Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Silence is Golden........

But my keyboard still types.......

Hatfield, McCoy.... Tastes Great, Less filling..  CNN, FOX..  Biden, Trump..

KU, MU..  Army, Navy (football)...  Alabama, Auburn..   Michigan, Ohio State..  Oklahoma, Texas.. 

Yogi, Jackie.. ...... (s'more later).. 

1958... using a helicopter, UCLA students tried to drop 500 pounds of manure on USC's Tommy Trojan Statue and the students protecting him.  Backfired.  The blades of the helicopter sucked up much of the manure and dropped it back onto the UCLA students.  Oops.

Revenge of the....... UCLA Students.  Over the years, poor Tommy Trojan has been painted UCLA Blue and Gold..  S'more dung dropped on him.. and, his sword has been stolen so many times it's been replaced with a wooden one to offset the costs.  Paul Harvey (jk) relates perhaps the best prank, UCLA students somehow removed his sword wielding arm, welded it back on to appear as if he were stabbing himself in the back.  Touché

Poor Bevo.  A rocky start.  In 1916, Bevo, the Texas Longhorn mascot steer was named. Kept in a stockyard in Austin, TX with little, no security..  Texas A & M students broke in, branded  the poor steer with a "13-0", the score of the 1915 win by the Aggies over the Longhorns.  Aggies gigged 'em.

If you happen to giggle, don't boast on Victor for this crap, he's stealing, plagiarizing it all.

Oldie but goodie.  2004 game between rivals Harvard and Yale.. a group of Yale students posed as members of Harvard's pep squad, handed out cards and instructions to the Harvard faithful in the crowd.. The 'pep squad' then gave the signal to raise the cards.  Harvard students, fans, complied, revealing the humiliating message "WE SUCK"! Yale 1, Harvard 0.

Rivalries are love, hate. What are yours?

Of course, for me, political. Then, back in the day, Excelsior Springs and Liberty High School.  Jewell, Mo Valley.  Chiefs, Raiders.  Royals, Yankees (might notta been for them, but certainly was for us.).. and drum roll, KU-MU.

Forgive me... I have 'shone my ass' on numerous occasions.  I read, I expand. (Like a balloon blowing up.) I try to keep my dadgum hands off the computer keyboard. I have, done did, can, reach the pinprick point, quoting Olive Oil's boyfriend "I've had all I can takes and I can't takes no more."  Then, I etch words and there ain't no un-etching.  Sure, you can trash the words, but once they hit social media, it's "Victor you're an idiot. You write all these sappy, positive blogs about love, hounds, hugs, niceness, yada yada, then you go and do something stupid like you just done did."

I wish I could be more like Yogi and Jackie.  They kept it fun.  In 1955, first game of the World Series, Jackie Robinson was on third, of course Yogi behind home plate catching.  Just as Whitey Ford went into his windup, Jackie broke to steal home. A bang, bang, BANG play. You can youtube it, give your take.  The umps take, shortly after Jackie slid, was "SAFE!".. Yogi went bonkers. Got all up in the ump's business, a wonder he wasn't tossed.  For years after Jackie had passed, and Yogi would run into Jackie's widow Rachel, she would smile at Yogi, then say "Safe", Yog' would smile back, say "Out!" Then they'd hug. I wish I could be more like Rachel and Yogi.

A wise article I stole from said "If you want politics (or sports) to ruin your mental health, you can. Like booze and drugs, And as you get addicted, you begin to define yourself by your views, your ability to win arguments, your knowledge of current affairs. You stop becoming a person and start becoming a side.It’s an endless mental trap leading only to unhappiness. I’ve never known anyone get deeply into politics (or athletic arguments) and be happier."

I truly admire those around me of who I have NO IDEA their political take. I wish I could be like you. I will (again) try...........


A truly beloved psychology professor I once had the pleasure of taking his class..   he related of walking thru Wally World one day,  He heard a mom (just as easily coulda been a dad) chastising her child over something.   Next aisle over, happened again.  Next aisle "I'M NOT GONNA TELL  YOU AGAIN." Next department, enter child's first and middle name here "I'M NOT GONNA TELL  YOU AGAIN.".

Once the prof and mom and child reached the paper goods department, jualah, again he heard "I'M NOT GONNA TELL  YOU AGAIN."...  Prof told us, he looked at the mom, then deadpanned, "I bet you do,"

I will, I know I will, again.  Sorry in advance, and this time I ain't saying "sorry, not sorry" 'cause I am, will be.

Bless those with more self control. (Ohhhhhh..  When I hear anything about 'Self' if drives me batty [VICTOR!  STOP!] )

I think I can, I think I can, I know I won't.

Silence is Golden, but my keyboard still types. I done said it, can't take it back, throwing the knife into the fence leaves a mark ya can't never sand over.  There forever.

I am human hear me roar is a poor excuse, but it's all I got.

Love, Victurd

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A little ditty 'bout Jackie and Shadow..

Victor, that ain't it..  it's Jack and Diane..  Well... (That's a deep subject).. Well, Jackie and Shadow are actually bald eagl...