Friday, May 26, 2023

Get your motor runnin....

 The News, nuh uh, not Huey Lewis's group... the TV News relates "Over 37 million will head out on the highway" this Holiday weekend. That's a lot. Probably a parking lot in many instances. Oh, the times they are'a changin'.

Seatbelts for all snotnoses, DVR's, earbuds too...  "Are we there yet dad, are we?", could likely be met with "Google (Maps) it", "Use you Mapquest", or, "Fa' goodness sakes, ask Siri."

Hell, nowadays, Tesla may be the driver and dear old dad is perhaps snoozing back there in the third row.

"Charlie hit me!", could possibly prompt dad (or Tesla) to take the off ramp, pull into QuikTrip, review captured video way clearer than that little screen NFL refs peer into, to announce "Susie, upon further review, you pinched the inside of Charlie's thigh roughly 30 seconds before you hollered "Charlie hit me!", busted, hand the remote to Charlie, set your phone for an hour from now, then we'll see."

Kids today can't get away w/nuttin'.

I wonder (Oh I wunder wunder wunder wunder who, who-oo-ooh, who, who wrote the book of love. ) No, that ain't it, but if you know him or her who did, let's see if we can get that puppy on the banned book list.

I wonder, should either ginger Charlie or Susie, fitty years from now, also became smart aleck bloggers, how would they write about Holiday road trips they took into their golden years? "Remember gas stations?" "Yeah...but do you remember how we used to rassle each other back when dad had to pull into one's those charging stations?"  "Yeah, I'm sure glad we've got The Tube, Charlie I don't think I could stand sitting by you for 30+ minutes nowadays."

Your memories? Did you terrorize your folks?

I loved road trips as a kid. If either of us (me/sister) had to pee we'd announce "I GOTTA GO I GOTTA GO, I GOTTA GO TO CONOCO!"

It wasn't a road trip without a pecan log roll, mmmmm, heaven. Dad would ask "Who wants to go to St-OO-keys?" Sister would reply "That's a St-UP-id way to pronounce it, but yes, we BOTH want Stuckeys."

Before Ike and his Interstates changed everything, no off ramps, no QT' was Burma Shave and 'PICNIC AREA, 12 MILES', "YES! Some'a mom's fried chicken and maybe, just maybe, a game of catch!"

"HURRY DAD!" Our father didn't know hurry... in fact, sister and I would literally clap our hands in applause if he ever passed another car on the old 2-lane roads.

Ahhh mems. Yours?

You can trust your car to the man who wears the Star..... DING DING, "Fill 'er up, Ethel."

Travel safe. See the USA in your Chevrolet .. or Tesla, SUV, EV, Tube, whatever.

PLEASE, share any/all travel mems from back in the day!

Love, Victurd

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Good gosh you're perverted and in titling this I'm probably going against the grain of my own thought, point. I'm old, I'm g...