Wednesday, March 8, 2023

In due time....

Of course there's the cartoon of two Unicorns standing on the beach... in the distance, Noah's Ark sailing off, filled with all kinda two-by-two critters, and U1 says to U2 (not to be confused with Bono) "Was that today?"

Grandkids, God, and all of us love 'em, the INSTANT they are finally buckled in the car, "How long 'til we get there?" Having not learned how to 'tell time', usually any answer provided to them  with minutes, hours is met with a groan. Really creative grandparents might say "about two SpongeBob cartoons", or, if a short trip, "about as long as it takes Elsa to put on makeup and get all dressed up in her Princess gown and crown."

Really creative (frustrated) grandparents will say, "OK, we ain't gonna talk about time... instead, we're gonna see who can find a fire truck, a flag, a cow, a green car and a motorcycle first."  Proud of this new found ingenuity, said grandparent thumbs the radio dial (volume low) to the station that's played the same tunes since Nixon was in office."

The grands, now scooted up on their hineys as far as the seatbelt will allow, stretching their necks like a giraffe.. now ask, "what were they again grandpa?".."it's OK," grandparent deducts, "just a momentary interruption to Stairway to Heaven", "ahm, a fire truck, a flag, a cow, a green car and a motorcycle."

"and she's buying a stairway"..."GREEN CAR, SAW IT FIRST".."NO YOU DIDN'T, I DID!". 'ok, ok, ok, we'll call that one a tie.  Ya still got a fire truck, a flag, a cow, and a motorcycle.. and we'll add a man walking.'

No sooner than the slow end (a stairway... to he-eh-ven) "MAN WALKING! "NUH UH, THAT WAS A GIRL!".. wanting a cig badly now, said grand parent, questioning ingenuity. We'll throw that one out, ya still got a fire truck, a flag, a cow, and a motorcycle and we'll add a semi.'  "Whar's a semi grandpa".. "You know, an 18 wheeler", groan, "I'll NEVER get that, I can only count to ten." 'OK, scratch the semi...look for a boat instead."

Pacified again, sax music smooths into Van and "well it's a marvelous night for..." "COW! I SAW A COW" younger grandchild offers. "#$@&~" <-groan, older grandchild offers.  "OWWW...(enter older grandchild's name here) HIT ME!"...Van, in the background "all the leaves on the trees are falling.." A quick diversion into Quik Trip to move the booster seat from the middle to the window where it shoulda been in the first place. "No hitting!" It's OK now, even Olive Oil couldn't reach (enter youngest grandchild's name here.)

"Can I just have one more moondace..."" HOW MUCH LONGER NOW?"  "WE'RE NOT DOING THAT!, er, I mean you still have to find a fire truck, a motorcycle and a boat."

OK, fast forward to another trip. A long one. Liberty to Eureka Springs, gulp, 4 hours and 15 minutes away. Same three characters, same vehicle, same radio. A relaxing (?) weekend ahead, motel, swimming, hopefully happy meals, boat ride, maybe a train ride, etc.

Grandparent wiser now. $13 on Amazon (includes shipping) a deck of 52 cards, EACH different (no I SAW IT FIRST!), cards like a bird, a barn, a stopsign, police car, horse, a camper, etc. Ya get 5 cards to start. Ya see one, ya call it out, YA DRAW ANOTHER CARD, when all your cards are gone, you're the winner!" Thought to be said under grandparent breath "hopefully that will get us to Joplin." "HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GET TO JOPLIN GRANDPA?"

"You kids stay in the car a sec. Grandpa is gonna sit on the hood and have a quick cig."

This blog was started at 5:30am Central. My favorite breakfast joint don't open for 90 minutes. What can I do that takes 90 minutes? HA! I KNOW!

Thanks for your help en route. No hitting. Buckle up. Enjoy the views life provides.

Love, Victurd

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