Sunday, October 8, 2023

Lost and found........

 We're going to party, karamu, fiesta, forever

Come on and sing along
We're going to party, karamu, fiesta, forever
Come on and sing along
All night long (all night), all night (all night)
All night long (all night), all night (all night)
All night long (all night), all night (all night)
All night long (all night), all night (all night)
And then, sometimes not.  I guess this is about depression, I dunno.  The want to express feelings, but moreso, the want to feel.  Victor, are you saying you have a dark side?  I dunno.  Dark moments I guess.
Derailed trains... cars on the highway that get too far over and ya hit that grooved portion of the concrete and it rattles the hell outta ya.  Articles, stories, events that one usedta salivate over - can lose their zest. Sometimes, folks we've held in such high esteem let us down and we're shaken.  We forget, they too, are human. Sometimes the shoe is on the other foot and WE let others down. Chasing perfection is fruitless.
Please know, I have an inordinate amount of fun in this World.  I do.  I hope, think, we all do. Down happens.  We, temporarily, lose our way.  We've all been lost - it's a horrible feeling.
Life is a deck of cards. We're dealt to tend to, react to, untimely deaths, illness, affliction, personal failure, loved ones tension, wars across the water, gunfire in towns to settle arguments - for good - so to speak, but in reality that translates to 'for bad'.
Good. We need good.  We need love, all of of us.  To have a friend ya gotta be a friend. Victor?  Preaching again?  No, I'm not.  I'm harkening back to found. Smiles.  Yummy.  Tastes great. To what feels so good.
Not all that long ago I lost a good friend.  We weren't BFF's or anything, but, lifelong smiles, brief visits when we saw each other, played together as little kids.  I don't like the words in the sentence "I lost a good friend".  I don't like them because that reeks of selfishness on my part.  We ALL lost when this person passed. This gentleman's face almost always had a smile. We were on complete opposite ends of the political spectrum, but we always held, valued friendship above that.
Just now, I spent 15 minutes or so searching for a quote another friend had written about our buddy.  I couldn't find it dang it, but from recall, it was something to the tune of "One time I was down, lost, wayward.. Skip came to me and said, 'the secret to life, happiness, is doing for others. Making other people happy.' "
I love that, and I feel that is the secret to being found. Happy. Joyous. Getting that taste back from foods that were not long ago appeasing, pleasing. Finding that pep in your step. Giving, getting hugs.  Hearing, saying pleasantries. Oversimplification perhaps, but how hard is nice? Love?
Struggle happens all too frequently.  Sometimes it's located within our own GPS coordinate. Sometimes its within a loved one, which, like a cold or the flu or the measles, rubs off. Sometimes it's CNN's spiel, or FOX's take.. maybe it's reaction to hideous gruesome events within our town that are communicated via pages 3, 4 and 5 of the local paper. 
Sometimes even, lost shows up for no apparent reason.  I can't remember if it was Fig or Isaac Newton (kidding of couse) that said "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."  Well, yes and no.  When lost shows up for no apparent reason - what perpetuated it? Caused it? Brought it on? Oft times, no idea.
But...... (you can start a sentence with but..  once heard, you can't use "I is" in a sentence. Bite me, what about "I is the 9th letter of the alphabet"?, See, toldya).......... But....... when lost happens, generally there is an equal and opposite reaction.  Of course meds. Lotsa times, pets, both the canine and feline variety, but also the human variety. I don't mean, necessarily the hop-in-the-sack pets (but I think I remember those!) I mean pets as in hugs. Smiles. Saying good.  Hearing good. A touch on the shoulder. Fist bump. Nod. Niceness overload. (Is overload possible? Eh, i dunno. I've heard 'chirpy' as a derogatory statement before, but, even with chirpy, at least the intent is 'found'.)
Sorry, but not really, lows show up here.  We all though, sit around the poker table of life, watching what others are dealt, feeling, responding to what we personally are dealt. It's in the cards, fer sure.  Focus HAS to be within that equal and opposite reaction, right Fig?
I've never understood the saying 'rat's ass.'  I guess it means pretty gross, dunno. I kinda like it though. You can call me Ray... no, that ain't can call me Joel Olsteen if you want (this is where I enter I don't give a rat's ass).. we need love. Happy. Smile. Niceness.  ALL of us.  From. To. Doing for others as it was so wonderfully put, which, in turn, gives us yummy equal and opposite reaction.
I've mentioned before my sister was a giver. She would give give give give, and turn it all around as if you did for her. Many are like that.  I will never be the giver she was. Can strive to, all of us can.  We all know magnificent givers. Life ain't about grade cards, comparision.  We can simply be the best we personally can be.
When two lean on each other they walk upright.  The train stays on the track. MODOT painting BRIGHTER white lines on the edge of the ribbed highway can help from ugly vibration.  Just as "Hi, whatsup, howya doin.?"  "I love that you..........   "Hey, have I ever toldya how much I appreciate your friendship....   
Let's.  Let's is a contraction meaning let us.  Yeah yeah Olsteen, lay it on us.  Let's love.  Hug.  
In a basket at the golf course where I work there are....... headcovers.. sunglasses.. speakers.. GPS thingamabobs, towels, divot fixer uppers, much.  Much lost and found.
In the lost and found basket of life there must be nice. Like. Love. Being a friend to have a friend. Making others happy per my beloved friend.
That's all..........
Love, Victurd

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