Sunday, February 18, 2024

Nostradamus................... Carlin................. Frogs


The Nostradamus feller. 16th century seer.  Like modern day Miller Lite "Tastes great", nuh uh, "Less filling" his predictions, prophecies were revered by some, ridiculed by others.  Mamy predictions were about general types of events such as natural disasters, conflict events, things that tend to occur regularly as time goes on.  He did, however, predict the death of Henry II... many believe, the French Revolution, the rise of Napolean, the rise of Hitler, even the 9/11 attacks.

Native Americans have their beliefs, suggestions, maybe predictions on life....."Drink water where your horse drinks, a horse will never drink bad water. Make your bed where the cat sleeps peacefully. Eat fruit touched by a worm. It fearlessly collects mushrooms on which insects perch. Plant a tree dug by the mole. Dig a hole where the birds hide from the heat. Sleep and wake up at the same time as the birds, you will reap the golden grains of life. Eat more greens, you will have stronger legs and a resilient heart like the spirit of the forests. Look at the sky more often and talk less so that silence can enter your heart. and your soul is calm and your life is peaceful."

Weather.  Whether or not.  George Carlin was probably the most accurate (Hippy Dippy) Weatherman, what with his "Weather forecast for tonight: dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning.”

A few years back........ MAJOR ICE STORM TOMORROW IN THE MIDWEST!  This led to no parking spots at the Piggly Wiggly, not to mention, eventually no bread, milk, toilet paper. (Do people poop more in bad weather?)....... The day before, businesses announced their closure for the next day by the hundreds (including the one I worked for)..... Schools... i don't think there was a one that stayed open.  And..........

Sure, swing and a miss.  Nuttin.  No ice, no snow, temps ABOVE freezing.  NOAA way all that was'a gonna happen... imagine the fun of, being a weather person on camera the next night.  Ooops, sorry.

Some, set at their back window and let Nature predict what's gonna happen. Even scientists backup the fact of bird predictions.  Stormy weather coming?? Flying low. Gonna be nice, sunny?  Flying high. Quiet altogether?  A storms'a comin'!

Woolly bear catapillers (otherwise known as Wolly Worms) have 13 segments that are colored rusty brown or black.  Ifn's more brown than black, "Hey, we're gonna have a mild Winter!"  Nerdy scientific types (my apologies to you all, you'll make more money than I ever will) poo poo the idea, "Color based moreso on age, species, and diet, which is determined by the previous season."

Ever eat a pine tree?   No, that ain't it.  Ever it a cricket?  No, that ain't it either..  However, wanna know the temp?  Get up, walk outside, listen to the crickets. Crickets chirp by rubbing their wings together.  They're cold blooded, so, when it's warmer it's easier to chirp (rub their wings together), and the opposite when cold.  In the 1800's, I think Amos  Dolbear was very bored as he determined, discovered, "Count the number of chirps in 14 seconds, add 40 to get the actual temp in Fahrenheit."  In answer to your question, no, hells to the no i ain't gonna do it for you.  I'm in my scivvies and it's presently 25 here.  You try.

Lady Bugs, when they swarm, it's warm. When they seeky shelter, cold weather approaching.  Dress accordingly.

Squirrels. (Growing up in a town with a small, Liberal Arts College, that's what we usedta call the students, squirrels.) Squirrels forecast, or some believe.  Scientists scoff.  "When squirrels early start to hoard, Winter will pierce us like a sword."    "Stash nuts high in tree, snow will be deep.  Store lower, milder temps." "Squished flat in the middle of the road? They couldn't make up their mind and a car was coming."

Frogs?  Oh my.  Scientists believe this one, I vote it's because they're probably preverted.  If a frog croaks LOUDLY, it's about to rain. Because they lay their eggs in fresh water, thus, they are more likely to reproduce after a rainstorm and the ground is saturated.  Fer sure, that 'xplains it Lucy that they get louder, and more energetic with their noise when they are about to mate.............(More)....

I mean, look at that frog!  He's excited.. he's about to get laid!

Victor?  Yes?  How do you know it's a "He"?.................  Duh. We men are pigs, er, I mean frogs.

With love until I croak, Victurd

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