Thursday, August 24, 2023

Pete and Repeat....

Of course:

Pete and Repete were sitting on a fence, Pete fell off, who was left?


Pete and Repete were sitting on a fence, Pete fell off, who was left?

And then there was:

Pete and Repete were walking down the street, Pete went away, Who was left.......

No, Who's on first base.

I've often thought of keeping a journal. I guess with this (nonsensical, in no particular order, the hell's he talking about) blog, I kinda do.

I actually did start one when my son was born.  Then, the terrible twos began and it simply added to the frustration of being a parent of a terrible two, so I stopped.

I think a journal would be, could be, fantastic for life.  Like ya get to live it, then, relive it. Pete and Repeat, so to speak.

I try, truly I do, to listen intently when finding things out about new friends, and even when visiting with old friends, things said, "Don't forget that Victor, write it down."

I'm at work, don't tell, and minutes ago I asked one of our retiree golfers "HEY Tim, what'd you do for a living?"

"I worked in the natural gas industry." Oh yeah, I'm sorry, I'd already asked you that...which, is fancy for, duh, had I started that journal, I woulda remembered.

Granny. My granny took her 'journal' to church, did. It also served as her Bible. It's treasured. Included within, things like "January 12, 1959, 3 year old grandson Darrell dialed his phone number." "February 3rd, 1954 eleven inches of snow."  "August 9, 1951, drove to Stedman, had lunch with Ralph and Etta Simpson."

Stuff like that. Stories. A life. Lives. Recorded, relived. They are not "all we are is dust in the wind", they're there, right there between Matthew and Revelation.

There ain't much worse than relating something to a friend and you hear "I remember you telling me that."

'LaRon' we'll call him. I was kinda sorta indoctrinated into the family of Laron. That's fancy for, lived in sin (hey, it's 2015 for criminy sake) with his daughter. Another living in sin buddy, living with LaRons other daughter was extremely tickled I came onto the scene. "Now, YOU get to hear LaRon's stories."

LaRon, lovable, handsome, the BEST most infectious smile, funny,  FULL (chock) of stories. Mostly, partially, some, true.

One was a boating adventure. 'Jane' we'll call her, was LaRon's better half. What's fer sure known, there was some type of excursion. Over the years the vessel would vary from a fishing boat, to a pontoon boat, to a catamaran to a sailboat.

The number of passengers ranged from Gilligan and his crew, to twenty, to "hunnerds."

As LaRon would relate, the next time he told it, the vessel became a pontoon. Jane, the good, loving wife she was, remained silent. However, if one of the daughters happened to be within earshot, "I'M CALLING BULLS*IT!"

The story was told virtually monthly. "We had mechanical issues at sea." Then the next month.. "The Captain was having a heart attack. I took the wheel" (BS!).. and much later.. "I managed to get it to shore " (BS!) two months later.  "And I ended up saving us when I guided it into a swimming pool" (DOUBLE BS!).  And at the end of summer "And then, two natives ran out of the jungle" (laughing, "OMG, BS).

Fun. LaRon was fun. LaRon is fun. Last I heard, he was in an assisted living facility, residents gathered around for impromptu LaRon story telling time and it was believed one of the residents was going to record all of his stories on her (non-electric) Corona to one day publish them all in  book. I'd fer sure buy a copy.

As we age, our stories are often repeated (by us.) I do it, you might, many do.

Yes, they can, do come with, from, affliction. I'm no WebMD, but I've read "when people repeat the same stories over and over again, it's important to remember the stories we are hearing about are important to the individual. (No matter if it's the 1st, 15th, or 92nd time we've heard them, patience is the guiding light.)

LaRon was not in a state of affliction. He is, kinda sorta, a showman, a proud one.  No slap on the wrists to the daughters, they love him like crazy, laughter ALWAYS followed their verbal 'BS's' and back and forth head shakes. When said daughter and I parted ways, I actually took LaRon and Jane Sonic Shakes to give my farewell, and consciously, in thanks for all the head shakes.

Bless those who listen. Listen = love, no matter how many times heard.

Me personally, I don't repeat listen close the first time.

Right Pete?

Love, Victurd

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