Words stalled, hid and hid.
Hadta think, whadda I wanna say?
It's justa same ole, same ole day..
Ain't it?
Paint it?
Victor? Sappy? Must we all rejoice?
Nuh uh, but... smile or frown, it is our choice....
Pet a dog....... have a log.. (Hey, it's healthy)
A good day don't take, us'a bein' wealthy.
Give a word of thanks, wing a comp, have some fun...
You preachin' Victor? Nope, just waitin' on the sun.
I truly love life, but, I have to stop and remind......
If what I'm about to say/blurt, is nice and kind.
We can battle.. and battle.. inside our own brains....
Victor plz don't rhyme with underwear stains.......
(sorry, a slip, best way I've found, simply a flip)
Gas too high? Bemoan that fact?
Hell to the no, just react...
Ride a bike, take a hike (and I mean that in a nice way)
Monday can be yummy, if we take charge, create the day
I'm going to golf.. Can't drive... irons poopy... chipping stinks.. putting sure to suck...
Ahm, I'm in nature, with buddies, geese, squirrels, chirping birds, greens, ponds, I call it luck.
Can one smile an entire mile?
Take a respite, no ugly on the shelf...
Laugh with others, mostly at ourself...
Breakfast, lunch, dinner.. whatever ya want to fill in the blanks...
We might as well smile.. and have a day of thanks.
Have trouble saying it, when push comes to shove?
Spell it out... L.O.V.E.. go ahead and try.. l-o-v-e, LOVE.
Didya smile? Feel good baby tinkle, maybe a tad wetter?
Back to stains, no worry, it'll makeya feel better.
All this... too sappy, sappy, sappy, sappy, sappy?
Eh, be happy, get a grand on your lappy, hells bells, take a short nappy
Make a list... I know, howabout favorite words to say....
Hi, nice, kind, smile, hug, yes, love, yummy, sweet, g'day...
Peek across the room........ anyone there?
Tell em ya love 'em, it'll sweeten the air.
Hold a hand, toss a smile, give a hug,
Find a 'termite', lay on the rug....
If we think it, mebbe it's a premonition,
A good day, key to the ignition
That smile across the room, love said, a good heart..
Easy from the easy chair, a certain remote start..
Too manly? Married too long? Not in the mood for that?
Then bitch, moan, eat bon bons, get fat.
"Not today.. I'm kinda fickle."
Lay down here, damnit, we'll tickle
Sshhhhhhhh... listen... ain't nothin' wonderful? Much, awaitin' a smile...
Now ya got it... I REALLY like your style.....
Sure this is silly.. sappy.. rhymed with force..
Point being though, life really is a choice.
We're all imperfect... some days will be poopy, all, or, a good part..
Recognizing, knowing, gives us a good start.
Don't wait on the sun.........
Start now, have some fun.
Love, Victurd
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