Monday, October 9, 2023

Clowns to the Left of me... Jokers to the Right, here I am......... stuck in the middle......

Election 2024

Before we get to that, lemme say a few things, which is fancy for, if you don't, I'll take my blog and go home.

I listen to sport's talk.  I overhear folks.  "What's wrong is it's nothing but a buncha old people."  As in, pasture, please scoot out to pasture. Yur pasture prime, please bootscoot to the pasture.

It is inferred (and quoting one article I found):  "Seniors can't learn new skills," ie, old dog, new tricks, huh uh.  "Seniors are weak and frail and should avoid exercise."  "Most Seniors are bound for a nursing home."  "Seniors are often depressed, grumpy and isolated." (Ahm, Victor, you did just write a blog on depression yesterday. BITE ME, I LOVE LIFE, I'M A PEOPLE PERSON FOR BEHOOGITY SAKES!)

"Genetics determine how well you age." "Seniors don't have sex anymore." Ahm, no comment!  "Most Seniors have trouble seeing or hearing."  What?  "Seniors should give up driving." "All Seniors do is talk about their ailments."  Are you crazy? Well, I guess I do get those purple marks anytime a feather attacks me, I can't run any longer, but I'll be darned if I don't do the Senior Sprint to go pee at Piggly, Wally, Dollar Gen, QT, Pizza Hut, anywhere really. Not to mention a bunion on one foot, weight gain, arthritis, needs me a left hip, lower back pain, when I drop something, I turn on the 'flashlight' on my phone to bendover, deem if it's worth taking awhile to get down, pick it up. (Dimes, quarters, yes.. pennies, nickels, huh uh.) Intraocular lenses (one close up, one for far away) have kinda made me a danger when turning right at any intersection. (If you see a tan 2002 Buick Century approaching, please don't say I didn't warn you.)

All in all, I Si good, I remember EXACTLY what room I've walked into, and I PLAY GOLF FOR BEHOOGITY SAKES! (Ahm, Victor, you use a handicap flag, drive right to the ball, get out, hit, get back in.) Bite me 'fore I hitya with my Big Bertha!)

All that said......  Close your ears.  I don't care much for either candidate being elected in 2024.

So....... (don't do it Victor)........... So..... I Googled 'leadership qualities' to try to narrow the search for just the right candidate.

Article said "Accountability. Active listening. Collaboration. Courage. Communication. Empathy. Flexibility. Focus. Growth mindset. Eager to learn. Innovation. Optimism. Passion. Patience. Problem solving. Resilience. Respect. Self-awareness. Transparency. Trust.

Ok, so let's see, howabout them other ones?..   Robert.. Marianne.. Ryan.. Doug... Chris... Ron... Larry.. Nikki.. Asa, Perry, Steve, Mike, Vivek, etc, etc, et al, ahm... Quoting my beloved stepson, "NOT NO'S BUT HELLS NO'S"

Ok then preacher?  WHO?

I'm so very glad you asked.

My choice is... lemme use my fingers and toes for a sec..  ahm, ok, multiply by that.. total 'em up.  My candidate is only 'Fitty-six".

LOYAL to a fault.  Never unnerstood that saying, what's wrong with loyalty?

He's got ALL them leadership qualities they suggested up listner, courage, communication, flexibility, focus, optimism, passion, patience, problem solver, resilience. respect, self-awareness, trust.

He checks EVERY, every box.

From the ideology of Theodore Roosevelt himself (Remember?)  SPEAK softly AND CARRY A BIG STICK, YOU WILL GO FAR!" 

I announce my suggestion for Write In Candidate to be the 47th President of the United States:

Buddy... my friend Randy's pooch.  He's amazing.  A legend. More popular than Taylor Swift. Navigates tough roads incredibly. Polite. Attentive. ZERO potential impeachment odds (He behaves.) And HELL TO THE YES HE SPEAKS SOFTLY AND CARRIES A BIG STICK!

Please write in Buddy:



Love, Victurd

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