Saturday, June 3, 2023

A pea podcast...

 Two peas in a pod. I reckon vely similar. Or, as Wolfgang Busch, the helmeted German soldier on Laugh In might say, "Vely interesting."

Could be two siblings.  Could be a/any couple. Any further descriptors, traits might garner front page news, hatespeak, yada.

Peas are annuals, which, may figure. Mr. Pea and Mrs Pea both go to work. Mr. Pea might verbally compose a memo while his secretary provides shorthand.  If other hands get involved, it could turn to split peas, which, are actually used for peas porridge.

Male piggy peas have quite the reputation for this, but too, Goldilocks ate porridge from three different bowls, AND slept in three different beds.

Oft times, peas go to counseling to appease the wants, demands of one or the other, but the majority of the time, they start out sleeping in different bedrooms in the pod and eventually split, thus, poor'ridge.

Pea cultivars normally mature in sixty days, however some do on the first date, get their own pod, perhaps have regrets later, realizing they've mistaken 'Whoop'pea!' for two peas in a pod.

If two peas procreate, only to become split peas, it's a hella mess. The four bedroom manor is sold (or foreclosed), each get a new pod, usually a studio apartment, little peas often must share a bedroom, thus, virtually no pot to pea in. They get little peas every other December 25th, and provide half the rides for soccer, dance, scouts, yada. Sometimes later even gather free agents, known better as step'pea kids.

401K's become worthless 200 and a half K's.  Each former pea podder might fill the ears of the young peas about how horrible the other pea is, was. Children, some, see thru this and understand perhaps it's green pea envy.

Then, sometimes, two peas in a pod works.  Forever and ever. Golden anniversaries are held, four bedroom manor down to a ranch... The elder peas eventually pass.  Little peas fight, argue over goods, money,... It can get slop'pea.  Sometimes they even haveta get a storage unit, go to court, judgement entered but all green money won't even pay to get the goods outta hock. Back to square one, or maybe round one (pea).

Movies are made about these lifelong stories, can be viewed with wifi and Peacock network. Most peas love animals, foster, volunteer for Peata.

Some are devistated for life, disappear, only to be reached at a P(ea)O box.

I think I'm done here now. Yes, I know I'm weird, thus, haven't found, kept other pea in pod. 

It's OK. I'm hap'pea, truly.

Gotta pea now.

Hap'pea resta the weekend.

Love, Victurd

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