Wednesday, July 12, 2023


We know, ya little redheaded pipsqueak (but said with love) that the sun will come out, tomorrow.

We, the old darts retirees of today, while we may not exactly know what today is, relate, tomorrow is one of our favorite days.

I'll do that... Tomorrow.

Put it off.  Avoidance behavior. (A recent 'flame' suggested I demonstrate avoidance behavior. HA!  I've been dodging her ever since.)

Right now... Today... .hang on.... Wednesday, July 12 (thank you pillbox, oh sh*t, WHY are Tuesday's pills still in there?), 7/12/2023 I needta:

Do laundry.  Get a haircut (Quoting RL Burnside.."It's bad you know"). But. But, here I sit, broken hearted.

No, that ain't it. So here I sit, blogging instead 
The voices in my brain holler "VICTOR!!!!, Get off you're derierre!" But(t). But(t), I didn't hear them (iggy'ed) as I was busy looking up if the butt thing was spelled deRRiere or, derieRRe.  Friggin' autocorrect... I'll go back and fix it.  Tomorrow.

I love me some tomorrow, bet your bottom (derierre?) dollar... So ya gotta hang on til' tomorrow, come what, July...13.

Beloved father, and I mean that, once said (after I started to paint a room for pay, mow the yard, bail water out our damn boat, and so and so would call, swing by, "YEAH! I'll go!" and I was off... The room, the yard, the boat. Where was I? Oh yeah, dad said I was a follower. But Dad?!! I'll do it tomorrow, I promise! (Unless someone else once again calls, wants to roll.)

 Don't you dare call me Eeore, Joey, Al Bundy, Fred Sanford,  Homer, Jake Harper, Wimpy (I'll gladly pay you...) I'll do it! TOMORROW, a promise, it's twue, it's reawwy reawwy twue!

Do you do that? You don't have to answer now.

I take great pride in convincing myself it's ok to put off (avoid) until tomorrow. Then ya know what?

Ya awaken (tomorrow)...same song and snotnose dance "The sun'll come out TOMORROW... So ya gotta hang on til tomorrow, come what may. Thus tomorrow then becomes today, and B I N G O, there's another blessed tomorrow staring in one's face!

Laundry loaded up. Clothes hangers, cleverly if I do say so myself, tied up neatly, same direction, yada, in Piggly Wiggly bags. I'm off!

Oh.... Hold on a sec...


I'm outta laundry detergent. I'll get it...


And ya know what?  Annie (the redheaded pipsqueak) indicates the sun will still come see us... tomorrow..

Dawn' be a stranger, more later.....


Love, Victurd

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