Wednesday, November 29, 2023


I feel an obligation to the four of you who come here and read. I do, I do, I reawwy do.

Is it possible to "toss and turn" when one is awake? It's 4:40am. I've been staring at this blank screen for well over an hour for a topic for all four to enjoy. You know, like a Town Topic, which, is actually the name of a burger joint in Kansas City, a good one, Chief's Head Coach Andy Reid proclaims "Has the best burgers in town."  Ain't never had one, dunno.  You?

First thought was BITE.  As in bite me, or the like. Or news, like the old adage about dog biting man ain't news, man biting dog is. I Googled that, you would not believe all the stories of people actually biting dogs. Don't believe?  Bite me, Google for your own self!

I guess the bite came from a story on ABC.  Dude went into tattoo shop, took his girlfriend.  Wanted her to take a bite into his arm, enough to make teeth marks, then, tattoo guy could ink in her bite, be it a perfect bite, an overbite or an underbite. So, gf, tat guy obliged. Hopefully, tat dude didn't overcharge, or, was under experienced.

Bite the bullet.  Bite one's fingernails. Bite one's tongue. Bite someone's head off. Bite the hand that feeds you.  Nah, next topic, tyvm.

Breaking news.  I don't really watch Fox (go ahead, judge if you like, which, kinda circles back to bite me!).. What I can tell you, is, CNN always has 'breaking news'.  As does the local news, so, Fox prolly does as well I'm guessing. Long ago, hearing breaking news made ya sit on the edge of your chair, pay great attention.  Nope. Not any more.  The sky has done fallen on that.

I do like words.  The breaking news made me think of break. Break the ice. Break even. Break up. Break away. Breaking bad. (Speakinowhich, did you see the NATIONAL breaking news of the dude who was towing a mobile home, not a motor home, but, a mobile home.. cops tried pulling him over..  he ran.. sped off, car chase, er, car/mobile home chase.. he, made a break for it so to speak.  Finally, took a quick left turn off the highway (Trucks towing mobile homes should not make quick turns.) Uh huh, wrecked.  Cops nabbed him.  Anyways, that national news was around Excelsior Springs, which, is like 7 miles from here.

See what I mean about pong?

Then, break, broke, broken. It's been so long since I did that in school I hadta Google whatintheheck do you call it when you do that.  Present and past tense, knew that, but broken is past participle.  Sorry, forgot.  I have been alla them.  Break, broke, broken. You?

Then, I giggled because I go to local Beetlejuice Facebook site, ie, "somebody help me", ('Liberty Area - Together We're Stronger') and think about all the misspelled posts I've seen, such as, "I need to get my breaks fixed, suggestions on where to go?" and I laugh and laugh, and then I remind myself "You idiot, you didn't even remember past participle." Victor, gimme a brake on the self-talk wouldya?  Bite me.

Then, ABC news replayed the video of the lady biting her boyfriend's arm, tattoo dude filling it in with ink.  So, I thought, "I know, I'll Google tattoos gone bad."  There's hunnerds of em.

No regerts
My mom is my angle.
"It's is my life" Jon Bovi
(BIG ONE ON FOREARM) "Don't let the past make your dicisions for today."
Only God Can Judge Me (which, ain't funny, but, the "J" was fancified font, looked more like an F.
Across the chest, like, could read all if wearing a wife beater:   LEDGENDS LIVE ON
Time to move on Victor..........  OK

So, to kill time (ie, take a 'brake') I did Wordle.  It was a food I abhor, hate, nope, not for me.


Which (food I hate) reminded me of my most recent gf, her sister, and her sister's boyfriend. They're glued to Channel fitty-two, which, in KC is the Food Channel. I got nuttin' agin' their love of food, "I'll try anything" is/was their take. They love cooking, ingredients, recipes, temp settings, spices, herbs, all.  Nomme. You've seen them lists on FB.  List a hunnerd foods, check the ones you don't like.  They're usually somewhere zero to three.  I'm always somewhere around 87 of those things I won't eat.

They would, seriously, interrogate me, 3 agin' one, and, pretty much make fun of me for my picky habits. They would fork a (enter disgusting food here), shove it toward my face and try to make me try it.  Nuh uh.  They were SO intent, as intent, or moreso, than I was in defiance of No Way Jose..or, Rhonda, Lisa, Bill..  OOPs, slipped.  Anyways, one time I'd had enough.  Was time for a brake.  So I bit 'em.  Forgive me Father, I bit the hands trying to feed me. All three of 'em.  Left marks.  Broke skin. No regerts. My dicision. It's is my life. Go ahead, Fudge me.

Finally, as I stared forever and ever at this rabbit in a snowstorm (blank white page), I thought about staring.  I can be guilty of same I guess. I have friends, loved ones that get all bent outta shape when someone stares at them.  Not me. I don't mind, but, if it goes on and on, then sometimes I'll purposely (pretend) pick my nose.  If that don't get 'em to stop staring, then I'll (pretend) pick it again. Then, give my finger a taste test after I do.

Somehow, I kinda feel my readership (all four ofya) might be cut in two after this blog. Sorry, mostly, kinda. Go ahead, take a brake, I don't really blameya.,

Me, I think I'll go try that burger at Town Topic.  Then mebbe to a tat shop. I've never had the courage, but, I've always had one in mind ifn's I ever did get the courage.

Love,Victurd.   (VICTOR!  YOU CAN'T DO THAT!  Do what? You can't get up and walk out on us like you did to those kind folks that simply wanted you to expand your pallette, horizon, life. You GOTTA tell us that tattoo you've "always had one in mind."  What?  What is/was it?)

Itty bitty letters, somewhere, anywhere really, on my body. My goal is/has always been to have fun, at least try to draw a chuckle. Might as well go down thataway too, thus, the only tat I ever thought about getting is "Morticians suck."

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A little ditty 'bout Jackie and Shadow..

Victor, that ain't it..  it's Jack and Diane..  Well... (That's a deep subject).. Well, Jackie and Shadow are actually bald eagl...