Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Mark, set, go! Moral hunting! (S'more about the fungus...)

Victor, dadgummit, don't you have spellcheck? YES, it is that time of year we mushroom loving folks take our mesh bag, head out to our favorite AND HIGHLY SECRETIVE, river bed, or moist soil forest, peek around dead elms, burned areas, old orchards to find MORELS!

Calm down Senor', and be sure to wear your snake boots. I actually was referring to MORAL, and in general (my opine) we, as a nation, as a people, have slipped a bit. (As an example, you might Google your word dadgummit to see what the inference is.)

Victor, get off your Clydesdale, and I don't need no Google to tell me that's a 'high horse'. I've read your blogs, I've seen some of the sketchy, suggestive stuff you post... am I allowed to say 'forked tongue', even 'pot calling the kettle stuff you're doing?

Perhaps you're correct. I admit to profanity here and some R-rated posts. Facebook is all about screened friends...yes, checkenginelight goes out to the World, but I don't think the Googling reader, trying to find why the caution light to his Subaru Outback has suddenly come on would read very far into something like this (unless maybe he couldn't spell and he liked mushrooms.

You are correct though and I offer apologies (and escape routes) to anyone I've ever offended.

Maybe I've been watching too many Andy Griffith reruns. Victor, YOU ARE OLD! Correct, I am.

I've reached the age where it's a given to complain about the Government, the price of gas (and eggs, ground beef, rent, houses...)..OK OK, we get it... But, I wasn't done.. I was gonna add "keep your whiffleball outta my yard Sonny", but that wouldn't bug me, I'd actually delight in that...

One last paragraph of complaint:

Music lyrics. At the stoplight. Windows down. WAY too loud. (YES, I'm guilty of cranking music, it ain't the loudness that bugs me, it's the lyrics within some music.) Hibernation of The Golden Rule, theft with no moral compass. Littering. VICTOR? Yes? Seriously, LITTERING? Yes, littering.

Enter the whistling theme (The Fishing Hole) to Andy, Barn' and Ope' here. Oh, and keep your eye peeled, you may find a moral.

By Henry Gibson     (Communication Director/Sarah...Transportation/Goober.. Catering/Aunt Bea.. Set construction/Ernest T... Refreshments/Otis... Stylist/Floyd)

Love, Victurd

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