Friday, April 14, 2023

Please Mr. Custer.....

Chocoholic, alcoholic, shopaholic, foodaholic, cokeaholic, dogaholic, hugaholic, tanaholic, Webaholic, runaholic, golfaholic, readaholic, talkaholic, cleanaholic, Catholic. (JK on the last one..happens when you Google "words that end in holic.")

That's alotta holic.

Of course one more, workaholic.

Recently I was visiting with a dear friend whose mate works hella more than Dolly's Monday thru Friday 9 to 5. It was a Saturday. In response to "What are you guys doing this weekend?", the answer was " is behind a bit at work, so so-and-so went in to tie up loose ends."

There are BooKoo-holic possible reasons behind this, or anyone in same boat:

Money.... Want to... Pressure... Seasonal jobs... I no likey real life - work is my escape.. I no likey home situation - if I'm at work I ain't at home... loneliness.. going thru a bad time - if I'm at work I no thinky about bad time.

When EF Hutton talks, come tap me on the shoulder 'cause he's been dead since 1962.

I wrote that because, yes, I'm gonna give my opine, yes, simply because one has lived a lotta years they've seen a lot. Old is about all that's on my resume', LinkedIn.

One example, there ain't no changin' em. While many might say Cabo, Bora Bora, right behind home plate for an enter-favorite team here, Vegas, Roaring River tangling lines with way too many idiotic trout fisherholics like me... THERE ARE THOSE who never saw The Wizard of Oz, thus, THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE WORK I'd rather be. Done, finito, no changing them, thus, no try.

Conversely, some are maybe stuck, prefer not to be there, but compelled.

One band camp I worked at, for six months, we weren't exactly little Miss Muffet sitting on her tuffet, but we had normal ole normal workloads. Then, for six months, we couldn't keep up. One buddy and I worked

EF might suggest (grab your damn phone, record this! Remember! He's dead!)...EF might say "That's too much."

Really, this doesn't even have to be about time involved - but moreso, mind involved.

We need to live, breathe. If one is "busy building Rome" ya need  to take some damn time off to see Pompeii, Naples, Mount Vesuvius, Yada.

'Because I have to' can be an occupational magnet. Ugly.

If you are old like me, retired, you (too) occasionally might look in the rear view mirror in disbelief of how trivial (in the scope of life) work is.

I have a habit of spouting advice when it ain't asked for. Sorry, kinda.

To my dear friend up there above (the one who has told me on more than one occasion " is behind a bit at work, so so-and-so went in to tie up loose ends," I did. Advice slipped out. I simply said "It's impossible for me to see the view from so-and-so's shoes but I understand  (if that makes sense.) Just know this, better days are ahead but don't be in too bigga hurry to get there because every day is a gift to enjoy."

I'm off to see the wizard.

No, that ain't it. I'm off to breakfast out(aholic), drink coffee(aholic), smokes cigs(aholic), read the paper(aholic). Then, nap(aholic).

Much. Much just above ain't good forya, but did you notice? NO TIME CLOCK.

By Henry Gibson           Forward by L. Frank Baum

Love, Victurd

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