Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Well................ You know you make me want to SHOUT.........


Feel of it.....

All we need is a drummer.. 
For people who only need a beat... yeah
I'm gonna add a little guitar
To make it easy to move your feet.......

Bounce.... kids..  toddlers... high schoolers.. old farts..... Music is our National Anthem........
Jose can you see? Or something like that.

Them there women.. some are as addicted to dance as a moonshiner is to moonshine.....
A little bit of Monica in my life, a little bit of Erica by my side
A little bit of Rita is all I need, a little bit of Tina is what I see
A little bit of Sandra in the sun, a little bit of Mary all night long
A little bit of Jessica here I am
A little bit of you makes me your man

Music is better'n a band aid..  mercurochrome... urgent care...  the ER..  
Doc, it's feels good when I do this............ Well, then do that.

Ya ever been in an argument when the music is cranked?...
Mid slow dance?
Twirlin' her around?
During a sax solo?
How bout when you's sittin' by each other in lawnchairs during the Fall Festival Blue's concert at the County Ampitheater? 

I was at a bar.  Imagine that.  It was a midweek night.  Not much happenin.  Sky of grey, Winter eyeballin us. Regular ole regular day. Pretty quiet. Then, quiet dude to my right gets his phone out... "Barkeep can you turn the juke up a tad?"  You gettin' ready to play?  "Yeah."  And he did.  (Who'da thunk fitty years ago you could dial up songs on the juke box from the tele in your pocket?)  Anyways.. Moustache Dave, as he's known, starts boppin' sideways.  Then front and back. An elixer. A feel good. 'Dancing' to the music, from his barstool.  The sky thru the winder' suddenly tweren't as grey, Winter was locked out from inside.. Other 'quiets' started a toe tappin.  Uplift.  Much.

Feel of it.

Hi everybody.  I'm Archie Bell of the Drells, from Houston, Texas.. We don't only sing, but we dance just as good as we walk.

Yesterday, I saw a post on Facebook about a string of lights Christmas decoration.  It was done by hospital nurses on their big long desk as you walk in. The string was done in "EKG or Heartbeat Monitor Fashion."  Up down Up down Up down Up down.  Clever. At least I thought so.

This blog.  Check Engine Light. S happens. Up happens. Down happens.  Good happens. Bad happens. After I sloshed my way through a mostly 'down' blog yesterday, I needed me some "You know you make me want to shout" dance, feel good, feel of it.. bounce to the right.. bounce to the left.  A little bit of Monica..  I wanted to dance just as good as I walk (but if you've seen me in the last three-four years, that ain't very good! Oh well!)  Point being though, lift, needed a lift.

Car jack.  Escalator.  Aeroplane.  Elevator.  Red Bull.  Alka Seltzer. Howl at the moon.  Backflip. JK, I've never done a backflip, least on purpose. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

I sat my fat booty at the laptop, made sure the sound was at a level it could reverberate right on through my body...... and I borrorwed my friend Google, "Songs that make you want to get up and dance."

Stayin' alive.  R-E-S-P-E-C-T.  My Girl.  Twist and Shout. I Will Survive. YMCA. Get Ready.  Victor?  Yeah? Them are all old. Uh huh.  Me too.

Life is, can be, hard.  Music is "it ain't that bad... feel of it?"

You've seen 'em.  Ya go to a joint.  A music venue, be it a small place.. an outdoor kinda place.. an enclosed mebbe a tad larger venue, could even be an auditorium.  Them women.  Monica. Erica. Rita. Tina. Sandra. Mary. Jessia or the like. The 360 gal at Knuckleheads who dances 360's and somehow never falls down. They, whilst we fatties sit in our mostly comfy chair, jump up, go, tween the crowd and the band.. and jive.. dance....feel.

"Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching."  Satchel Paige....    HEY?, he's from KC ain't he?  Uh huh.  Usedta make that curveball dance.. then, he'd go to 18th and Vine and get his a cleats a dancin'.

Google gets all scientific in it's descriptor "Dancing is a great way to overcome these negative feelings because the exercise and emotional responses we're hearing can increase the release of dopamine in different parts of the brain. As dopamine levels go up, we can shake off some of those negative feelings and float into a euphoric state."

Uh huh.  Feel of it.  Dance to the music. You know you make me want to SHOUT, kick me heels up and SHOUT, throw my hands up and SHOUT, throw my head back and SHOUT, come on now, SHOUT.. 

Don't forget to say you will...  Don't forget to say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.. Say you will..  Say it right now baby, Say you will.. Come on, come on.. Say ou will.. Say that you will

Seen it.  Seen what music, dance, rockin' does to folks.  From that day when ya lay the fairly newborn down on the blanket (Remember the good ole days when you could do that and they wouldn't go nowhere? Heck, you could brown and drain the grease from a pounda ground beef and you just knew, yep, still on the blanket).. play some music... their body starts gyratin'. In a good way...

All the way through..... preschool music shows..  dancin' in the dodgeball circle..sockhops..  promvites..  Jaycee dances.. Mom/son, Father/daughter wedding kinda things.. Dancing in your home, your chair, your favorite music establishment.........all through your life...... even......

Even some years back. Christmas Caroling at nursing homes.  Yum.  You might think 'sad' (nursing homes).. and in some respects that's correct.  But too.. extremes.  There was the lady on the edge'a her wheelchair singin' right up next to us, just as loud as us....  then there was the one across the room. Appeared to maybe be catatonic.  Then, on the second verse of Silent Night.. with her eyes closed.. he lips moved.. you could see 'em.. read 'em.. "Holy Night"... it was her form of dance. Her lips danced. Remembered.  A pick me upper.  A reminder.  A lifetime of dance. Now I've... had..  the time of my life..

I really can't think of anything negative to say about dance.

Dance with the one that broughtya.  Or not.  Or Monica, Eria, Rita, 360. Or, by your lonesome. Or, even in your chair, like Moustache Dave.

If you're like me, you've watched the video below more times than ya got dancin' toes.  Never gets old, to me anyways.  Need a quick feel good, feel of it. Click it.  Oh happy day.

Love, Victurd

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