Wednesday, October 11, 2023

No parking by the sewer sign.......

Nuisance......... a person, thing, or circumstance causing inconvenience or annoyance.

Geico does a wunnerful job with nuisance.... the "Aunts"... the 'weeds'...  "Ratt" infestation... I don't mind their gecko... to me, though, the AFLAC voice of Gilbert Gottfriend causes annoyance. They got ridda him in 2011 for something, I forget. Annoys me when I forget.

What gets your goat? (Side note. I realize side notes can be a nuisance themselves, sorry, kinda.  When I think of goats, two things come to mind.  THE very first date with a gal I REALLY REALLY admired. (Fancy for damn she was pretty)... she lived in the country. Barn with all kindsa critters.  Feral cats, horse, pony, chickens, goats.  Our date was to play pickleball, neither of us had. I ordered cheapy paddles, ball from Amazon. Toted to her 'farm'.  Uh oh.  Her goat was having a goat, kid I guess they call 'em. Yep. She had to help deliver, make sure all was ok.  Did. Thought maybe 'twins', thus, sister was called in to take over for her.  This gal looked SPECTACULAR. Except.. she had one half-inch round thing of goat afterbirth in her hair.  Not even 3 games of pickleball displaced it. I never told her until a few years later.  She was temporarily devastated. Nomme, I thought it was 'fun', so 'her', she STILL, looked spectacular.

Side note 2. A different GF. (many GF's, yes, lucky, but too, mebbe annoying).. anyways, she worked with a Greek dude. He was getting married.  Greek tradition has it (I forget if it's the bride's family or the groom's family) gives one really cool gift, like an animal or something. Soooooooooooo.  He wasn't gonna. Sooooooooooo, coworkers did.  They 'borrowed' a goat. Chained it (Don't worry PETA,wasn't cruel) to his front porch the night before the wedding.  Fun. Brought great cubicle laughter the following Monday. The first day back to work for newly married guy, he was met by virtually all employees pulling into parking lot. "Hey AJ (or whatever his name was, I forget)" yelled the boss's boss.. "I hope you guys had a great honeymoon and nothing bah'bah'bah'bah'bahd happened."


Flies.  Ever get one in the car, winders are rolled up, so... you roll one down.. and insteada fly bootscooting a SECOND fly comes in?  Uh huh.

Skeeters.  Poison Ivy.  Pop-ups.  Phone solicitors. Boogers that the person don't know they got stickin' outta their nostril. Size 10 type.  Fighting traffic, paying waaaay too much for parking at a Royal's game, then, paying a dollar an ounce for 16 ozMiller Lite, finally making it to your seat.. ahhhh, yes.. we get the visiting team out in the first inning.. come to bat. . the guy sitting right behind (imagine our luck, 30,000 people and we get 'him'..) anyways, he's for the out of town team.. leadoff hitter and we hear (toppa his lungs) "HEY BATTER BATTER BATTER.. HEY BATTER BATTER BATTER...  SaaaWING BATTER BATTER BATTER."

The runs. (Not baseball, the other kind.) Sitting down, finally, finally, 'constitution.' Pun not intended "Oh shit, last 3 panels of TP"... replacement roll ten feet over in the cabinet. Waddle waddle waddle. Whew. Uh oh, gotta clean that up..later.

Do this don't do that, can't you read the sign? I have long wanted to live soooooooooooo far out in the country I could safely go grab the morning paper in my undies. I reckon there are several kinda people.  You have the ones who have the City Code Enforcement Office phone number on speed dial.. "Hello.. trash pickup was yesterday, the folks at 301 Maple still haven't taken their trash bins from the curb." Patooey.  Then there's wayy too liberal folks like me. Gimme farmland acreage with a rusty 1962 Oldsmobile terminally parked in the middle of nowhere. My kinda landscaping.

Don't get me wrong, I love my City.  My City has lotsa rules though.  About: Noxious odors, Carcasses (Where I, on the other hand, LOL at pics of a runover Rocky Racoon on his back in the middlea the road and someone has affixed a "Get well soon" Mylar balloon to it's hind leg.)  Where was I?  Oh yeah, nuisances in my City:

Adandoned, discarded or unused objects or equipment such as vehicles, furniture, stove, refrigerators, toilets, water heaters, yada, yada.  Hazardous live or dead tree.  Building material ifn's yain't building. Weeds. Swimming pool discharge. Huh? Whaddaya supposed to do, drink it? Sight distance on corner lot.

I just scrolled, top to bottom, bottom to top, the list of nuisances in our fine City.  I've drank a 12 ounce beer faster'n it took me to scroll the whole list. Do this, don't do that can't you read the 43 pages?

Bloggers that don't know when to say when. Sorry.

Alarm clocks. Loud folks. An eternally unsmiley face. Cars/trucks that take up two spots in the lot.  Cars/trucks that park RIGHT infronta the gas station door so everyone else has gotta walk all the way around (DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?).. 

Text abbreviations all the young punks know but I gotta Google. Skid marks (waddle waddle waddle). Rain when it ain't expected. Cold, anytime. TV/radio 'teases'. 

Promise I'm leaving, but one last thing.

Check engine lights really bug me.

Love, Victurd

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