Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Octopus’s Garden

I'd like to be under the seaIn an octopus's garden in the shadeHe'd let us in, knows where we've beenIn his octopus's garden in the shade

I'd like to pee, into the Sea.......

Please wait... gimme a chance to 'xplain Lucy....  THE most absolute fun I've had, since... since my last Peanut Buster Parfait.... since... Frasier's final episode... Super Bowl fitty-seven, however they do those Ramen Numerals....

Since...  Since I was knee-high to a grasshopper...  since Sonic foot long Coney's were $1.99...  since.... well, can't tell that one.

You get the idea, I hope.  FUN.  A few weeks back I went Whale Watching.  THE BEST.  Today, the folks I left in Mehico, are going "Whale Watching, Part II"... the pee into the Sea reference is how the Captain advised we men should get ridda our Dos Equis.. (Not the bottle... the contents, once they been recycled.)


What's your druther?  Where'd ya like to be?

PICKY PICKY PICKY.....  Victor, did you know that over 150,000 people that were in our Universe yesterday, ain't today?  I did know that. Contrary to how bigga smartass you are, I actually write your material too.

1.72 million.  Huh?  Yes.  That's the number of folks presently in Hospice in America.  Feel bad cause ya don't get to see Moby Dick today Victor?  Well... no, not now I guess.  Reckon I/we are blessed just being here.  Uh huh, are.

If you insist though Victor, go ahead and tell us some other druthers......

* Boom - new Presidential candidate slate.  Completely without Joe or Don. Nuttin' to do with old. I am that too.  OK, maybe a tad.
* Royals..  simply ONE game over five hunnerd.
* Live by myself.
*Scratch that.  Gimme a 65 yr old blonde... brunette.. hell it don't matter.  Rich. Hard of hearing. Doesn't speaky English
*Enough recall to FINALLY complete the NY Times Crossword puzzle (without cheating), win a trivia contest, anywhere... remember (and record) every Tom, Dick and Harry password for utilities, newspapers, amazon, email, Facebook, bank accounts, ALL.  I'd put the list wherever I find my Passport so I wouldn't lose it.
* Sure, 31-24 Super Bowl win over the 49'ers.

Truth is.....  alla the above is selfish. 

What really matters?

Having friends, loved ones that are not in pain.  One day, soon, never having anyone to have to ever worry about that C-word.

Shoulders for ones who grieve.  Answers for all that are lost. Hugs, calls, texts, letters, emails, for all those that are lonely.
I'd ask my friends to come and see
An octopus's garden with me.. 
I'd like to be under the sea
In an octopus's garden in the shade.

I'd like to invent some kinda instrument that would detect one with depression. Then, we could say things like "Hey, you look great today!"...  "I've always admired you since I saw you (do whatever it is that comes to mind you liked about them)"....  "Need to talk?"...  "I'm thirsty, wanna go for coffee, maybe a beer?"  "Tell me more about you... how are things going?"

On second thought... maybe we can do all that without having that instrument.  If by chance we wing a comp, be nice, asked how one is.. to someone who isn't depressed... HEY, that's still all very nice.

We would be warm below the stormIn our little hide-away beneath the wavesResting our head on the seabedIn an octopus's garden, near a cave

Anudder invention (and geez Louise, I know I've needed this before) would be...... when on Social Media.. before the keyboard would allow you to hit 'send' on a response.... it would lock up.. and a dropdown would ask "Are you sure you really want to say this?  Would you be hurting anyone?  Is it all worth it?  Does it really matter?  Would it be better to walk away?  Will you reread and see if it indeed 'kind'?"... at least that'd maybe make us think.  Too many times I've acted, responded on impulse - usually regret follows.  Thankfully, believe it or not, there have been a lotta times I've typed (or wanted to type) a reply... and I did stop and ask myself the above.

We would shout and swim aboutThe coral that lies beneath the waves (lies beneath the ocean waves)Oh, what joy for every girl and boyKnowing they're happy, and they're safe (happy, and they're safe)

We would be so happy, you and me

Life is hard enough... and gas is too damn expensive to throw more onto the fire.

Have fun being nice, I'm gonna try too........
Love, Victurd

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A little ditty 'bout Jackie and Shadow..

Victor, that ain't it..  it's Jack and Diane..  Well... (That's a deep subject).. Well, Jackie and Shadow are actually bald eagl...