Saturday, July 8, 2023

Wrong one...


Dusk-thirty, old person (telling for a friend) driving. 152 hwy, lights not so bright, white lines last seen ten years or so ago. Left turn onto 4 lane street (2 in each direction, median in between). Turned too early. Uh oh, wrong one. Why are ALL these cars going wrong way, "Oh sh*t" old guy 'friend' said. He told me, true story.

Some marrieds stay in spite if thoughts of 'wrong one' backa the mind.

Some divorcees blame singleness on wrong one.  Some, run across one, then say "Oh baby" but no can do, perhaps because they are with wrong one.

Listening to beloved Royal's announcer Denny Mathews one night. Some guy made a really, really bonehead play/decision. Denny's take, "There  are two places you don't do that....home. and away." IE, both, wrong one.

Goldilocks, we know all about. Two, wrong one chairs, two, wrong one bowls of porridge and finally two, wrong one beds. It is said, original script had bears come home, eat her. Walt said "no, wrong one" (script), the rest is history.

Gallant's brother Goofus.. Eddie Haskell.. Otis on Andy Griffith show, Bart of Simpson fame, Frank Gallagher, 'beloved' father on Shameless, ALL, wrong one: idea, game plan, behavior, yada, wrong one.

To Tell The Truth, oops, wrong one. Wordle, damnit, wrong one. Accepted FB friend request, learn, opposite political opine, wrong one.

Henpecked, wrong one, always. Abuser, ya picked wrong one, exit, stage left (or right, neither wrong).

Our National Anthem should be something like Mary Had A Little Lamb, easy to sing. Star Spangled Banner, vely difficult, many cannot stay in the correct key throughout, wrong one, much to chagrin, empathy of millions.

Outta bed, wrong one (side). 

Life really is like a box of chocolates. If you have a box, individually turn a piece over. Stick thumb in. Right one? Chow down. Wrong one? Flip it over, on to the next, they'll never know 

BTW, happy National Chocolate Day.

Huh? That was yesterday? (Today wrong one). Back to Keto for you. Do not eat sugar, bread, yada, if you cheat, go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

If you are still awake, fantastic.

If you are now sawing logs, blogger pick wrong one (idea), apologies.

Love, Victurd

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