Tuesday, May 2, 2023

That's the way, uh huh uh huh, I like it.

I love brains. The diversity therein.

Frank 'did it my way.'  Bad boys bad boys, whacha gonna do? Whatever they want I suppose.

You say yes, I say no, you say stop and I say go go go, ooh no. I really can't stay, baby it's cold outside. Some have welcome mats, coffee/cookies at the ready - others (purposely) live off the beaten path, have 'no trespassing', 'guard dog' signs, and spend all their time not answering phone calls nor returning texts, and marking 'RTS' on much of their mail. "Leave me the hell alone" floats their boats.

There's them Thunderstruck folks that are banging their heads at the arena, while their more reserved brethren are toetapping in their seat across town at the symphonic orchestra. Still others keep their bucks in their pockets, and they roll, catch air, between the two venues while 'Skate or Die' resonates from their ear buds.

Madison and Jacob, loving their prechildren days, bootscoot from work an hour early on TGIF, two waverunners in tow, where they will meet up with ten other BFF's they are staying with in a 3BR VRBO condo at 'The 'Lake'. John and Mary, retired next door neighbors, hibernate Sat/Sun, pronounce Monday morning, "THANK GOODNESS. Look at how still the water is Mar', boat ride?

Pizza, Panini. Water, Scotch and water. Football, Futbol...Hell no we won't go (to either), it takes leather balls to play rugby, you can find us there. OLE, OLE, OLE....GGGGGOOOOAAAALLL! TOUCHDOWN KANSAS CITY!

Some like it hot, some not.

"I have GOT to work on my 50 State bucket list"... "Hey honey? Ya wanna grab breakfast at Nelle Belle's in Claycomo? We ain't gone anywhere in awhile?"

Some scan with the remote, others sit in the den eavesdropping on police scanners. Gladys Kravets can scan fourteen houses from her living room window.

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. Meet me at midnight, Mary, and don't let anyone know.  NYE? NYE? Are you crazy? I ain't seen that ball drop since '98.

Thank Heaven, for little girls - without them what would little boys do?

Congrats, this ain't like you! Most blogs you don't make it halfway through without mentioning red, blue, donkey, elephant, FOX, CNN....and then there's that.

I love rock and roll, put another dime in the jukebox baby... Victor, there's Spotify for all types of music. Pandora's box?

If we were all alike, whatinthehell would one ask Sherwin Williams? Love makes the World go 'round but some still swear it's flat. He cusses like a sailor. In her 89 years, I never heard profanity from her lips Never heard her pass gas either, butt, assume she did - doesn't everyone?

Knock knock. Who's there? Reader. Reader who? Victor there are only 7 of us, I'll leave it up to you to guess. Why did you write this? A friend posted a picture of a creek. It was entitled "My kind of bar hoppin.' And it was written, "Warm weather, extra pair of Skecher Go walk shoes, picnic and no specific time to be home." It made me think of how unique we each all are. That's cool, and not that it really matters, just curious, where whereya when you read it? In a bar.

Druthers. We all have our druthers. As I opened the link to type this - I thought to myself "If I could be anywhere, doing anything ...where? What?"

I'm a simpleton. One of my favorite memories - it was simple. I was on a raft on a Lazy River ride. Round and round... no effort, wonderful people watching 'ciphering. ('Ciphering, not judging, and I do believe there's a difference.)

If you could be anywhere - where - and what would you be doing?

Hello, goodbye... Love, Victurd

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