Saturday, October 14, 2023

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life........

I never REALLY listened to that song.  Simpleton, enjoyed the beat, but again, didn't listen. Akin to  savoring the taste but not 'ciphering the words of a bowl of Alpha-Bits.

The next line is:  Never make a pretty woman your wife, so for my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you.

Victor, is this gonna be a 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder' blog?


This aging thing is really quite interesting.  When we (old farts) were twerps long ago, a different song set the tone:  Chantilly lace and a pretty face and a ponytail, a wiggle in her walk and a giggle in her talk make the world go 'round.. Ain't nothing in the world like a big-eyed girl, To make me act so funny, make me spend my money, Make me feel real loose like a long-necked goose, Like a girl, oh baby, that's a-what I like.

Ya know, Bardot, Raquel, Sophia, Elke, Marilyn, Tiegs, Bo Derek, Farrah, and a Laurie Partridge (Susan Dey) in a pear tree.

Pigs.  Oink oink... I suppose that's why we start out swimming in a shallow pool.

To me (oh no, HERE we go).. bite me.  To me, perceived beauty has changed.  Piglet goal was 'a trophy'. Oh sure, not everyone, but take the lie detector test... you had that poster of Farrah hung in your bedroom DIDN'TYA?

Different day now Victor, EVERYONE gets a trophy. YES! You mighta backed into it, but that's kinda sorta the point. Sure, one has to be physically attracted to another... (VICTOR! WAIT!....YOU, the one who's been married twice, and had a couplea live in arrangements, are gonna offer US advice?  Then what next Smoky, you gonna preach on stopping smoking?  How NOT to hit a slice in golf? Investment techniques?

Bite me. No, not giving advice. Simply offering observance. People are beautiful, all.  Ok, that vast majority. Many. Lots. Almost everyone.  It ain't about lace though.. . ponytails, wiggles, big eyes. Sure that can help... but, simply loving people in general, beauty is everywhere.  Like Chickenman.  Remember?  HE'S EVERYWHERE HE'S EVERYWHERE.  Well, so is beauty.

Grandma's hands.  Grandma's smile when watching grandkids. Seeing two friends hug. There's probably a lot that has gone on prior to that. Mebbe one of 'em was falling off the ledge of life and the other threw 'em a rope to save 'em.  Mebbe cancer snuck in, one of 'em was 'the rock' beside them in their struggle. Mebbe they lost their hair due to crazy, (in spitea trying all means) outta control kids.

They guy with a bag of potatoes at the Piggly, waving a mom with a full cart and two 'littles' within, saying "You go ahead ma'am." Perhaps it's a golfing buddy who's watched you attain bogeys, double, triple bogeys, but he catches you nailing a 4 iron off the tee.. "NICE SHOT!"  Beauty in an ugly game.

The Voice.  I likes the idea.  The chairs are turned the other way, yer ears pick the beauty so the eyes don't get in the way. (If they were to hear many of us sing though, they might have a Snagglepuss 'exit, stage left' button on their chairs.)

Looks.  That is what is was all about.

Still is now, but differn't. Looks of kindness.  Laughter. Seeing a lifelong friend and in a millisec allowing your facial gestures to portray "Damn I'm sure glad I met you long ago, you've enhanced my life..remember when we once..... " Smiles, they talk.

Our brains are walking, talking photo albums, camcorders, GoPros, TikTok (whatever in the hell that is).. Cloud, as in ICloud (whatever that is).  We done got much up there in that brain.  Yummy stuff.  We've done pooped and peed all the ugly stuff (sorry, not sorry) that happens out long ago.  Sidestep it next time we see it. Ya don't needs to be athletic to 'do the hurdles', happy.. fun... niceness... hugs.. touches.. fist bumps.. we all gets a trophy now because life is grand.  Just like them Olympians, we're up there on the stand, cept who gives a rats if it's first, second, third, yada.  We're all winners.

Goofus and Gallant.  Remember?  Goofus bosses his friends, Gallant says "Whattaya wanna do next?"... Goofus takes the last apple.. Gallant shares his orange.

Goofus drives to the City. "GD (gosh darn) potholes! HONK! Lady, the light's green, get offa your phone, GO. WHY? WHY is that guy in the left lane? He's going the SPEED LIMIT, are you kidding me? I hate my job, I cannot wait to get the hell outta there and retire. Traffic, coworkers, especially Susie, patooey, weather, dark, bright, it all sucks.

Gallant starts the car, tunes to 101.1 the Fox (for you outta towners, that Classic Rock) He sees where Smitty usedta live and they'd play whiffle ball in his front yard.  He smiles as he drives past the drive in where he remembers his first smooch..'I hope she's doing good'... his eyes catch the tips of the changing color trees enroute.. neighbor Charlie passes him, honks and waves.. Big smile.  Charlie's a good dude.  He slides in his parking place at work, anxious to yap with friends about Mahomes and the Chief's win.. he can't wait to hear about Jane's new grandbaby "Hope she's got pics!".. oh, and it's payday. There were bumps in the road (there are, no matter what you drive) but Gallant was smiling, laughing so much, he never noticed 'em.)

Everyday is a payday if you let it be so. (TYVM Joel Osteen, here's my envelope with the fitty inside). Bite me, life is good.

Yesterday was my birthday.  WE KNOW VICTOR, WE KNOW. Anyways, I worked for a buddy.  My boss, not knowwing it was my Birthday, left little fun sticky notes in every drawer she knew I'd dig into. One such note was hidden under the quarters suggesting I start my day singing a song.  (Apparently I've never sung infronta her). 

So............  I grabbed three of my own dadgum sticky notes... went to her desk drawer......

1) Two can play this game, HA! Thanks for the fun notes..  Oh, and I took your advice about singing..

2) I owe you $112 (4 times 28) as, I sang Moon River and just as I did four nonmembers walked in, turned around and walked right back out. Sorry.  Sooooooooooooo....

3) I mooned them!  Happy day

She sent me a fun text back. She good people.

Have you noticed, they're everywhere!

Of course it's perfect and ok to ogle at the "Pretty Woman, walking down the street".. Sing if ya wanna be happy.. . or Chantilly Lace...

I'm kinda fond of Louie's Wonderful World too.  Trees of green, red roses too.

Beauty, it's everywhere to behold now. Right Chickenman?

Love, Victurd

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A little ditty 'bout Jackie and Shadow..

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