Friday, March 15, 2024

We now return to our regular programming.......


What is your regular programming.....

Mine probably includes griping.  Eh, why not.  As I typed We now return to our regular programming.... the dadgum computer underlined programming.....  So, I clicked it to see what I done did wrong... "Only one punctuation mark is needed."  Griping, not under my breath, I offered Nurse Punctuation Ratched "Eh, bite me."

So, Hi.  What's on your 'to do' list today?  You do dat?  Come what may?  Que Sera Sera?  Victor, why do you ask?  HOW ELSE are we gonna learn about one another.  Sucks if it's always me, me, me. (I know, just one me is needed.)

When you 'color' in life....... do you stay between the lines?  Are you a "Oh, I couldn't do that" kinda person, or a, "hell to the yeah, LET'S!"

Do you sing in the car?  Shower?  Dance with your honey?  In public?  Do you like good music, yeah, yeah, that sweet soul music?

Favorite color?  When's the last time you wrote a check?  Does your cursive really suck like mine does?  Did you usedta write perty nicely?  Me too.

Do you have, save, keep clothes two sizes too small you know "there's no way in hell I'll ever fit inta them again". or, have you always been a size ____ no matter what you eat, drink, move, don't move (If so, we hate you.  Jk, mebbe not hate, but we might mean stare at you.)

Are you a reader?  Paperback writer?  Sorry, slipped.  

Were you in band?  If so, any good stories?  I flunked out on the tonette, or, recorder, or whatever you call it.. Hindsight, sounds as if I missed out.

Routine?  Same ole same ole perty much every day?  Same dayum coffee mug?  WHAT? You don't do coffee?  Whaddaya drink?

That other person in your house, apartment, camper, tent, whereverinthehell you are...... do you go to bed first?  Wakeup first?  Do you say the same thing to your honey in the mornings every day when they get up?  Do you say the same thing to your honey when you go to bed at night? (No band camp stories, please. This Blog is PG rated.)

Prefer cats or dogs, or both, or, hell no, I'm allergic.....  Victor, one punctuation mark is all you need there.

Do you pay $239 a month for cable and then watch your local TV station 99% of the time?  Do you have two remote controls? If only one, whointheheck is in charge?

Are you anal about your teeth, mouth... brush twice daily (using fluoride toothpaste, soft bristled brush), floss, use antibacterial mouthwash, see your dentist regularly........... or... (just one punctuation mark needed Victor).. screw you...  Do you hate going to the dentist, don't care, have ignored your teeth for 52 years and all you want for Christmas are those three missing teeth?

Innie or outtie?  Boxer briefs, briefs, boxers, minis, shorty, tangas?  Please, I really don't want nor need to know.

Do you take your bra off first thing when you get home, and, is it an underwire bra?  VICTOR! YOU PIG!  Eh mebbe, I was just curious because I've lived a life of dating, marrying, being with 32B kinda ladies (not real sure how to get outta this one besides saying, no complaints.)

Would you rather go to Europe or to the Grand Canyon?  Tent, RV, Motel 6 or hell no, where's the Marriott?  Tell the truth, you ever use paper plates cause you don't wanna do dishes?

Are you a worrier?  When you meet someone for the first time, are you like me in that you've forgotten their name once you get 20' away?  Do you care?

Supersticious?  "I always put on my right shoe first."  Black cat, turn around?  Knock on wood? No walky under ladder?  Open umbrella outside only?

Sleep on your back?  Side?  Allover the place?  Retired?  When's the last time you set an alarm?

Do you prefer to drive in the left lane......... do tailgaters bug you?  Are you one?  Or, does your honey always drive?  If so, do you use the imaginary brake on the passenger side?

Do you make your bed daily?  Every other month?  Only when company is coming over?

When at someone elses house... I bet you look thru the drawers, cabinets when you use their restroom don't you?

Liar.  Do you ever lie?  "No, I can't today, I've got to (enter fake plan here)."

You.  You there.  You have caller ID don't ya?  And........... on purpose, sometimes you don't answer.  FOR SHAME!  (Me too).  Solicitors at door.  Ever stay real still and not answer?   Me too.

The last time you cleaned out your closet?  Do you have a junk drawer and if so, can you name ten things in it?  Do you have stuff in there, that, after you keel, loved ones will clean out and maybe ask "Whatinthehell is this?"

Tatoos?  Piercings?  Get tired of being asked questions?  Me too.

Will you wear green Sunday?  What's your favorite Holiday?

Remember who you went to Prom with?  Know their whereabouts today?   Remember first crush? (I do, 3rd grade, chased her on the playground.  She was hella fast, never caught her. No idea what I'da done, had I caught her.)

At a table with three really good friends.  You talk more than you listen?  Mind ever wander?  Look at your phone?  Laugh, almost pee your pants?  Talk politics?  Eww.  

Are you early, on time, or always late?  Do you take naps?  Long ones?  Never?  

Ever close your eyes and think about being with those, now gone, you wish like crazy you could be with once again?  I think we all do.

Do you cry?  Use (freely) the word love?  Or, only with someone special?

Can someone laugh too much?  Smile, too much?  

Please print, write (cursive or printed, don't matter) your name in the upper righthand corner.. if you're dyslexic, don't matter which corner).. answer the questions (blue or black ink, don't matter)... don't let the dog eat your homework..  scan, email to me ( by 7pm St. Pattys Day. (2024)

I sincerely do hope you have a nice day,

Love, Victurd

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Short one...

Good gosh you're perverted and in titling this I'm probably going against the grain of my own thought, point. I'm old, I'm g...