My favorite song, especially the long version that starts with the female choir.
Victor? Yep? Nobody asked.
Right you are. I want to write something that (I think) people will like, then I think of all our differences.
Howintheheck do you write on one page... something that fits everyone... when 'everyone', within them whatever you call those things.. ''''''''''''''''''''.... those things.
Everyone wears different size clothes. Shoes. Hat. Shades. 36 double D, bralette for me, 32A, Ya might have 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, duplex, condo, mom's basement, or, mebbe a studio apartment where the kitchen, living room, dining room is one in the same.
You there... might have enough dough to go wherever, whenever in the heck you wanna.... and mebbe, anudder person thinks to themselves "I'm hungry, broke, do I have enough gas, would anyone see me, if, I drove to onea those little free pantries in hopes of a jar of peanut butter?
"I was raised (enter Jewish, Pentacostal, Baptist, athiest, Catholic, nondenominational, yada.)"
I'm married, single, divorced, widowed, raising my grandchild, middle aged child still lives with me, in a hostel. Black, white, red, hetero, gay, bi......Differn't, we're all different.
We ain't heard the words common denominator since our bellies were flat. Our bellies are innies, outties, scarred, dun lapped (over), still flat.. My belly hurts. I feel good, like I knew that I would. Thanks James. You too Gladys, Hermie, Chico, Ray Ray, Ari...
We love (sports, books, cats, dogs, working, retirement, golf, chess, pizza, hiking, napping, going to a movie, popcorn - tons of butter, popcorn - sans butter. I'll have a Coke, Pepsi Zero, shot of Crown, Bud Light, water, sweet tea, margarita, no salt.)
Where I'm at it's 23 degrees... 54.. 83... snowing.. sunny.. the sun ain't up yet.. it's a rainy night in Georga (and only one windshield wiper works, ain't half bad.). Well I love a rainy night. Rain rain go away.
I'm sleepy, rarin' to go, worked all night - gonna have a beer and go to bed. I gotta get to work. My car won't start. I walk to work. Carpool, John's week to drive. Hope the bus ain't crowded and that it's on time.
My house is a mess.. immaculate.. needs a light dusting.. has too many stairs (rooms, kids, lightbulbs out,) The grass needs mowed, my HOA does it, the apartment dude cuts mine.
I needta shave. I love my beard, I kinda look like ZZ Top. Who says we women gotta shave our armpits? Peach fuzz, crop failure whenever I try to grow a beard.
You can't go out in public looking like that. Watch me. Honey, I gotta get all my makeup on, be down in 20 minutes. Grab your coat, we gotta roll. Was that a fart? Psssst, your barn door is open. Have you seen my car keys (readers, billfold, dentures, teddy bear?)
I drive an SUV, Harley, common van, Tesla, clunker, Smart car... hard bargain.
Cable costs me $278 a month, but I get like 342 channels.. I stream.. I just got an old antenna, works. You scream, I scream, but do we really ALL scream for Ice Cream? I'll have a bon bon, slice'a pep, Red Bull, piecea cold chicken, melba toast, Banquet $1.69 meal.
I work part-time, overtime almost every week, 9 to 5, from home, TWO JOBS (Biden/Trump did it, in the Library, with the candlestick.)
I like watching Tennis, rugby, my grandkid's soccer game, Chopped, the bird feeder, yoga pants.
I have no idea where I'm going with this. GPS it. Roads? We don't need roads. Follow the yellow brick road. Chicken train, runnin all day. What's your vector Victor? I'm early, late, in a hurry, speeding, tailgating, my turnsignal has been on for 22 miles, can't see the damn white lines. Alexa are you married?
Honey, we're outta lime.. the hell do we put in the coconut? Medium rare for me, yes, more mashed potatoes please, can I go play now I ate most of it. I hate seafood. This porridge is too cold. How can you have any pudding if yer don't eat yer meat?
I'm dizzy, sad, tired, old, ready, coughing/sneezing, go take a covid test, NO, YES, I'm horny, not tonight, sorry, we just did in February. Wanna jump in the hot tub? IT'S 27 DEGREES OUT! I know, its only 20' from the back door.
Are you wearing your bra, socks, dentures, brother's jeans?
Do ya like good music, yeah yeah, that sweet soul music. Nope, Bach for me. I like John Prine, the Stones, gospel, new country, silence actually.
I wanna go to Rome, Cancun, Branson, Smithville Lake, our cabin, see the Grand Canyon, to them garage sales in Archie....Vegas baby, the Smithsonian(s), Times Square, see that lady with the torch, see them four dead guys in granite. Sturgis. On a cruise, sleep in a tent, cabin, VRBO, Marriott.
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