Saturday, April 15, 2023


I woulda guessed more. Survey says, 11% of Americans indicate Winter as their favorite season. I have two friends among this group. One loves pictures of frozen lighthouses in the UP, the other does backflips anytime it snows. I think they're both nuts, don't tell.

41% prefer Fall and I do love Fall. Summer comes at 24% as does Spring. I love all three of those but if forced to pick, yeah, Spring, getting Winter outta the damn rear view mirror.

"In the Spring I have counted 137 different kinds of weather inside 24 hours." Mark Twain

This town, Liberty, Mo, is here because explorers two hunnerd years ago found an inexhaustible spring, kept being thirsty, pitched tent, stayed. Just to our East, they found springs, many, believed them to have healing powers so they started a mineral water health resort, juala, Excelsior Springs, MO. I think they're all wet, but that's only because they beat us my Senior year in the annual HS football game to claim (temporarily) the infamous dueling pistols.

A majority of critters are born in the Spring, Spring chickens per se. The grass is greener, better to munch on. Cows won't wander off, freeze or have predators get their babies, so they birth in barns. We all know deer go nutso in Winter months, RUT Roh, Spring Bambi's.

At what age do we become "No spring chicken?" I remember the basta's sending me my AARP card at 50 (I tore it up, the next year I admit to peeking to see what kinda discounts we get.) I learned I was fer sure no Spring chicken ten years ago when I ordered "a small black coffee" at Mickey D's and the snotnose chirped back happily "One Senior coffee, comin' right up."

A spring in one's step - much provides impetus: pay raise, a birdie, finding $20 bill in jeans, 30 cents a gallon off thanks to Piggly Wiggly purchases, and getting laid. I wouldn't know but my friends tell me, "not so, usually a nap in order."

Arkansas has Eureka Springs (there's gold in them teeth they still got) and Hot Springs, home to 47 Springs having temps over a hunnerd. Folks in Hot Springs don't get married in Hot Springs for hot springs, instead, they drive to Miami, OK 'cause there ain't no waiting period.

I was gonna do a blog all about pee (we all pee and I try to find things we all relate to), didn't, then Spring sprung to mind.

There are the joys of Spring, warmer temps, tilling the garden, and baseball Ray. 

"People  ask me what I do in the Winter when there's no baseball. I'll tellya what I do. I sit and look out the window waiting for Spring! Rogers Hornsby

Spring cleaning, gonna Google later, never heard of it.

Spring fever, I get it, bad.

Spring has sprung, I am glad. Sorry to relate, that's all I had....sorry.

By Henry Gibson                               Forward by Bruce Springsteen 

Love, Victurd

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