Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Gimme your head with hair........

First thing I do in the morning is look in the mirror.

Scratch that.  First thing, pee. Second thing, mirror.  I truly feel fortunate, at age 71, to still have mostly a full head of hair. (There's a giant circle in top/back that looks like a golf divot, oh well.)

So.......... when I peek in the mirror first (ok, second) thing, I sleep on my side...  half of my hair looks eh, ok.. undisturbed.. the other half looks, om'goodness, scrunched, flat, yucky... ain't nuttin' a brush and water can help... takes a full on shower to 'fix.'

About last night..

(Dearest L&L Motors.. May the Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose!... eh, inside joke, or, attempt at joke)

Anyways, if Casey Kasem were to have been sitting with our contingent last night, I think he woulda broke out in song, "Now I've, had, the time of my life."  It was sports, full fledged.  Two TV's.  One on the right, our Kansas City Royals, nifty game, blew it in the 9th inning.. and then, Iowa/LSU women's basketball game on left..  In a roomful, more eyeballs were on Women's Basketball than were on Major League Baseball.  Pete and rePete, more eyeballs were on Women's Basketball than were on Major League Baseball. 

It was loud, crazy fun, cheering, hollerin' at the refs, YES! I will do a blog on how after so so many years of "That ain't right!", treatment, inequity, not being able to even vote, "a woman's place is in the kitchen" patooey, FINALLY, Title IX helped..  equal footing.. felt wonderful!

Victor?  Yeah?  You just did a blog on that.  Oh yeah, sorry.

About this morning

So yeah, after I remembered I'd done a blog on women's sports finally getting their due...  it still made me smile.  

If you've half paid attention here........ and you searched, over the years (First, bless you for being here... second, ty for staying awake).. if you searched THE MOST FREQUENT words within this blog, smile would be darn near the top, along with peeuh huh and mebbe.

I'll do a blog on smile, YIPPEEEEEE! I'll write about 'what muscles it takes', how it feels, the jubilation, the yum, the almost pee your pants good..  So I Wiki'ed smile... read a bit..  yum..  read s'more..  "Smiling seems to have a favorable influence upon others and makes one likable and more approachable."  Hell to the yeah Wik', you tell 'em, I'll pat ma' foot!. Gimme s'more! Smiles increase physical attractiveness and enhance sex appeal.  YEAH BABY, WHAT I'M TALKIN' ABOUT!

How can anyone dislike a blog on SMILE!  We NEED smile!  (We've got smile, yes we do, we've got smile, how bout you?)....... and then... (Sorry L&L Motors).. "And then it happened.".... Wiki done told me:

"While smiling is perceived as a positive emotion most of the time, there are many cultures that perceive smiling as a negative expression and consider it unwelcoming.  Too much smiling, a sign of shallow, dishonest.... Asia.. could mean embarrassed or emotional pain... Soviet Union, smiling at people in public, unusual, suspicious, maybe even a sign of stupidity."

Well MERDE!  (oh, sorry.. pardon my French..  Merde is SHIT in French.)  I guess no blog today about Smile.



That brings us full circle... back to hair.  As in, I wanna pull my hair out.  I mean, btw, it really bugs me when folks start a sentence with 'I mean'.  I mean, if I pulled it all out, I wouldn't have to see bedhead in the morning.  I love my little lady at Great Clips that cuts my hair, but dayum, the price of their haircuts increases faster'n TP, ground beef, eggs and a 3BR/2BA house.

Besides.  My driver's license already says I'm bald.

Uh huh.  Excited was I some (71-16 = 55) fitty-five years ago when I got my driver's license, yeah baby, Prom night, here we go........ then I viewed it a little closer.....  HAIR:  BLD


Ahm, Victor?   Yes?  BLD is an abbreviation for Blonde. 

Oh.  Never mind then.  No blog today.

Forward by Casey Kasum..
Automobiles provided by Lincoln, Fiat, Mitusbishi, Mazda, VW, Hyundai
Chauffeur, R. Rice, #4.

Love,. Victurd

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