Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Raindrops keep fallin' on ma' head...........

Then get outta the rain, dummy. Better yet, dodge 'em...

Dodge traffic...

Dodge cars (the brand).

Dodge questions, like a politician (see the Governor, Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, Dance a Little Sidestep)

Dodge a bullet

Synonyms: duck, evade, fudge, skirt, shun

Dodge one you owe money to.

Dodge much... texts, phone ringing, knock on door, an 'ex, a bf or gf that you ain't so sure you still wanna be bf or gf.

Dodge have to's, need to's, shoulds so that little midget boxer that lives inside your brain will start punching, thus, hella migraine.

Dodge scale, logic : I look fatter but I ain't jumping on that muther to confirm

Dodgeball. Nothing more embarrassing than trying to dodge school chums for the remainder of the after 'catching' onea them reddish pink playground balls upside the cheek, eyeball, thus, redness, swelling, and again, that damn little midget boxer in your brain punching in attempt to get out.

Dodge cleanliness, equal stinky, eccentric hoarder. We know. BO knows.

Dodge CNN. Dodge Fox. Is this the real this just fantasy..

Dodge the crack, you'll break your mother's back.

Dodge crack...we all will know, as will Walgreen/CVS Sudafed counters.

Dodge the baseline after walking off the mound, bad luck.

Black cat, turn around, other way, ie, dodge.

I cannot tell a lie.

No, that ain't it. Earlier I was sparring with that damn midget boxer trying to pencil blog idea. The thought "Get out of Dodge" crossed my brain (and the midget's). I kinda sorta knew it was about Dodge City.

Wiki told me it kinda came from Gunsmoke. (You hella old like me then surely you remember Mr. Dillon, Festus, Doc, Kitty.)

Wiki also done tell me "Dodge City, KS, a "Wicked Little Town" because it was  perched on the edge of the wild frontier. Buffalo hunters, then cowboys stopped in Dodge for R&R, which was often wild. Saloons, gambling halls, brothels.

Get the hell outta Dodge?

To the contrary. Wanna go?

Love, Victurd

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