Tuesday, June 20, 2023


I'm a word nerd. That don't necessarily mean you're stuck here. "Heavens to Murgatroyd" Snagglepuss might offer, "Exit (spin), stage left" if you prefer.

Spin, to me, fun. Back when we could still run and our bellies were flat, DJ's would spin records all day and night.

I love watching an excellent bowler as they spin the ball in the pocket, all hell breaks loose and there ain't no pins left standing.

Went to Knucklehead's Saloon the other day. Vely unique jont. A nice outdoor stage, two indoor and a huge metal barn for big-name acts. Live music eclectic heaven. Sunday afternoon is 'open jam' day, musicians from near and far come to play, join up with others they've never met - and the collective sound is quite amazing.

Knuckleheads is also people watching heaven. This day, it's mostly old farts like ourselves (we all probably shared a beer and a story 50+ years ago at an 18 bar in Kansas ) For most it takes a beer or two for the nerve to kick in and jump on the dance floor. Some, the music beats through then when they walk in the door - they set their phone, purse, beer on a table and, go gyrate.

Victor? The hell does this have to do with spin?

I am so glad you asked. I love this bar (oughta be a song!) Dancers of many styles. Some barely move, some, I get tired just watching - one gal, she attends about once a month, CRAZY. Crazy in that her dancing style is spin, and spin only. She ain't quite as old but she fer sure has an AARP card. 

It's literally one spinning 360 after another when she dances. Remember the old dizzy race in school?  You put your head on a baseball bat, spin spin and spin 20 times, then take off running in kind of a North South East West direction. Not her, she is the Spin Queen of Equilibrium. I truly don't know how she does it. Maybe you had to be there, amazing to me though.

I know what spins thru my brain is of little interest but, original idea today was a blog about 'After you are gone', didn't sound like an upper to start the day, so, chose spin.

As in I took one. Out in the country, out past a nifty place where a beautiful lady I kinda sorta dated, where she lived before she passed. I slowed down, with windows up I hollered "I love you and miss you!"

Felt good. Real good. If you think sometime a spin like that might be as therapeutic for you, I highly recommend it.

Spin. Nifty word.

Love, Victurd

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