Sunday, January 7, 2024

Cosas que noté sobre México

OK dangit, but I reserve the right to call you lazy..... ie, translated "Things I noticed about Mehico":

One shrimp boat on the horizon this morning.

There's no truth to Taco Bell ads, American hate speech, "run to the border." ie, "everyone wants in".  Folks are happy here.  Very.

Everywhich way you go, you see "ALTO".........  I ain't real sure why.  We've heard three different live singers since we been here... there was a Mezzo..  a Soprano.. and even a Bass.  Thain't all ALTO.

Sand.  It's like Chickenman, "Everywhere it's everywhere."  Car, shoes, floor, steps to pool, crack.  Outta gutter, that's concrete crack, but, yep, sometimes there too.

I will never blend in.  I get red, then redder, then beet red.

Mehico has the World's Largest Pyramid.  

No matter which side you read, listen to (CNN, FOX), there occasionally is, can be negative press about Mehico.  The largest foreign-born population in Mehico are US Citizens.

According to Happy Planet Index, Mexicans are the second happiest people in the World. Costa Rica is #1.  We witness it here daily.  Ain'tno ain'tno "get offa my lawn", class systems, cliques.  It's side by side, we ride,, amigo. Always.

We lost dinosaurs here, but, gained Color TV.  Uh huh, the asteroid that wiped out dinosaurs some 65 million years ago hit Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula.  In 1940, Guillermo Gonzalez Camarena, then 23 years old, requested a patent for the first color image transmission system. It was eventually used in the Voyager 1 Spacecraft.

They got more Farmacias than US towns have banks, fried chicken joints and check cashing places combined. You can get anything you want, at Pedro's 'restaurante'.

Mehico have heap long Christmas Season.  Starts, Dec. 12... runs thru January 6th, but, many say "doesn't end until February."  Christmas trees still up in most places.  Know that to be true in US, but, here, on purpose, in US, 'cause we lazy. Or so some blogger suggests.

I poop more here.  Hey, I ain't payin' ya to stay here. There are no annoying pop-ups, ads, yada, it's just an observation I had.

Chocolate comes from Mehico. cacao plants first found here. (Might have sumpin' to do, [using 'do' loosely] with the above statement) Tomatoes come from Mehico too!

There are 48 active volcanos in Mehico.  Mehico ranks 4th in the World in biodiversity (1st in reptiles, 2nd in mammals, 4th in amphibians.)  Hound pooches run the streets pert' much everywhere. 

Mehico is the 6th most visited Country in the World.  Services (Tourism and financial) account for 63% of the economy.

Old Martinez had a plant, UAW-IO, Old Martinez had a plant, UAW-IO. And on that plant: Mehico produces more vehicles than any North American nation.  That sentence kinda shocked me.  Mehico produces more vehicles than any North American nation. "The Big Three" (Ford, Chevy, Chrysler) have been operating in Mehico since the 1930's, and add to that Volkswagon, Nissan, Kia, Audi, and, BMW and Mercedes-Benz have plants under construction. 

This all ain't brought to you by the Department of Tourism of Mehico.  It's just me, an old fart gringo.  I mentioned the day my buddy Tip and I got here... the bellhops saw us hop, limp, waddle up to the lobby to check in - them thinking "Holy guacamole, this might be the last trip for these two geezers" - I'm really glad I came, saw.  Mehico, by some, gets a bad rap.

Yes, I understand I'm in a town reliant, dependent upon tourism...  still, I must admit observations of an extremely happy, friendly, proud - folk.  All.  Hard workers.  Happy to help, advise, interpret, yada.

So............ no forgetty:  En boca cerrada no entran moscas (No flies enter a closed mouth.)

And..   Al mal tiempo, buena cara  (To bad times, a happy face.)

Adios amigos............

Love, Victurd

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