eh, there were no cars coming from any direction, I slowed down.. stop, slow down, what's the difference?"

So, fictitious cop pulls the driver outta the car, grabs his night stick, starts beating the holy heck outta him.  After 20 or so 'bams', the fictitious cop says, "Now, would you like me to stop or slow down?"

Among the disgusting addictions people really need to stop......... alcohol, tobacco, marajawahna, misspelling words, overeating, watching porn, using computers, looking at their phone, shopping, video games, overworking........

You there?  Yeah you.  Don't think you ain't guilty.  Ever hit the elevator button a second time? Boughtya food in a box, read the 'structions, tossed box into trash, GONE BACK to get it out and reread?  Uh huh, thought ya had.

Lie to the doctor about exercising, smoking, drinking, eating... uh huh, stop it.

You even accidentally sent a text to the person you were talking about didn't you?  Take a break from the computer to check your phone?  Uh huh, what i thought.  That party you went to at the Metcalf's house.. You went to pee, THEN YOU LOOKED IN THE MEDICINE CABINET DIDN'T YOU?  STOP LYING.

Looked for your phone when it was in your hand? Hat when it was on your head?  Stop.  You even overthink eye contact don'tya?  Stop it...... 

Who'll stop the rain? I can't stop loving you...  Stop? In the name of love.....

Jenny left Forrest Gump.  He started running. He ran for three years, two months, 14 days and 16 hours. FINALLY, FINALLY he stopped.  "I'm pretty tired, think I'll go home now."

Next week.  Turkey. Stuffing. Mashed potatoes.  Gravy. Cranberry sauce. Corn.  Green bean casserole. Candied Yams.  You did it, you cleaned your plate.  Your belly tells you STOP! PLEASE! Then that there damn piecea pecan pie stares ya right in the face don't it?  Me too.

We can't stop tragedy.  Violence. Death. Envy. Jealousy. Hatred.  Time.

Thankfully, there's some pretty cool things that don't stop.......  True friends who have your back..  a family you can always count on...  someone who supports your dreams... humor and laughter... a person who doesn't give up on you...   and that damn EverReady bunny.

With old age, we find sometimes we stop things..... running.. jumping.. cartwheels.. roundoff-backflip-backflip. We can't stop saying "Stop me if I've ever told you this." (Most nice folks won't say "yeah, I've heard that" and sit there and pretend it's the first time to hear.  People are nice like that...... we can't stop NOT answering the phone when it's sitting right infronta us because we simply ain't in the mood to talk.  Saying "Oh, I'm just now seeing your text." and/or.. "your email went into my junk folder."  Uh huh, sure. That's the last thing I'll order on Prime this year, promise.  Uh huh.

Does love stop?  I guess some does.  I heard a gal say once (married 3 times i think) "I will always love my ex'es."  I feel that way.  About...... Elisabeth Shue.... Christina Applegate... Cher.. (hey, I'm old too).. 

494.  Four hundred ninety four words up there before I finally reveal "whyinthehell did I do this blog?"  (Victor, did you really count every single word?... No, I counted one paragraph, it had 38 words, there were 13 paragraphs, so, figured 494 words.) - to get to the purpose.

Blogging, I can't stop.  Sorry.  If it's any consolation, the checkenginelight on my dilapidated 2006 Cadillac DTS 170,000 miles won't stop either.

I wish (the cold would stop.. it would stop raining.. the price of gas/ground beef/toilet paper/beer would stop going up.. that one lady would stop talking..  people would stop asking me how many sides to a stop sign, why everyone knows there are ___ sides to a stop sign.)

D-, maybe a D.

Huh?  If you're not gonna stop, we're gonna start grading your blogs.

Stop.  Please

By William Phelps Eno

Whotheheck is he?  He invented the stop sign in 1900

Love, Victurd

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