Thursday, May 23, 2024

N E S T L E ' S......... Nestles makes the very best............

Nestle's Quik.



fast swift rapid speedy high-speed expeditious brisk lively sprightly nimble prompt lightning meteoric overnight whirlwind fast-track intelligent bright clever gifted able brilliant astute quick-witted sharp-witted ready observant alert sharp wide-awake lickity split....

A quck drink...  a quick shower...   a quick kiss...  that was quick..   quick question..   quick thinking..  

Get rich quick......  quick buck..  quick freeze..   quick kick..  quick draw..  

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick.....

Chief's first round draft pick, he quick.  Fastest time (ever) in the 40 yard dash at the combine.  Got to KC, someone outran him.  Huh?  Uh huh, stole his car.  Dayum. Welcome to Kansas City eh?

A kicker's graduation speech at a small college.  Holy guacamole, that news spread fast, ie, quick.

Antonym of quick = either Presidential candidate

Old person... Uh oh..  restroom..   WHERE IS IT?  QUICK!

Old person..   quick to judge (albeit usually silently)..  slow to move... 

Nice person..  quick to smile.. 

Old, grumpy person..  quick fuse... 

Old person.  ""DAMN, THAT WAS QUICK!  DIDN'T WE:  just get outta HS?  just get married?  have hella 
more in our 401K?  Seems like yesterday...

Bonita Allen quick - moving like 60.

Exasperated parent quick - NOW!

Weatherman, gal,  QUICK, TO BASEMENT, NOW!

Royals?  Second place?  Nuh uh... dayum, that was quick.

STD's, Twitter, Facebook, gossip, fresh batch of brownies, "tickets go on sale at 10am Monday", dayum, 
that was quick.

A quickie

VICTOR......... please keep this blog PG rated.   Jane, you ignorant... ah, well. A quickie, I was referring to
today's blog

A quick note of thanks.  Thanks for being here, reading.

Love, Victurd

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