Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Remember when...................

Like sands through the hourglass............. STOP!  Makes me wanna go to the beach!

WHERE did time go.......... the hell time is it?  Day, is it? It's Wednesday?  Nuh uh, there ain't no pills in Wednesday.  WHO are you and WTH is a blog?

Old.  Today mebbe, we'll talk about old people. Like, what do old people talk about?

Mentioned a bit ago, we four golfer old folks... after a round of golf... after we pull our old butts UP the stairs - has little to do with "first one up there buys the first round", I'm kidding, it does..  (rather than sprint, hop, jog fastly, 20 yrs ago).. and whereas... we usedta sit around and talk about......... girls.. cars.. girls... sports........ NOW........ it's hip replacements... knee replacements.. Arthritis.. Gastritis.. Cellulitis.. Diverticulitis, any kinda itis.  ... Gosh Darn (enter Republican or Democrat here).. and,... "why, back in our day."

The Who might ask "Who are you.. who who who who?  I really wanna know........

Well, they call us (the nice names) elderly, geriatric, golden-ager, oldster, pensioner, retiree, senior, .. and then the funny ha ha ones.. old fogy.. geezer... raisin.. dinosaur..  fossil... blue-hairs.. codger... fuddy-duddy..   old bag...  old fart..  sandwiched between Granny, Gramps, Nana, Mimi, Papi, Gigi, Pops....

It is said, we talk about:

Health (or lack thereof).. the past... grandkids... whippersnappers... "I take (enter amount of pills) per day"... "No, I'm just sure they lived in Westboro, not Canterbury"...  cataracts,, readers.. "All them Michael Jordan Goat kids ain't never seen Wilt, Kareem." I get my check on the 3rd Tuesday, you Wilbur?

Gadgets.  Remember no AC in cars so ya opened the Wing and pointed it onya?  Or... "that rat basta' has his brights on, stomp on the high beam thingy on the floor Herbie!" (nowadays, even after you read the damn manual seven times, ya still can't figure out how to turn on the brights.. and if you mess with the headlight settings, great fear we're gonna turn em off and won't be able to get 'em back on.....)

If ya ain't peeked at the below, you oughta

Seniors React to Autonomous Vehicles: Grandpa's First Time in a Driverless Car - YouTube

Athletic prowess....  Somehow, back in the day when we shot 27% from the field, averaged 7.2 points per game, has translated over the years to "Yeah, I prolly shot fitty percent, averaged a double double."

The price of (EVERYTHING) from back in the day....... bread, milk, house, car, a Ku Ku hamburger, a gallon of gas.. 

"Getting old is a fascinating thing. The older you get, the older you want to get."  Keith Richards

Remember when we usedta toss them hay bales up (enter way too many unrealistic levels/heights here)... 

Boobs.......... WELL HELL...  We ain't dead!


"We are always the same age on the inside."  Gertrude Stein

With a touch of irony, we walk directionally, directly into a room.. .try to remember why...... then we complain about moral compass in society today.  "Why I had two jobs back in the day, and old lady Smith paid me cash on the side to (paint her fence, mow her grass, clean her gutters, etc.)"

Music. And THEY thought the Beatles were bad!  We compensate for the saggers of the day by pulling our britches up WAY too high.

Midnight.  I heard of it once..  Wasn't John Voight in that movie?

All about pee.  Frequency.  Lack there of.  Drip.  Drip.  Difficulty.  Suddenness.  Lid up, lid down.  Oops.  Herman your barn door is down.

Died hair.  Dentures.  Grab bars.  Tennis ball walkers.  Where'd I put my (phone, hat, keys, glasses, checkbook, teeth, much.)

Close your ears.  We get grumpy.  I DON'T WANT TO LIVE TO BE 90!  (ask him/her again how they feel about that at age 89 years, 364 days)

Growing old is a blessing.


Love, Victurd

PS:  I just lit a cig........ took a puff... went to put it temporarily in ashtray whilst I typed s'more.. There was already a lit one in there.  That's part of this as well.  Oh well.

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