Friday, November 18, 2022


The times, there'a changin'........  We're not happily sitting in school on a Friday awaiting the bell to ring, so, woo hoo, the weekend starts, fun will be had, not  a care in the world.

We're no longer in the infancy of our careers, awaiting Friday 5pm so we can Pavlov thru traffic to spend a nice, cozy weekend with our significant other and our toddlers.  Aside from making ends meet (up to and possibly including both working, a 2nd job simply 'because ya have to') and care for our family is top priority.

We're past that age where we had one eye on our age, the other on the # of years to get to 65 or 70, or whatever your R day is to be... we'd drive home on Friday, pass the kids going as we were coming.  Look at significant other and say, "Ssshhhhhhh..... listen..... quiet," an event rarely afforded these past years.

Much...  much has happened in the recent years.  For most, retired. For some, working part-time because we want to or maybe have to.

With life, naturally, comes ugly.  Divorces.  Loss of loved ones.  Possible financial crisis.  Physical woes, afflictions.  Covid.  Shingles.  The Flu.  Going from point A to point B is no longer a 50 yard dash to win a Presidential Certificate - it can be more of a trial.

Your eyeballs here have helped me much. Truly.

I do believe there are yummy parts to aging.

Those you love, you love even more.  Those you don't, you don't really care any longer. We pick (or stay) with friends who basically, have fun.  We are in the Daylight Savings portion of life, it's precious time.

Music sounds better yet just as we remember it.. Paying for Cable,Wifi, Steaming, Dish sucks - but, affords 397 different options to watch and we can usually Goldilocks a "Baby Bear" channel that is "Just right," suits our mood, or both of our moods.

Hugs last a little longer. Smiles happen with frequency, because "Daylight Savings" of life is embedded in our brain.  Smiling, laughing is hella better than the alternative.

We are fortunate in the we can have a list of 23 things to accomplish today, sit down at the computer at 10am, and for the next three hours watch dog, cat videos, grandkid pics, read funny jokes only to stop and declare, "ah, I'm gonna go take a nap, I'll get to those other things tomorrow. Tomorrow is Tuesday isn't it?"

Our eyeballs open in the morning..  we internally say a word of thanks.  We sit on the side of the bed for awhile...  just because.  Because we know, sometime in the next hour we'll do something stupid (lose our balance, hop (four times) putting on our undies, fart as we walk, spill coffee grounds allover the side of the trash can) and if none of that has made us laugh, we rinse our face, look in the mirror, and that cinches laughter, and the thought "By gosh I'd BETTER HAVE HAD fun in life to look like this, from that."

No life ain't perfect, but we're not nearly as bugged by the imperfections we usedta be. A friend asks, "How ya doin?" and.......whilst our brain my drive by 'hip replacement... arthritis... weight gain.. pain, in some every day things...possible kid, grandkid probs' - we answer "Doing good, thank you" because, all in all, it's Daylight Savings Time- and we choose good.

We don't know what or who is ahead.  If you happen to be on Facebook and have those Memories pop-up daily, in looking at the comments from like 5, 7, 11 years ago, you're like "Damn, I miss him/her."  Thus, again, we hug a little tighter.  We don't hide the word love.  We compliment, because it feels darn good to do so. We send more texts.. even those of us that aren't big on 'the phone', make more phone calls. Touches, I guess we could call it.  Touches are good, feel good, and we are thankful they happen to be a two way street.

Kind things you've said here beat any prescription my Doc has ever written and i thank you.

Fleetwood Mac (which sounds just like we remember) says "You make loving fun."  For those of you in love, kudos.. we're not envious, we're grateful for you to have that love.

All of us though, combined, make living fun.  Thank you, and you and you and you.

Happy Thanksgiving

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